Doctor Who Titans Nerd Block 4.5″ Materializing Tardis
Doctor Who Titans 4.5″ Materializing Tardis. Exclusive to the second official Doctor Who Nerd Block…
0 25 Jul 2017Below are all the posts categorised under Toys
Doctor Who Titans 4.5″ Materializing Tardis. Exclusive to the second official Doctor Who Nerd Block…
0 25 Jul 2017This second B&M exclusive Monsters Set contains The Cyber Controller from the 1967 Patrick Troughton story…
252 22 Jul 2017This second B&M exclusive 4th Doctor Set contains The 4th Doctor from the 1975 Tom Baker story The Pyramids of Mars…
85 22 Jul 2017This first B&M exclusive 9th Doctor Set contains The 9th Doctor , Rose and Auton from the 2005 story Rose…
103 22 Jul 2017Toy firm Character Options, who have held the master toy licence for Doctor Who since the show’s 2005 relaunch has renewed…
89 17 Jul 2017Doctor Who 12″ Remote Dalek Re-Release…
76 15 Jul 2017Doctor Who Titans 6.5″ 10th Doctor from the End of Time. Exclusive to the first official Doctor Who Nerd Block….
1 19 May 2017Another Figure in the series is the Twelfth Doctor, as played by Peter Capaldi, in his Ninth Season hoodie and checked trousers outfit…
351 9 Mar 2017For serious collectors needing every variant, there is also the Twelfth Doctor in his Ninth Season Hoodie…
259 9 Mar 2017Fans of the Tenth Doctor will also be keen to get their hands on The Ninth and Tenth Doctor’s TARDIS Playset…
59 23 Feb 2017This exclusive and limited edition Doctor Who action figure is highly detailed and features 18 points of articulation…
508 13 Feb 2017You get 3 screwdrivers which all break down into 11 parts plus one light and sound unit. The screwdrivers are in scale with the already released eleventh Doctor version …
337 6 Feb 2017Leather-look bound pocket-sized version of the Tenth Doctor’s journal – with 80 beautifully illustrated printed pages…
23 27 Jan 2017Re-Release Replica of Doctor Who’s sonic screwdriver with hidden UV pen and light for secret writing. An extension of the TARDIS’s fantastic advanced technology…
14 26 Jan 2017The ‘Heaven Sent and Hell Bent’ Collection features the 12th Doctor in his fancy new maroon coat with his awesome new Sonic Screwdriver, as well as his classic…
108 25 Jan 2017This all new, exclusive 13 Doctor Collector Set includes all incarnations of the Time Lord seen to date. Each figure has been given a brand new colour palette…
790 17 Jan 20174.5″ Window boxed version of the Clara Tribute TARDIS that will be in the Heaven Sent & Hell Bent Collection. This item we be available to pre-order on Forbidden Planet soon…
49 3 Nov 2016The iconic TARDIS from Doctor Who comes to you in materializing form as a 6 1/2-inch vinyl figure housed in window display box! Vworp Vworp!…
3 27 Oct 2016