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Merchandise Archive Page 473

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Character Building Tardis Mini Set

Build your very own TARDIS and re-create adventures in time and space with the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond! The TARDIS, or Time and Relative Dimensions in Space…

205 12 Apr 2011

The 4th Doctors Sonic Screwdriver

The Sonic Screwdriver is a versatile tool and defensive device first used by the Doctor in his second incarnation for opening up hatches, panels and controls!

85 8 Apr 2011

Masterpiece Collection Maxi Bust The 4th Doctor

This beautifully-sculpted 8″ maxi-bust of Tom Baker’s legendary interpretation of The Doctor captures the scarf-bedecked Fourth Doctor at his mysterious, mercurial, enigmatic best…

30 8 Apr 2011

The Man Who Invented The Daleks

Terry Nation was one of the most successful and prolific writers for television that Britain ever produced. Survivors, his vision of a post-apocalyptic England…

14 7 Apr 2011

New Doctor Who Character Building Sets

With the first stocks now arriving watch out for our special section and images – Having seen this range first hand we can confidently this is one of the best things Character have done…

413 6 Apr 2011

The Sarah Jane Companion Volume Two

Doctor Who Magazine Special: The Sarah Jane Companion Volume Two (out Thursday 21 April 2011) 116 pages of Sarah Jane goodness with new and exclusive pictures and info…

30 6 Apr 2011

Doctor Who Adventures issue 212

Doctor Who Adventures issue 212 – Discover everything you need to know about Series 5 with the Doctor’s “brilliant A-Z guide! Plus, we’ve got another action-packed comic…

10 5 Apr 2011

Doctor Who Poster: Impossible Astronaut

Doctor Who Poster: Space 1969? Join the Doctor, President Nixon and Neil Armstrong’s foot with this great poster straight from the episode ‘The Impossible Astronaut’…

7 5 Apr 2011

The Companion Chronicles 5.11

In a small village in Norfolk, former astronaut Lady Millicent Ferril has established an observatory, tracking a meteorite from the Cronquist System….

0 4 Apr 2011

Doctor Who Magazine issue 433 (spoilers)

This months Doctor Magazine has 4 different covers, a full interview with Steven Moffat, a preview of The Impossible Astronaut and new and exclusive photos…

145 4 Apr 2011

Doctor Who Series 6 – Part One Blu-ray

In a bubble universe at the very edge of reality, the Doctor will meet an old friend with a new face, and in a monastery on a remote island in the near future…

45 1 Apr 2011

