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Merchandise Archive Page 382

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Second Doctor Ceramic 3D Mug – Picture

Enjoy a cup of tea with The Second Doctor. This Ceramic Mug is a 3D sculpt of the Second Doctor – Patrick Troughton – who played the role between 1966-1969….

17 4 Sep 2013

Big Finish 176 Starlight Robbery

Sick of the same-old slaughter-appliances? In need of a killer new killing-machine? Then look no further than Garundel Galactic’s secret arms auction. Blasters, tanks..

1 2 Sep 2013

The Beast of Babylon (Charlie Higson)

Puffin is delighted to announce that actor, comedian and best-selling author Charlie Higson has written the ninth instalment in Puffin’s sensational series…

1 1 Sep 2013

Big Finish 175 Persuasion

The Umbrella Man is back. But when the Doctor recruits UNIT’s Scientific Adviser Elizabeth Klein for an off-the-books mission to the apocalyptic final days…

0 1 Sep 2013

Doctor Who Adventures issue 327

Doctor Who Adventures is a must-have for young fans of the successful BBC series! This magazine is written for and aimed at children in the 6-12 years…

0 1 Sep 2013

Remote Control White 13″ Dalek Supreme

Many years ago, the Daleks sent out thousands of egg-shaped Progenitors containing the genetic coding of the race, so that new Daleks could be created

122 1 Sep 2013

Dr Who Adventures Superfan Competition

UK’s biggest Doctor Who Superfan will win a Cyberman visit to their school and a once-in-a-lifetime experience to celebrate Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary!…

66 30 Aug 2013

