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Merchandise Archive Page 525

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

The Doctor Trap

Sebastiene was perhaps once human. He might look like a nineteenth-century nobleman…

0 15 Sep 2008

Four to Doomsday

The newly regenerated Fifth Doctor discovers that his attempt to return Tegan to Heathrow Airport…

1 14 Sep 2008

Lost Souls CD

The Torchwood team and Martha face danger at CERN in this special BBC radio episode…

0 11 Sep 2008

The Green Death CD

The Green Death begins slowly. In a small Welsh mining village a man emerges from the colliery covered in a green fungus…

0 11 Sep 2008

Dalek Whizz Watch

This watch features a mini Dalek which is remotely controllable from the watch itself…

0 8 Sep 2008

The Stolen Earth Set

This set features 5” action figures from the finale of Doctor Who Series 4, including, Davros, Supreme Dalek…

30 8 Sep 2008

Dalek Movies Box Set

In the 1960s due to the sucess of the Daleks, two FIlms were made based on The BBC series of Doctor Who…

2 18 Aug 2008

Snowglobe 7

Earth, 2099. Global warming is devastating the climate. The polar ice caps are melting…

0 16 Aug 2008

The Pyramids of Mars CD

For many thousands of years the Suthekh had waited… trapped in the heart of an Egyptian Pyramid…

0 14 Aug 2008

