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Merchandise Archive Page 498

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Doctor Who Adventures 161

Doctor Who Adventures 161 – Find out all the facts on Prisoner Zero in this week’s ‘Fast Facts’ only in Doctor Who Adventures magazine plus the chance to win a life-size Dalek…

5 8 Apr 2010

Doctor Who: Night Of The Humans

‘This is the Gyre, the most hostile environment in the galaxy.’ 250,000 years’ worth of junk floating in deep space, home to the shipwrecked Sittuun…

10 7 Apr 2010

Doctor Who: Apollo 23

A photo shows an immaculately-dressed woman in her best shoes lying dead at the edge of a crater on the dark side of the moon – beside her beloved dog ‘Poochie’. Maybe it’s a hoax…..

13 7 Apr 2010

Doctor Who: The Forgotten Army

‘Let me tell you a story. Long ago, in the frozen Arctic wastes, an alien army landed. Only now, 10,000 years later, it isn’t a story. And the army is ready to attack.’…

8 7 Apr 2010

Doctor Who Series 5 Standees

New Series 5 Standees featuring individual Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond, a twin standee featuring the pair and and individual series 5 Tardis… Due mid April

29 5 Apr 2010

Series 5 launch – Character Merchandise

New Figures and accessories will be available from Character next week including the sonic screwdriver and crash set after Saturdays showing of the Eleventh hour…

15 2 Apr 2010

Doctor Who The Lost Stories 2.01

The TARDIS materialises in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World, in the year 323 BC…

0 2 Apr 2010

Doctor Who: The Tardis Handbook

As the Eleventh Doctor and Amy embark on all-new adventures in time and space, The TARDIS Handbook gives you the inside scoop on 900 years of travel…

11 1 Apr 2010

Sixteen 12 Cybermen Statues

Sixteen 12 Cybermen Limited Edition Statues including Cyberman and Cyberleader from the Classic 1975 Doctor Who story Sevenge of the Cybermen…

6 1 Apr 2010

Doctor Who: Daleks – The Mutation of Time

Daleks – The Mutation of Time – The Daleks’ Masterplan is well under way. With the Time destroyer, the most deadly machine ever devised, they will conquer the Universe…

0 1 Apr 2010

Doctor Who Adventures 160

This week Doctor Who Adventures has an all new look and exclusive content. With the new series approaching Doctor Who Adventures has a sneak peek at the Doctor’s first episode…

8 1 Apr 2010

Doctor Who get the Wow! factor

BBC Worldwide has today announced a deal with the award winning toy and gadget company, Wow! Stuff, to produce a range of Doctor Who gifts…

1 31 Mar 2010

Dr Who – The Lost Interviews DVD

Celebrity gossip guru Neil Sean meets and greets the Stars of Dr Who, including extensive and revealing interviews with Dr who himself, David Tennant…

9 31 Mar 2010

Doctor Who Magazine 420

This Months Doctor Who Magazine, due to go on sale on April 1st, has two different collectors covers featuring Matt Smith and Karen Gillan…

14 29 Mar 2010

Scificollector Norwich, London / FP Events

Scificollector Norwich, Forbidden Planet and Toys R Us are holding events or extending opening hours to allow customers to purchase merchandise from the new series.

11 27 Mar 2010

Doctor Who Adventures 159

Doctor Who Adventures 159 magazine. This week, we say goodbye to the Tenth Doctor – and have a look at his fantastic final story, The End of Time…

4 25 Mar 2010

