Robert Harrop Doctor Who 1972 Sea Devil
The ‘Sea Devils’ made their first appearance in ‘The Sea Devils’ in the phase of the Third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee. Although they are never formally…
8 18 Sep 2015The ‘Sea Devils’ made their first appearance in ‘The Sea Devils’ in the phase of the Third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee. Although they are never formally…
8 18 Sep 2015This has to be the best Doctor Who limited edition POP – ever. Dalek Sec portrayed with outer body open, revealing the new, evolving, Hybrid Dalek within…
28 18 Sep 2015Robert Harrop have been working on their Doctor Who collection for the past couple of months with the intention of showing off several new retrospective…
13 18 Sep 2015Available to watch now on Amazon Instant Video. The Doctor’s Meditation. The Doctor prepares for his deadliest confrontation – distractions permitting…
2 18 Sep 2015These Doctor Who slippers may not be “bigger” on the inside, but they are comfortable – perfect for those days when you’re marathoning classic episodes…
0 17 Sep 2015Yvonne Hartman is visiting the city to retrieve an invaluable alien device. She’s in charge of Torchwood One, she’s saving the British Empire and she doesn’t…
17 17 Sep 2015Now you can carry London’s only Consulting Detective around with you to help solve crimes, deliver a cutting verbal blow to your office frienemy or simply strike a pose…
145 16 Sep 2015Doctor Who Series 9 Part 1 Blu-ray contains the first three two-part stories plus 3 exclusive mini-documentaries on how each two-parter was created…
21 16 Sep 2015Doctor Who Series 9 Part 1 DVD contains the first three two-part stories plus 3 exclusive mini-documentaries on how each two-parter was created…
39 16 Sep 2015Doctor Who Magazine Issue 491 You can keep up to date with Doctor Who magazine, see larger images of this and other covers on their Facebook Page…
46 15 Sep 2015Sci-fi fans will be bowled over by these Tardis cufflinks. Made from sterling silver and created for the BBC, this set of cufflinks features the iconic time travelling…
2 15 Sep 2015First Look at Big Chief Studios 9th Doctor Figure. Having successfully acquired the rights to Doctor Who, the longest running sci-fi TV show in the world…
18 14 Sep 2015Doctor Who is a significant part of British popular culture, and elsewhere it has become a cult television favorite. The program originally ran from 1963 to 1989…
8 12 Sep 2015Entertainment Earth are offering the Titans Regeneration Collection at half price on their daily offers, a bargain for those who haven’t picked these up yet…
4 12 Sep 2015All New Doctor Who Figurine Previews. Cyberman, 8th Doctor, Guard Dalek, Auton, Sensorite, Chantho, Necros Dalek, 1st Doctor and Dalek Sec Human…
20 11 Sep 2015Celebrate Season Eight of Doctor Who with this great set of intergalactic playing cards, perfect for lonely space voyages. Each card represents one of Season Eight’s…
11 10 Sep 2015Planets, galaxies, villains, heroes, the Doctor, the TARDIS and the time vortex – all intricately illustrated in this colouring book packed with original Doctor Who art…
49 10 Sep 2015These captivating stories include mysterious myths and legends about heroes and monsters of all kinds, from every corner of the universe. Originally told to young…
11 10 Sep 2015