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TV & Satellite Magazine Doctor Who Cover

Swastika-emblazoned banners line the walls of a large, imposing office, while soldiers in Nazi uniform mill about outside. In the middle of the room, a table…

14 23 Aug 2011

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 231

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 231 – Wow! Isn’t 3-D brilliant? Of all the different dimensions, three is my absolute favourite. It’s so inny and outy! I can’t wait…

79 17 Aug 2011

The Mazes of Time Android Release

BC Worldwide are delighted to announce that hit Doctor Who mobile game, Doctor Who: The Mazes of Time, is now available on the Android platform…

16 17 Aug 2011

Doctor Who Collectable License Plate

Doctor Who Collectable License Plate – Complete your collection with this ‘My Other Car Is A TARDIS’ license plate, a must have for any Doctor Who fanatic!…

26 15 Aug 2011

Doctor Who Classic Dalek Featured Mugs

Doctor Who Classic mugs featuring the Dalek’s classic bodywork detail, no tea break will ever be the same again. A must have for any budding Time Lord or Lady!…

13 15 Aug 2011

Doctor Who Classic Cybermen Featured Mugs

Featuring the classic Cybermen’s image and novelty handles no tea break will ever be the same again. A must have for any budding Time Lord or Lady!…

11 15 Aug 2011

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 230

There’s Oodles of Ood inside This issue ‘cos They’re brilliant! When me first met I thought They wanted To eat me and Rose! Ooh, remember her?…

39 10 Aug 2011

Doctor Who Character Building – War Games

We have been sent images and information from a member of a Wargames Club – they play Historical and Fantasy Battles using Miniature Figures and Rules, like a chess game….

98 7 Aug 2011

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 229

It’s the summer holidays, no school for weeks! You might even be reading this on the beach, you lucky things! This week, make sure you take a look at my handy guide…

168 3 Aug 2011

Doctor Who Adventures issue 228

Greetings from the Cyberleader of the twelfth Cybre legion! We have a message for The Doctor . Becasue you destroyed our fleet we have seized control of your magazine …

38 27 Jul 2011

The Doctor Who Site Merchandise Shop

We have re- opened the Doctor Who Site dedicated shop. Due to lack of time only a few items have been added but we will continue add items as and when we can.

0 25 Jul 2011

Doctor Who: Series 6 – Part 2 DVD

The truth about River Song is out and the time has come for the Doctor to face his greatest demons. Venturing across centuries and galaxies…

122 20 Jul 2011

Doctor Who Adventures issue 227

If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you’ve still got your head -which is more than the poor old Headless Monks can say! Find out all about them this week…

28 20 Jul 2011

Doctor Who: Colony In Space DVD

The Time Lords discover that the Master has stolen their secret file on the Doomsday Weapon and decide to send the Doctor to retrieve it for them. The TARDIS takes the Doctor…

53 17 Jul 2011

Doctor Who Framed Print: TARDIS Sign

Doctor Who Framed Print: TARDIS Sign, Ah bless, a lovely framed print of the TARDIS police box sign… well just until the chameleon circuit maybe gets fixed sometime..

24 15 Jul 2011

