Andrew’s David Tennant Lego Tardis
Andrew’s David Tennant Lego Tardis
17 10 Jan 2012Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Andrew’s David Tennant Lego Tardis
17 10 Jan 2012Have you completed your Doctor Who Monster Invasion trading card collection? If not, we have a limited selection of individual cards from set one while stocks last…
69 9 Jan 2012Doctor Who Red , Yellow and Blue 2D Mugs featuring the Cyberman, The Doctor’s worst enemy The Daleks and the Doctor’s favourite form of transport – The Tardis…
34 9 Jan 2012Doctor Who – Multi Projection Watch with slides with images from the 11th Doctor episodes and Doctor Who Compass and Magnifying Glass Watch
10 9 Jan 2012Doctor Who Ceramic Tardis Moneybox, where better to keep your money safe. Another in a line of ceramic Tardis products due later this year…
18 9 Jan 2012This Ceramic Tardis Teapot is an ideal companion to the Tardis mug with lid introduced a couple of years ago. Release date to be confirmed…
14 9 Jan 2012From Big Chief Studios: Due to circumstances beyond our control we have to regretfully inform you that the shipping date for the 11th Doctor has been delayed until the end of April…
0 9 Jan 2012Doctor Who Magazine Issue 443 On sale from Thursday 12 January, priced £4.50! . You can keep up to date with Doctor Who magazine, see larger images of this and other covers…
84 6 Jan 2012Ideal for displays or figure stories, this set can hold reasonable number of figures. It comes with a few accessories including a table, globe and pot plants…
43 6 Jan 2012Showcasing the very best from the Doctor Who rogues’ gallery, this 9-inch tall talking plush features the infamous Dalek in yellow and White. The villain’s spoken phrases…
42 4 Jan 2012The Doctor doesn’t normally need money, but when the TARDIS is immobilised and a fine has to be paid, a loan from a bank in the sky seems the solution…
0 4 Jan 2012Happy New Year -again! I know for you lot New Year was last week, but here on Slombikkitini it’s New Year every week, because the planet just wooshes round its sun that fast! …
68 4 Jan 2012K9 OFFICIAL COLLECTOR’S FIGURINE The Who Shop is pleased to announce that they have arranged with the manufacturer an exclusive limited 500 units…
68 3 Jan 2012Doctor Who Dapol Yo-Yo – Now one of the rarer Dapol Doctor Who items this yo-yo features a logo and Tardis on one side and a different logo on the other….
12 3 Jan 2012DRWHOCBREVIEWS Collection
18 3 Jan 2012What’s better: an ugly reality or beautiful fantasy? This is the question the Doctor is forced to confront in a medieval fantasy world where Amy…
0 2 Jan 2012This is a very rare set limited to 350 units. It contained notable variants including the Dapol Tardis with gold windows, Davros with gold spheres and console and k9…
82 2 Jan 2012For devoted Doctor Who collectors who demand absolute authenticity, QMx is proud to offer an extremely limited edition of the 11th Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver….
51 1 Jan 2012