Doctor Who Adventures issue 262
Doctor Who Adventures issue 262. Ha ha! I love April Fool’s Day, I say I married a Sontaran war Lord and you have to believe me, then we eat a cake. Is that what happens?…
50 27 Mar 2012Below are all the posts categorised under Doctor Who Adventures
Doctor Who Adventures issue 262. Ha ha! I love April Fool’s Day, I say I married a Sontaran war Lord and you have to believe me, then we eat a cake. Is that what happens?…
50 27 Mar 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 261 – Can’t stop! Being chased! By things that look a bit like lobsters, only each one’s the size of a house. They’re not really lobsters…
40 21 Mar 2012I’m sat on the most beautiful beach on Planet Cool (although no-one is wearing a bow tie), Amy and Rory are building sandcastles and all is right with the universe…
49 13 Mar 2012Don’t tell anyone -but I’m being watched. And it’s always when my life takes a turn for the dramatic, like when I’m saving the universe from a fate worse than broccoli….
82 6 Mar 2012Apparently, and it is only some of the time, I get just a little cross. A teeny tiny bit miffed. Well, I am 1103 years old. I can afford to be crotchety in my old age, can’t I?…
32 29 Feb 2012Don’t you love Jam? I think I like raspberry best, although I need to do more experiments to be sure. And I don’t just mean eating it. Jam is also useful for pouring…
37 21 Feb 2012Two useful things I’ve learned this week. One: it’s quite tricky to play a xylophone when you’re underwater. Especially if you’re underwater on the Moon of Poosh…
51 14 Feb 2012I’ve never been sure about Valentine’s Day. I mean, all that kissing. Do you Know how many germs there are when people kiss? It’s something I wish I didn’t know!…
63 7 Feb 2012I’ve just been to the Tea Farms in the clouds above Ripple. Nice place, smells all leafy but it can also dye your hair green. And your pants. Oops….
48 1 Feb 2012It’s not easy pretending to be dead, you know! Last weekend, I had to divert an alien invasion, stop a star exploding and buy some new slippers, all without moving!…
37 25 Jan 2012What a week it’s been! I must write it down in my 500-year diary so I don’t forget. First, I taught a gorilla to water-ski. Then I stopped an invasion by the grouchy Groog…
41 17 Jan 2012I’m here in 1807 to pick up a very rare copy of Jack and the Beanstalk. My last one got eaten by a hungry Multiform. And who should I bump into…
17 10 Jan 2012Happy New Year -again! I know for you lot New Year was last week, but here on Slombikkitini it’s New Year every week, because the planet just wooshes round its sun that fast! …
68 4 Jan 2012Happy New Year! How cool mas your Christmas? Mine was all snow and presents and scary living trees. Then I had a nice Christmas dinner with Amy and Rory…
140 29 Dec 2011Have you been good this year? Then you might just get the coolest present – my most Christmassy Christmas episode yet! It’s got everything – snow (brrr!)…
34 14 Dec 2011Issue 248, out 15 December, is a Monster Christmas Bumper Pack containing a free calendar, Doctor mask, stickers, gift tags, a Weeping Angel for the top of the tree…
56 6 Dec 2011Happy Christmas Day, everybody! Isn’t it great? Oh, I forgot. You’re not there yet. Sorry! I just couldn’t malt, so I’ve hopped forward in time. The look on your face…
37 6 Dec 2011Hey, you! You sitting at the back! Yes, you lot, who are sneakily reading this in class! Your teacher is really a Hive Monster from Framasis Major…
47 30 Nov 2011