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January 17th, 2024 810 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 15 Limited Edition Packaging

Available to order from,,, and various retailers on

Available to order as a standard edition from #ad.

Tom Baker’s fourth season as the Fourth Doctor is the next release to come to Blu-ray when The Collection – Season 15 releases later this year.

Doctor Who fans can continue to build their own home archive on Blu-ray with a SEVEN DISC box set of the 15th Season from 1977, starring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor. Containing six classic stories, this limited-edition set is packed with hours of new and exclusive material.

These stories feature Louise Jameson as the Doctor’s warrior companion Leela and the introduction of trusty robot dog K-9, building to an epic showdown on the Time Lords’ home planet Gallifrey with the Doctor pitted against his old adversaries the Sontarans.


All episodes have been newly remastered from the best available sources – these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.

The Collection: Season 15 Blu-ray box set also includes extensive Special Features including:


  • Exclusive to Blu-ray, on Horror Of Fang Rock.


  • New episodes with Louise Jameson (Leela), Colin Baker (The Doctor), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric), Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Betsan Roberts (wife of director Pennant Roberts) and comedian and presenter Toby Hadoke.


  • A brand-new scripted trailer to announce the Season 15 Boxset of Doctor Who.


  • A look at the life and career of producer Graham Williams.


  • Interviewer Matthew Sweet chats to Louise Jameson.


  • Making Horror Of Fang Rock.


  • Tom Baker muses on life, the universe and everything.


  • Exclusive new Audio Commentaries from Tom Baker.


  • On Horror Of Fang Rock.







Plus lots more!

This seven-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including Documentaries, Updated Special Effects, Featurettes, Audio Commentaries and more.

Text and images with thanks to BBC Studios.

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Prof Horner

    March 20th, 2024 - 11:44am

    Still haven’t received season 15 . Still saying arriving Monday on my Amazon account. Very disappointing. Season 20 came on Tuesday the day after the release and 9 came the day before the release date. Give it ordered it the moment it was announced it is very disappointing. I will have to think about who I ordered from for the next release.which I expect to be season 6.

    • The Monitor

      March 20th, 2024 - 1:48pm

      I am the same. Been on Customer service bot and spoke to them yesterday morning who said it would despatch in 48 hours. I am seriously thinking about ordering again and cancelling preorder moments after. Or speaking to customer services yet again. This has happened twice before on DW pre orders

    • The Time Lord 1944

      March 20th, 2024 - 1:58pm

      Same with me. No movement whatsoever. I contacted customer service who put me straight through to a manager/supervisor as soon as I mentioned the item. I didnt request a manager. He basically said I knew what the dispatch date was when I ordered so I can’t complain. Very odd customer service.

    • D84

      March 20th, 2024 - 2:48pm

      I am the same – something has gone very wrong with this one.

      I did exactly that, my pre order went in no more than 15 mins after the announcement came out but as of Monday morning it had not despatched nor had I been charged.

      So I ordered another copy with same day delivery and cancelled my pre order.

      It turned up on the door about 8pm or so

      Very unusual, quite literally all of my Who pre orders up to this one have landed on the doormat on release day Monday in the afternoon

    • Rory

      March 20th, 2024 - 4:41pm

      @The Time Lord, “He basically said I knew what the dispatch date was when I ordered so I can’t complain.”

      Umm. That’s why you’re complaining. You pre-ordered, so don’t expect it to take a week for them to deliver on something they should have in stock at release to cover at least the pre-orders. Even free delivery is supposed to be at most three days.

      My day 1 pre-order has only just been confirmed for delivery, so hopefully you’re not waiting too much longer.

    • Snowman

      March 20th, 2024 - 7:05pm

      Money from my Amazon Account wasn’t taken out until Monday the 18th. (So I knew it wouldnt arrive on time). It came Teatime Tuesday though so it wasn’t too bad I suppose.

