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Search results for doctor who series 7

Big Finish Missy Volume 02

She’s back, running into enemies old and new, including children from the past, Time Agents from the future and the enigmatic Lumiat.

0 8 Jul 2020

Lethbridge-Stewart I, Alastair

Under the gentle guidance of the Leader, Britain has flourished after the removal of the dead hand of democracy and the old…

4 10 Jun 2020

Big Finish 266 Time Apart

Peter Davison returns as the Fifth Doctor in new stories picking up where 2019’s Warzone/Conversion left off…

1 27 May 2020

Lethbridge-Stewart Foreword To The Past

Candy Jar Books is pleased to announce that the fifth and final instalment in the five-book Bloodlines sequence of novels is now up for pre-order…

4 30 Apr 2020

Big Finish Torchwood 39 Dinner and a Show

Gareth David-Lloyd and Naoko Mori reprise their roles as Torchwood agents Ianto Jones and Toshiko Sato, in a brand new full-cast audio drama due for release in June 2020…

2 28 Mar 2020

