Doctor Who TARDIS 750ml Water Bottle
Even time-and-space travelers get thirsty! The next time you’re flitting about the galaxy in your TARDIS, be sure you have enough to drink…
2 1 Jan 2012Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Even time-and-space travelers get thirsty! The next time you’re flitting about the galaxy in your TARDIS, be sure you have enough to drink…
2 1 Jan 2012This journal looks like a TARDIS! Measuring 8-inches tall x 5-inches wide and containing 160 lined white pages, this terrific Doctor Who TARDIS…
18 1 Jan 2012A special, silent Christmas story that reunites writer Tony Lee with The Time Machination’s Paul Grist! When robots attack Santa in order to destroy Christmas..
0 1 Jan 2012Want to know what things used to cost? This is a Longleat Doctor Who Merchandise price list from the 1990’s who once had a large Doctor Who exhibition…
38 1 Jan 2012JJTVONTHENET’s Collection
28 1 Jan 2012A happy new year From The Doctor Who Site. We think there is much to look forward to in 2012 and 2013 when Doctor Who reaches 50 years old…
363 31 Dec 2011In 1988 Dapol introduced a 25th anniversary set with the infamous five sided Tardis console. It is now highly collectable and one of the rarest Dapol items…
54 31 Dec 2011As promised after 23,000 + votes we have taken the top four classic companions and the top two classic Charters from each of the Seven Doctors – Let the battle commence…
72 30 Dec 2011Happy New Year! How cool mas your Christmas? Mine was all snow and presents and scary living trees. Then I had a nice Christmas dinner with Amy and Rory…
140 29 Dec 2011The Keeper Traken Action Figure Set The Fourth Doctor in Waistcoat, The Master Decayed, Melkur Master’s TARDIS as a Grandfather Clock and Source…
195 29 Dec 2011True classics from the First Doctor’s era: A ‘Daleks’ Master Plan’ Dalek figure with the rarely seen flame arm, the chilling Roboman figure and the historic Cyberman…
167 29 Dec 2011The Eleventh Doctor Companion – Volume Four. 84 pages of new and exclusive information and pictures….
22 29 Dec 2011The Sarah Jane Adventures: Series 1-5 Box Set, Listed on Amazon for release on February 6th 2012. Contains all 5 series on 12 DVD’s in a boxed set…
110 28 Dec 2011Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 18. In This issue – Top 10 powerful monsters, River’s gadgets, Where’s The Doctor – Gangers go gaga and much more…
163 28 Dec 2011Enemies of the Third Doctor Collectors’ Set: Includes Drashig hand puppet figure, Omega action figure with Detachable head and Auton action figure…
346 24 Dec 2011All three two-part episodes from the fifth series of the ‘Doctor Who’ spin-off, created by the award-winning writer, Russell T. Davies. The programme follows the adventures…
85 23 Dec 2011During one of Nyssa’s experiments, the TARDIS’s temporal scanner picks up a message: ‘Idra’. Just one word, but enough to draw the Doctor to the…
0 22 Dec 2011There are many unreleased main characters from series 1-4 but would you still buy them if they released them now and which would be your top 5…
105 21 Dec 2011