  • Erato

    March 20th, 2024 - 11:39am

    Mine still not dispatched from Amazon. Just says arriving Monday (doesn’t even specify the date). Tried to chat to someone but it’s just one of those crap AI messaging services which regurgitates the same answers. Any tips?

    • Doctor Nowt

      March 20th, 2024 - 12:02pm

      At the bottom of the screen/ai chat there is a face with headphones on, click that and it asks if you want to speak with a rep, from there you can select phone call or chat with a person, I’ve just done it and spoke with someone, they reckon high demand for the collection but as I pointed out I can order it today and have it delivered tomorrow!

  • DPHill

    March 20th, 2024 - 12:31am

    Collection Range Predictions:

    Season 25 – Summer 2024
    A quicker set that would be much easier to do and also completes 7, could be interchangeable with S6 perhaps? I also think this will be the last calendar year we get three releases hot off the heels of the 60th anniversary.

    Season 6 – Autumn 2024
    We have had rumblings from Frazer Hines, and if we complete 7, then starting 2 next to it [before or after] would be symmetrical, and it is also the most complete season from Troughton, Space Pirates would probably be done somehow like crusade (not animation).

    Season 11 – Spring 2025
    3 seems to be every two years and we only have two more difficult ones left, despite this, S8 is already out, and I can see them saving a stronger season for later on in S7.

    Season 16 – Autumn 2025
    A relatively easy set to do leaving just one more for 4, I can see this one being very marketable indeed, and also, we did used to get a 4 per year 2018-2021, so we could see one next year I feel before leaving a stronger one until last in S13…

    Season 21 – Spring 2026
    Completes 5, and also 6, as well as all of the 80’s sets; would have been 2 years since the last 80’s with S25 in 2024, 3 years since the last 5 with 2023’s S20, and 4 years since 6’s S22 in 2022 – I feel like this is also a very easy one to do and make nice and chunky!

    Season 4 – Autumn 2026
    There’s enough time until then if 2024 has one more animation for the likes of The Highlanders or The Smugglers, since Smugglers has been rumoured, it may be that and then they have just one story not represented by animation which will have become the rule with this set – we would get a cheeky bit of 1 as well as another 2!

    Season 7 – Spring 2027
    We get 3 every 2 years, so this seems likely, as well as the fun of having S7 in ’27, but with this we will complete 3, having the 4th doctor of the range now completed and ending 3 with a really strong release late in the range!

    Season 1 – Autumn 2027
    If all goes well, which we assume is not necessarily likely, this will have been enough time to gather whether or not AUC can legally be included in the set and possibly enough time for Marco Polo if we are super lucky! I feel sadly that we will either be lucky enough to get the animation, or lucky enough to get the rights, but probably not both which will mean another 60’s set with one story not fully represented – but here’s hoping…

    Season 13 – Spring 2028
    Hopefully TB will still be with us, but this could well change the order of the releases if he is not, either way, I expect there will probably be a tribute to him on this set, a living or posthumous tribute, and then we bid 5 doctors completed in the range so far! Will have been 3 years since his last and a fan favourite of 4 to end on strongly. I don’t think it will be at the end of the range, but the end will be a massive treat either way!

    Season 5 – Autumn 2028
    By this point, 2 will have had a release with 2-year intervals later in the range and also be completed! This may be a treat as possibly we could have TWIS animated to make the most likely fully represented [every single story is watchable by modern standards] on a set!

    Season 3 – Spring 2029
    Leaving this until [almost] last would be wise given it’s state and by this time, we have 5 stories represented at the time of writing in ‘Galaxy 4’, ‘The Ark’, ‘The Celestial Toymaker’, ‘The Gunfighters’, & ‘The War Machines’. I feel as though Mission will be included as UCLAN version and possibly even Levine’s if they have not done Master Plan, though it seems unlikely that they could leave such a milestone story out which would take 45 episodes down to 36. S1 got 37/39, S6 may get 39/44, S5 may get all 40/40, S4 may get 39/43, so this is not the worst number, just fans will be upset their favourite won’t be there, but it would still in effect get 9/10 stories leaving only one out… On the other hand, they may well decide to put Master Plan first? Who knows, but I think we are likelier to see Massacre, Savages, and Myth Makers first. If they do Master Plan, I think it would have to have two releases, who knows, maybe even three?

