Steepletone Blue Police Telephone Box
Not a Doctor Who item and not sold as one but as a Police Telephone Box, this none the less makes an interesting item for collectors of all things “Police Box”…
12 19 Jul 2016Below are all the posts categorised under Novelty
Not a Doctor Who item and not sold as one but as a Police Telephone Box, this none the less makes an interesting item for collectors of all things “Police Box”…
12 19 Jul 2016Sylvester McCoy’s Question Mark Umbrella is one of the most popular items of classic Doctor Who accessories, thankfully the Seventh Doctors umbrella has now been…
65 25 Apr 2016Doctor Who Gallifrey Museum Yo Yo…
3 16 Dec 2015Doctor Who Tardis Plate Tin Sign . Time and relative dimensions is space , Build site: Gallifrey Blackhole Shipyard , Type 40 Build Date: 1963…
10 24 Sep 2015Doctor Who Bessie Front Number Plate WHO 1 Tin Plate. size 50cm x 10cm. As seen on the car that fist appeared in Spearhead from Space…
2 24 Sep 2015This little bundle of joy will nab you five very cool Doctor Who goodies – and save you some cash, too! One of the goodies isn’t a mystery – it’s that awesome…
6 16 Jul 2015Introducing the officially licensed Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver BBQ Tongs. Featuring 22 1/2- long metal tongs with a heatproof plastic handle and a storage…
4 22 Jun 2015Made of resin and taking the form of one of the Doctors most fearsome adversaries, these are a must have for any Doctor Who fan and/or collector. Just remember…
8 4 Jun 2015Doctor Who Logo / Tardis Neon Table Lights. Blue shaped neon tubing to table base. UK mains plug. 20×43.5cm. Base diameter 13.5cm…
3 22 May 2015They are the gentlest hunters in the universe. They feed on you time energy, but don’t kill you. Instead, they send you into the past to live a full and…
4 4 Apr 2015Doctor Who Tardis Timeline Time and Relative Dimensions in Space mug, t Shirt and bag exclusive to The Who Shop London…
2 27 Mar 2015Standing 15cm tall, glowing amber once lit and featuring all the characteristics of the evil mutant Kaleds, this lamp will be at your beck and call to light…
7 9 Mar 2015This lamp stands at an impressive 20cm tall and is an exact scale model of the famous time travelling contraption that we all know and love. Never has being…
15 9 Mar 2015Made from high-quality durable fibre glass, complete with a rubber-coated handle, the stick umbrella is decorated with the Doctor’s iconic TARDIS. It’s an…
3 24 Feb 2015Doctor Who: Time Lord Folding Umbrella. Officially-licensed by the BBC, this folding umbrella is decorated with ‘Time Lord’ and Gallifreyan symbols…
5 24 Feb 2015Now you can have a Sonic Screwdriver Draft Excluder of your very own. It IS soft and it IS plush and it IS almost three feet long. Place it against…
3 12 Feb 2015This stunning bi-fold wallet features a design inspired by the iconic outfits of every Doctor in the smash hit TV series, from one all the way through to…
7 12 Feb 2015Do you collector anything and everything Doctor Who? If so do you have one of these, Now discontinued but a couple are now available…
19 11 Feb 2015