Doctor Who Adventures issue 280
Are you all glued to your tellies watching the Olympics? Strictly speaking I don’t normally like sport. Too much lunging. And bow ties don’t go well with shorts….
67 31 Jul 2012Below are all the posts categorised under Doctor Who Adventures
Are you all glued to your tellies watching the Olympics? Strictly speaking I don’t normally like sport. Too much lunging. And bow ties don’t go well with shorts….
67 31 Jul 2012This issue of Doctor Who Adventures is so packed with action that it’s practically bouncing around! We’ve got the Doctor’s best sporty moments…
59 25 Jul 2012First off, how cool is this mini magazine? I mean, it’s totally intentional. I was NOT playing around with the Teselecta’s miniaturisation ray and blasted the magazine…
47 17 Jul 2012You’ll never guess what happened to me this week. Or maybe you will? Either way, I’m going to tell you. The TARDIS got a parking ticket! Poor old girl…
34 10 Jul 2012There are some really clever aliens out there, in this wonderful universe. And the good news is, they’re not all mad scientists set on destroying everything and giving everyone…
56 4 Jul 2012I’m in America! It’s summer 1776 and I’ve just lent a nice man called Thomas Jefferson my pen. Tom and his mates are all celebrating something, and we’re about…
25 26 Jun 2012I’VE spent this week chatting to an underwater town of octopuses. Well I say ‘chatting’. I guess it was really ‘escaping from’. Octopuses are fascinating…
54 19 Jun 2012How are you? Super-well! That’s brilliant because There’s no time for sniffles or alien bogies – we’ve got adventures to plan! Right bring your invisible…
31 12 Jun 2012I’m taking the Ponds on a surprise outing. The Fact we’re going somewhere for a tasty picnic will be a nice surprise. The fact it’s a galaxy made out of…
50 2 Jun 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 271. Nice to see you again. Have you redecorated? I don’t like it. Anyway, I was busy working on a variation of my now Famous…
33 29 May 2012Have you seen the cool Dalek money box that comes with this issue? How awesome is that? I got confused and tried to slot 20 pence into a real Dalek Drone’s head…
19 22 May 2012Right, I don’t want anyone to panic. That’s The important thing to remember-no panicking. It’s just that a number of giant robot gorillas have been spotted heading for Earth…
33 15 May 2012It’s getting much sunnier outside, which means there’s a lot more time to play. Bad news – I went back in time to find out why spring is called spring and ran into…
34 5 May 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 267. I had a big adventure the other day. I spent ages looking For a lost sock and then it turned up in the washing machine, of all places!..
51 1 May 2012Ah, May Day. A funny old day where you can dance around a pole and grown men tie bells to their legs and wave hankies. I’ve been to a planet where it’s like…
18 24 Apr 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 265 – Monday 23 April is my mate and cool writer William Shakespeare’s 448th birthday! Oh, I remember being 448. Went for a stroll…
23 17 Apr 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 264 – Ever wondered why this magazine is quite so brilliant?, Well, I’ve just scanned it with the sonic and guess what?…
28 11 Apr 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 263 – Happy Easter, eggy humans! Do you prefer boiled, scrambled or fried? That was the option the Daleks gave me once…
54 5 Apr 2012