    Season WY – Autumn 2029
    McGann would finally be on one of these sets and all the stuff that is found in the meantime, animated, colourised, tales of the tardis-ed, can go here as well as the wealth of material from the whoniverse in its wilderness days. Clearances may be less of an issue by this time if they are looking into it now, but also, they probably still will be difficult, but there’s a lot going for this set and it will essentially be the bonus disc at the end of our sets but for the end of our range and go out in who glory with loads of new special features…

    Season 27? – Modern Who??
    Time will tell, it always does.

    • Prof Horner

      March 20th, 2024 - 11:37am

      Your reasoning is sound. But I think season 5 will come out before 4. Hopefully with Wheel in Space animated.

    • daz

      March 20th, 2024 - 11:58am

      My prediction is…

      6, 25 (although 25 might come before 6), then 11, 16, 21, 5, 1, 7, 13, 4, Wilderness then 3.

      I think we’ll have 1 story not fully completed but represented in the best way they can per 60’s Season (Soundtrack with maybe just artwork/animatics/storyboards if no telesnaps exist)

      Hopefully season 1 will include AUC too but if not I’d like an empty disc tray to be space for the dvd or the dvd to be included if they can’t re-do as a Blu-ray legally).

    • Gordon

      March 20th, 2024 - 4:37pm


      1 (if clearance is possible on auc or 4)
      4 (hopefully with smugglers animation)
      5 (hopefully with wheel animation)
      3 (hopefully with some more animations)

      6 or 25 could easily come in either order. In all honesty outside of smugglers and perhaps wheel in space and a long shot of highlanders I don’t really see the animations going outside of season 3 (myth makers, savages and maybe the massacre) in the next few years. Anything else beyond that will probably be too late to be included in the collection range.

      Apparently Tom has been “future proofed” according to Toby hadoke so I suspect majority of the stuff is in the can already for 13 and 16 even if those are years off. Toby said they spent quite a few weeks with him but only had a certain amount of time each day they got him for. Outside of another Tom talks and on a Mary tamm biography (surely it’s an obvious documentary) and a potential Kroll making of (if they can get enough people) I’m not sure much else he could appear on s16. He’s already on the commentaries and he doesn’t seem to be willing to travel to do any more behind the sofa . Season 13 could have another Tom talks an Ian marter tribute and commentaries on selected episodes of zygons, pyramids and androids. A Robert holmes tribute could also be a possibility but you got the option of 6,7,11,13,16 or 21.

      Regarding Ian Levine’s mission I will be surprised if it’s ever officially released. Ian’s behaviour to the people in charge of the releases has put paid to that as well as his social media behaviour (his political posts especially) and confrontational attitude is just a pr nightmare in waiting if they worked with him. It’s a shame really as his mission is pretty great.

    • Snowman

      March 20th, 2024 - 7:56pm

      One thing I’ve noticed about these Fan Predictions are there all different.

    • Prowl 1701

      March 20th, 2024 - 11:15pm

      Gordoin, you are second person that has mentioned 7 coming before 11 lately, I am curious if 7 might come sooner than we think, within three sets or so.

  • Dr Dave

    March 19th, 2024 - 9:32pm

    Still waiting for my copy. I always get my HMV pre-orders sent to my local HMV because I’m not usually in and postie doesn’t always use their brain and try a neighbor, and the post office only opens for like 2 hours and never at the weekend when my partner or I are free, so store pick up has been pretty good. However, the money left my account Thursday, i got the dispatch email Saturday, still no sign of it, and it’s down as out of stock on the HMV website, so if I’ve heard nothing by Thursday I’ll start worrying. I know it’s a pretty sorry thing to be up in arms about, it’s only a blu ray set, people are doing a lot worse missing out on more essential things in life. I just hope because the money has cleared and left my account that I am getting a copy.
    Sorry for the rant/soppy moan.

