Big Chief Studios 1:6 Scale 11th Doctor Signature edition
We are proud to announce an exclusive Signature Edition of our Eleventh Doctor figure signed by Matt Smith. Available in a strictly limited edition…
61 1 Oct 2011We are proud to announce an exclusive Signature Edition of our Eleventh Doctor figure signed by Matt Smith. Available in a strictly limited edition…
61 1 Oct 2011The highly authentic sculpt captures the Doctor in a pensive moment in the most minute detail. Each hand-painted head features subtle skin tones…
330 1 Oct 2011Doctor Who T-Shirts 1st Doctor Costume and Cyberman.While the design may have changed over the years, there are few Doctor Who villains that strike more fear…
23 30 Sep 2011No journey is complete without these travel pass holders! Unit, Vitex, SB6, Magpie Electricals and Gallifreyan. When The Doctor, Rose and Mickey land in a parallel universe…
24 30 Sep 2011Recreate scenes from Doctor Who with these incredibly detailed fully articulated 5-inch action figures. Characters include the Eleventh Doctor and key villains…
388 30 Sep 2011Following his return to Doctor Who as Winston Churchill in The Wedding of River Song, Ian McNeice reveals his delight at being part of the extended Doctor Who family…
6 30 Sep 2011The Silent Stars Go By – For centuries the Maintainers have worked. With no help from other worlds, they subsist on the food they can grow and that’s little enough….
13 29 Sep 2011Bluw have kindly sent us a windup Dalek to feature on the site. Much more encouraging than the original promotional images this is now well truly a mini version…
21 29 Sep 2011Bluw have kindly sent us a pull back Tardis to feature on the site. Unlike the Dalek this is a pull back model which spins and turns as it moves. The mould is good….
9 29 Sep 2011Doctor Who Monster Invasion Cards Complete list – All 345 cards listed in order with the name, type of card an rarity value, Doctor Who Extreme Cards are on sale now…
324 29 Sep 2011Not got a lot of time, sorry. Have this appointment at Lake Silencio. One of those meetings you just can’t get out of… But before I go, there’s plenty of everything…
18 28 Sep 2011Titan Merchandise Doctor Who Maxi Bust: Leela – Jameson’s Lella is brought to life in an astonishingly-detailed three-quarter length sculpt that stands 8″ tall…..
17 28 Sep 2011In this issue – Top 10 Eleventh Doctor foes Moments , Cyberking V The Beast, The junk Tardis, Where’s The Doctor – Raxacoricofallapatorius, Partners in crime…
237 28 Sep 2011Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol Gift Set includes The Dalek Handbook by Steve Tribe and James Goss. Amy and Rory are trapped on a crashing space liner…
26 27 Sep 2011Geoffrey Beevers makes his highly anticipated return to the role of The Master, which he previously played on TV in 1981 and in the Big Finish Doctor Who plays..
9 27 Sep 2011With the arrival of Monster Invasion Extreme Cards in shops and magazines tomorrow, you can post your “finds” in the comments to let others know what we can expect …
370 27 Sep 2011The Doctor returns, alongside newly weds Amy and Rory, to face monsters and mysteries and adventures all across time and space in a thrilling new series…
15 27 Sep 2011The Doctor returns, alongside newly weds Amy and Rory, to face monsters and mysteries and adventures all across time and space in a thrilling new series…
94 27 Sep 2011