Character Building Super Rare’s Series 3
The figures include only 500 of the Eleventh Doctor in tuxedo, 250 each of Rory in his nurse’s uniform and River Song in a catsuit, and just 100 each…
155 10 Dec 2012Below are all the posts categorised under Toys
The figures include only 500 of the Eleventh Doctor in tuxedo, 250 each of Rory in his nurse’s uniform and River Song in a catsuit, and just 100 each…
155 10 Dec 2012Character Building Series Three – What’s in The Box, Build your Doctor Who micro-figure collection with all new Series 3 micro-figures featuring characters…
279 27 Nov 2012Build your Doctor Who micro-figure collection with all new Series 3 micro-figures featuring characters from the hit TV show. Each highly detailed…
594 21 Nov 2012Doctor Who Radio Controlled Inflatable Dalek. A must for any Dr Who fan, this motorised Dalek rolls around the floor repeating its classic catchphrase…
26 20 Nov 2012This excellent 9″ Plush features the spoken phrases “Upgrading is compulsory” and “You will become like us or you will be deleted” In the 30th century, the Cybermen…
7 19 Nov 2012Action Figures: Pyramids Of Mars Set Sutekh with jackal head action figure, 2 x Mars Guardian Robot Mummy action figures.In this fourth Doctor adventure…
258 1 Nov 2012Gadgets straight from the future! Both of these incredible items include light effects and first-rate detail. The Vortex Manipulator is used by Captain Jack…
118 27 Oct 2012This great pack includes a Saucer Pilot Dalek from ‘Dalek Invasion of Earth’ (1964), an Emperor’s Guard Dalek from ‘Evil of the Daleks’ (1967) and Supreme Dalek…
391 29 Sep 2012Re-Release Age of Steel Cyberman Set – Figure set includes Cybermen from the classic stories The Tenth Planet, Tomb of The Cybermen and The Invasion….
147 29 Sep 2012Rory Williams, Mr. Pond or “The Last Centurion” is Amy’s husband, a straightforward sort of bloke who was initially wary of the Doctor and his constant…
704 22 Sep 2012Amy Pond’s fiancée who, on his stag night found himself whisked away in the TARDIS. After defeating the Saturnynes and the Dream Lord, Rory was killed saving…
410 21 Sep 2012Action Figure Collectors Set: 5th Doctor Castrovalva – Post-regeneration Fifth Doctor action figure, Shrunken figure accessory, Master’s TARDIS as a Stone Column…
203 14 Sep 2012Remote Control Blue 13″ Dalek Strategist. This item is currently available in some B&M stores. Many years ago, the Daleks sent out thousands of egg-shaped…
99 3 Aug 2012Featuring the following six Daleks, Bronze Dalek (2005), Dalek Invasion of Earth, Power of the Daleks, Planet of the Daleks, Revelation of the Daleks and Death to the Daleks…
908 1 Aug 2012Replica sonic screwdriver with 8 new sound effects. Also compatible with your Personalise Your Own Sonic Screwdriver Set so you can mix and match the pieces…
143 27 Jul 2012Highly detailed, double sided Character Building Doctor Who construction playset featuring sliding door and Handbot micro-figure. For ages 5 years and over….
202 27 Jul 2012This device has some hidden sounds mentioning The Yeti, Valeyard and Metebelis! A device part Dalek, part Cyber technology and used the Quantum signature…
157 26 Jul 2012These highly detailed figure each include a Doctor Who display base and collectors leaflet. With Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels and more…
84 21 Jul 2012