  • Sime

    March 19th, 2024 - 4:17pm

    Further to my earlier message, my copy arrived from Amazon on time and in perfect condition.

    • Barney

      March 20th, 2024 - 8:17am

      Why are people so obsessed with wishing season 6 out soon. There are no telesnaps for it sonyou won’t get a crusade style recreation like season 2. Without an animation this story will be entirely missing from the collection (bar ep2) and would be a great shame as I think its badly represented by ep 2 and is under apreciated because of its lack of visuals. Leave and 60’s sets till we get them more complete. Let’s have season 25 the 7 or 11 and then finally 21 the we can get a baker in, probably 16 and hopefully by then wheel or space pirates or Highlanders/smugglers will be ready

    • Sime

      March 20th, 2024 - 9:24am

      Hi Barney. You’ve replied to the wrong post 🙂

    • Gordon

      March 20th, 2024 - 5:45pm

      They can still do a reconstruction for it Barney. Derek handley who does them has stated as such. Galaxy 4 doesn’t have telesnaps and it has a really good one included. Neither has toymaker and it has also had a reconstruction produced for its upcoming release.

      It doesn’t matter how far back to the end of the range you push the remaining 60s sets not everything will be animated in time. If they just did the 6 remaining sets next they have 2-3 years at an absolute maximum plus as they will need to be put in production before then to do extras and they will need to plan budgets round on whether or not recons need to be made so the decision will be made long before then. They don’t have anywhere near as long as you think by pushing it back those seasons.

      There also isn’t anywhere near enough time to animate everything. Plus on top of that the animations need to be sold individually for a certain period of time to recoup the cost of animating them before they are able to go in the collection. You animate space pirates then there is isn’t enough time for something else to get done and then you will get the complaints of why wasn’t this one done instead. Season 3 is in badly need of beefing up for the collection releases far more so than season 6 needs completion. 3 4 parters and and a 13 part masterpiece (if you want to include mission as part of that story) . Outside of smugglers and maybe wheel in space and at apish the highlanders I’ll be surprised if they have any time for anything else non season 3 related. They could release season 6 no problem without space pirates animated as shown with season 2 without the crusade. On the other hand could they release season 3 without the likes of myth makers masterplan massacre and savages? No. They can animate the space pirates after s6 is released. The animations will continue long after the collection range finishes up.

  • Sime

    March 19th, 2024 - 3:36pm

    Mine arrived this afternoon. Delivery was originally tried yesterday (release day was my birthday!) but I wasn’t in and the delivery person made a note to say they did not know the code to enter my apartment building. It was redelivered today when I made sure to work from home so I wouldn’t miss it again. Arrived in perfect condition. Really looking forward to watching all the stories and then the extras. Love new box set day!

  • Boothby

    March 19th, 2024 - 3:00pm

    I got mine this morning at 10.30amvafter discussions with 3 Amazon agents saying different things, got the standard delayed reply and selected one day delivery, though Monday to Saturday is a long wait. Explained new customers got a better deal, one agent wanted to charge me for rush shipping. As had already used giftcards from surveys and a free £10 win from Topcashback. The agents gave me a further £5 giftcard and £5 compensation it only cost me £9.93 in the end. Seems unfair those that ordered 11th Jan did not get the same deal on release day!

  • Alzie Who 73

    March 19th, 2024 - 11:12am

    Mine is still scheduled to arrive on Saturday 25th from Amazon. Not a problem, but in future I think I’ll book with someone else

    • Ian Sly

      March 19th, 2024 - 4:29pm

      Mine still says Saturday delivery. Spoke to amazon customer service yesterday to ask why it takes so long as an amazon prime customer when it was preordered when announced. If i ordered yesterday i could of had it today. He said he would get it sorted out but alas no, it still says Saturday. Think i’ll go somewhere else next time.

