Doctor Who Adventures issue 247
Happy Christmas Day, everybody! Isn’t it great? Oh, I forgot. You’re not there yet. Sorry! I just couldn’t malt, so I’ve hopped forward in time. The look on your face…
37 6 Dec 2011Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Happy Christmas Day, everybody! Isn’t it great? Oh, I forgot. You’re not there yet. Sorry! I just couldn’t malt, so I’ve hopped forward in time. The look on your face…
37 6 Dec 2011This Hardback book is in Full Colour featuring the story of K9; from his travels in Time and Space with Doctor Who to appearing in his very series. Featuring anecdotes from many…
13 6 Dec 2011An experimental timeship smashes into the TARDIS, and the crews of both ships wake up on a desert island. Has the TARDIS been destroyed? And why doesn’t…
0 4 Dec 2011Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 16. In This issue – Top 10 cunning Monsters, Sonic Lipstick, Royal Guards V Handbots, Where’s The Doctor – Starship UK and much more…
132 3 Dec 2011Doctor Who – Invasions of the Dinosaurs and the Android Invasion Unit Box Set DVD. Listed for release on January 12th 2012. Returning to London, the Doctor and Sarah…
177 3 Dec 2011Harlequin Miniatures made a range of Doctor Who classic figures in 28mm scale from 1997 onwards. The range offered just about every imaginable character that appeared…
35 2 Dec 2011Steven Steven Moffat talks about Doctor Who merchandise, “it used to be the wrong shape”. Enjoy these exclusive interviews with Gary Russell and Steven Moffat….
13 2 Dec 2011Hey, you! You sitting at the back! Yes, you lot, who are sneakily reading this in class! Your teacher is really a Hive Monster from Framasis Major…
47 30 Nov 2011Packed with interviews, features, monster galleries, and merchandise previews, each issue of Docter Who Insider is a visual feast, crammed with
35 29 Nov 2011The Doctor’s old friend and fellow Time Lord Professor Chronotis has retired to Cambridge University – where nobody will notice if he lives for centuries…
35 29 Nov 2011After a secret meeting in space with a group of mysterious aliens, the Fourth Doctor takes Leela to Gallifrey so he can claim the Presidency of the Time Lords…
163 29 Nov 2011Doctor Who Action Figures Wave 1d. This wave is similar to wave 2d with 3 minor variants. This wave is in the new series 6 packaging…
517 29 Nov 2011Listen to Teaser track: ‘5.02 pm’ (from ‘The Wedding of River Song’ episode) Track taken from Doctor Who Series 6 OST which is released on December 19, 2011…
34 29 Nov 2011The process of regeneration has not gone well, with the Time Lord’s normal good humour being replaced with a disturbed and unsettled persona…
14 29 Nov 2011Travel across time and space with the Doctor Who Tardis Glass Aquarium Kit! Stimulate your mind and imagination with this multi – dimensional aquarium…
104 28 Nov 2011Gallery was built as a viewing point for the Paradox, a ‘transdimensional wrinkle’ in space. On their visit, the Doctor, Amy and Rory fall through cracks…
34 28 Nov 2011We have a big pile of Monster Invasion cards (with duplicates) which we would like to give away. Just leave an appropriate comment of some sort and a valid…
160 27 Nov 2011The 8th Doctor’s look was certainly unique, unlike his predecessors slightly ‘wacky’ style, the 8th Doctor chose to wear a stolen Wild Bill Hickok costume which made him…
11 25 Nov 2011