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Merchandise Archive Page 526

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

The Celestial Toymaker

The travellers arrive in the domain of the Toymaker where their failure to win could result in them becoming playthings…

0 2 Apr 2001

The Moonbase

The year is 2070, and Earth’s weather is controlled by a device called the Gravitron

2 1 Apr 2001

The Paradise of Death

When a horrific and inexplicable death occurs at Space World, a new theme park on Hampstead Heath…

0 1 Mar 2001

The Web of Fear

After being caught up in a web…like substance on its journey through space…

1 1 Mar 2001


Doctor wakes to find that the TARDIS has materialised in the service duct of the Vipod Mor…

0 1 Jan 2001

I, Who 3

You’ve seen the “Doctor Who” TV series–now experience the original “Doctor Who” novels and audios!…

0 16 May 2000

I, Who 2

Earth, the 20th century. A Time Lord known as the Doctor, lacking an identity, past or agenda — but still the most dangerous man in the universe…

1 16 May 2000

I, Who

The Doctor, Time’s Champion. The Eighth Man Bound. The Ka Faraq Gatri. No matter where he goes, no matter how hard he tries, he cannot help but effect change…

1 16 May 2000

Time Unincorporated Volume Two

In Time, Unincorporated, the best essays and commentary from a range of Doctor Who fanzines are collected and here made available to a wider audience…

1 16 May 2000

Doctor Who Sound Effects Vinyl LP

Doctor Who Sound Effects. No less than seven alien worlds are visited, together with some extraordinary, extra-dimensional occurrences encountered on Earth …

4 14 May 2000

Doctor Who The Music 11 Vinyl LP

Doctor Who The Music 11. Two blasts of Rassillon’s Horn welcome you to the Death Zone an Gallifrey, the scenario for THE FIVE DOCTORS’…

2 14 May 2000

Doctor Who and the Pescatons Vinyl LP

Doctor Who and the Pescatons, Narration by Tom Baker. A lonely stretch of beach at night, a slithering sound approaching from the sand-dunes nearby…

0 14 May 2000