    • Snowman

      March 19th, 2024 - 6:31pm

      My came at Teatime Today from Amazon. A Day late is better late than never I suppose.

    • Doctor nowt

      March 19th, 2024 - 9:24pm

      Same here spoke to customer support said they would get it dispatched today, still showing Saturday for me, no offer of compensation or anything, I’m a prime member and this is the second time now a pre order for the collection has been over a week late.

  • Andy R

    March 19th, 2024 - 7:41am

    I’ve watched Underworld, my least familiar story and its very dark in places (that’s picture wise not story tone). Any one else noticed some of the cave scenes are darker. When Leela talks of revolution, you can barely see the actors.

    • Philip Shaw

      March 19th, 2024 - 8:03am

      They have probably darkened down the picture to hide the dodgy CSO!

  • D84

    March 18th, 2024 - 9:15pm

    My copy from Amazon has now arrived in pristine condition – happy days

    Although Disc 7 had come out of its tray but thankfully not suffered any scratches to the disc

    Artwork is beautiful throughout

  • Rich

    March 18th, 2024 - 2:16pm

    Well I contacted Amazon several times today to see why my pre order is coming at a slower speed than if i made a new order today. persistence paid off and they gave me £29 back! Will arrive tomorrow.

    • Duncan

      March 18th, 2024 - 3:57pm

      Thats a bargain now :). Worth the wait. Poor though. Especially as I only ordered it yesterday morning and it turned up half an hour ago.

    • Neill Stringer

      March 18th, 2024 - 6:45pm

      I had to reorder and cancel pre order, the set is now dispatched and will arrive tomorrow. Have had to do this several times with Doctor Who releases. Is it worth contacting Amazon to make them aware of this?

  • Andy R

    March 18th, 2024 - 1:03pm

    Mine literally just arrived and in excellent condition thankfully!

  • Ryan

    March 17th, 2024 - 8:16am

    There doesn’t seem to be any movement from my Amazon order as still says arriving on Mon 25th. Should it change soon or is everyone having this problem?

    • D84

      March 17th, 2024 - 8:58am

      Exactly the same here and I ordered about 15 mins after it was announced.

      I’m not oncerned – most of my recent Who pre orders have done this. Sat doing seemingly nothing until Sunday lunchtime then it all updates, despatch notification and my card charged and it arrives PM on release day

      I wouldn’t worry yet, I’m not

    • Prof Horner

      March 17th, 2024 - 9:31am

      Same with me . Amazon still says 25th.with season 20 came on Tuesday . So maybe it will be the same this time round.

    • AmazonOohBoy

      March 17th, 2024 - 11:00am

      Ye Amazon appear to still be very confused. To much reliance on their automated systems where practically no staff question it.

      The last one took a week to arrive due to this last time.

    • WhoIsWhere

      March 17th, 2024 - 2:07pm

      ANYUPDATE ? on anyone Amazon as yet ?

      Or is most still stuck on 25th

    • D84

      March 17th, 2024 - 2:58pm

      Still no movement on my pre order

      Not even “Preparing for Despatch” just yet

      I’m thinking my copy may not arrive tomorrow

    • Ryan

      March 17th, 2024 - 9:12pm

      Same here. I’m worried that they will actually ship it a week later

    • DS

      March 17th, 2024 - 9:21pm

      ‘Arriving Saturday’ says my Amazon order… Sounds like the dog and gramophone has been more reliable despite pre ordering in January.

