BBC Recordings Back on Vinyl (LP Record)
Who can forget the thrill of first hearing those ethereal Doctor Who sound effects, and the Pavlov-like response they created during each subsequent episode?…
9 11 Apr 2012Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Who can forget the thrill of first hearing those ethereal Doctor Who sound effects, and the Pavlov-like response they created during each subsequent episode?…
9 11 Apr 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 264 – Ever wondered why this magazine is quite so brilliant?, Well, I’ve just scanned it with the sonic and guess what?…
28 11 Apr 2012Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 25 – In This issue… Top 10 Strongest Monsters, The genesis Ark, The Dark Horde V Sycorax, Where’s the Doctor – Tritovore World and much more…
141 7 Apr 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 263 – Happy Easter, eggy humans! Do you prefer boiled, scrambled or fried? That was the option the Daleks gave me once…
54 5 Apr 2012The Collectable Art Company is pleased to announce that the first in a series of Limited Edition Fine Art prints of original Doctor Who costume designs…
12 3 Apr 2012When the Federation’s most terrifying enemy strikes an unholy alliance with one of the Doctor’s most hated antagonists, the result is devastation on a cosmic scale!…
52 2 Apr 2012Portfolio set of 5 Full colour prints and a compilation poster featuring artwork from Target Novels including genesis of The Daleks, The Three Doctors, The Web of fear…
17 2 Apr 2012“No second chances. I’m that sort of a man.”, by artist Nick Roche, each print is beautifully reproduced using archival quality pigment inks onto fine art…
24 1 Apr 2012Each Paradigm Dalek comes with a certificate of authenticity with holographic sticker for security and also an individual selection of photos of your Dalek…
56 31 Mar 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 262. Ha ha! I love April Fool’s Day, I say I married a Sontaran war Lord and you have to believe me, then we eat a cake. Is that what happens?…
50 27 Mar 2012The TARDIS arrives in an nuclear war bunker in England, 1982. A band of refugees have taken cover from the horrors above ground – but they are all menaced…
45 27 Mar 2012Doctor Who Magazine Issue 446. You can keep up to date with Doctor Who magazine, see larger images of this and other covers on their Facebook Page…
143 26 Mar 2012Two alien seed pods are found buried in the Antarctic permafrost. The Fourth Doctor, accompanied by Sarah-Jane Smith, realises that they are from a Krynoid…
206 26 Mar 2012Just step on the pedal to open the roof and activate the police box light detail and Tardis Materialise sound effect, and when your rubbish is safely deposited…
120 23 Mar 2012The Doctor Who Seeds of Doom Set containing The Krynoid and 4th Doctor is now Arriving In Stores and stock is being sent out to those who pre ordered it…
579 23 Mar 2012Big Finish Doctor Who – UNIT: Dominion – The universe stands on the brink of a dimensional crisis – and the Doctor and Raine are pulled into the very epicentre of it.
16 22 Mar 2012Doctor Who Adventures issue 261 – Can’t stop! Being chased! By things that look a bit like lobsters, only each one’s the size of a house. They’re not really lobsters…
40 21 Mar 2012Yesteryear Poster – Doctor Who Target Novels – A Classic poster with the fifth Doctor showing just a few of the Doctor Who Target Novels released over the years….
45 20 Mar 2012