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Merchandise Archive Page 271

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Doctor Who 9th Doctor with Banana

The second wave of Doctor Who POP! have only just been released – and it seems fans just can’t get enough. We have two new limited edition POP! – which…

17 16 Mar 2016

Doctor Who 11th Doctor in Spacesuit

The second wave of Doctor Who POP! have only just been released – and it seems fans just can’t get enough. We have two new limited edition POP! – which will…

45 16 Mar 2016

Doctor Who Captain Jack Vortex Manipulator

This version of Jack Harkness sees him wearing his Vortex Manipulator on his wrist – the whole right arm has been re-modelled. He also comes with a blue…

11 16 Mar 2016

Doctor Who Titan Comics 4th Doctor Volume 1

Battling a malign influence all the way from Ancient Greece to London in 1887, the Doctor is faced with a petrifying challenge – and physical evidence that…

2 16 Mar 2016

Doctor Who Titan Comics 8th Doctor Volume 1

Embrace all the Gothic Romance and interstellar terror of the Eighth Doctor in this new series starring the most-requested past incarnation! Collects the complete…

1 16 Mar 2016

Doctor Who Tales From The Tardis #4

Gabby and the Doctor arrive at Wupatki, a giant network of human cities floating in the habitable zone of a gas giant. There, they meet the Shan’Tee, a species…

16 11 Mar 2016

Big Finish The Chimes of Midnight Vinyl LP

Originally released in February 2002, Robert Shearman’s Doctor Who: The Chimes of Midnight went on to become one of Big Finish’s most popular stories, claiming..

5 9 Mar 2016

Big Finish Gallifrey 8.0. Enemy Lines

With the threat of impending war, and negotiations still ongoing, the Temporal Powers are growing restless. Every day, they find their future slipping away…

4 8 Mar 2016