    • D84

      March 17th, 2024 - 9:47pm

      Indeed – same

      It’s very unusual

      All my pre orders of Who for years have despatched Saturday or at the latest Sunday afternoon and delivered on release day Monday

      This one is still sat showing delivery Monday 25th

      I did look to purchase another copy earlier and the earliest delivery I could select was Saturday 23rd

      I don’t think mine is arriving tomorrow

    • Gordon

      March 17th, 2024 - 10:44pm

      There is no sign from galaxy 4 shop. Thought I might get it early after the underwater menace was early. Oh well

    • Rex F

      March 18th, 2024 - 12:10am

      It’s a bit of a thing with Amazon lately, delivery dates being a week late. I’m assuming someone made a snafu wth an algorithm. Be glad it’s not like the Conan 4k which ended up being a month late…

    • John Heeley

      March 18th, 2024 - 6:37am

      I order within an hour of this being released, not going to be delivered until 23rd, just order again from Amazon and being delivered today by 10, why did I have to do that, stupid

    • GallifreyStands

      March 18th, 2024 - 7:00am

      Has a one got it from Amazon yet

    • Spiridon86

      March 18th, 2024 - 7:32am

      Amazon was saying 25th for mine until this morning, now it has switched to arriving today.

    • D84

      March 18th, 2024 - 8:23am

      Mine was still stuck on “Arriving 25th” this morning too

      So I’ve cancelled my pre ordered and dropped a new order through for same day delivery

      Managed to bag a free month of Amazon Prime too

      Happy days

      Very unusual though, quite literally all my Amazon pre orders for the past 10+ years have arrived either on release day – or up until COVID on the Sat/Sun prior – even using “Standard” free delivery option

      Thankfully these don’t sell out anymore, I would have been worrying if this had sold out and was not available for general purchase as of today

    • I’m Batman

      March 18th, 2024 - 9:30am

      My Amazon since yesterday was saying Arriving by 10pm yesterday for some reason but said preparing to be dispatched.
      Now it says “sorry for delay, expected today” which is weird because I didn’t think it would come yesterday anyway.
      Just Amazon being Amazon.

    • Kenny

      March 18th, 2024 - 9:37am

      My Amazon said despatched due by 10pm on Sunday which surprised me. However, no delivery. Now saying due by 19th but if it doesn’t arrive I can get a refund the next day?? All this and a Prime member too!

    • COMICshopsDontStand

      March 18th, 2024 - 10:19am

      Amazon failed this time anyone phoned them?

    • D84

      March 18th, 2024 - 11:00am

      Very unusual

      My Amazon pre order was still sat this morning saying “Arriving 25th March”, not despatched or anything – not even charged my card

      So i’ve managed to order another copy and cancel my pre order – should come later today

    • James

      March 18th, 2024 - 11:20am

      My payment came out last week so was expecting a Saturday delivery as usual. Tracked the parcel and it left the retailer friday, arrived at a mail depot friday. Moves to a local mail depot saturday early morning but haanr moved since. Expected today within the hour. Fingers crossed

    • Alan Silvester

      March 18th, 2024 - 12:01pm

      I’ve just had a heated “live chat” with 2 Amazon reps! Like many, I ordered this on the 11th January, but delivery was showing for Saturday 23rd March. First question, why? Particularly as, if I go into the item right now, it can be ordered for delivery tomorrow, Tuesday 19th March. Why this discrepancy? It makes no sense at all, and neither rep could give an explanation. Really don’t know what has happened to Amazon over the past 12/18 months. Anyway, I’ve cancelled my original order, reordered and email confirmation says it will be delivered tomorrow. I would suggest if you’ve got the time to contact Amazon and complain, because I also got a £5 goodwill gesture and £10 off my Prime membership renewal fee! Total shambles, and not the first time this has happened with these box sets.

    • The Time Lord 1944

      March 18th, 2024 - 1:06pm

      I contacted Amazon and they said dispatch date is Friday for my order, which I placed months ago. As I ordered with another item that I have already received there is no option to cancel the order and re order. If I could I’d get it Thursday at the latest. Madness.

    • Rex F

      March 18th, 2024 - 2:24pm

      Time Lord 1944: If you really must have it ASAP, order a new one and then return the delayed first order as if it’s the second (returns are free).

    • Duncan

      March 18th, 2024 - 3:56pm

      Thats mad. I ordered mine from Amazon yesterday (Sunday) and its just arrived !

  • Gavrok

    March 16th, 2024 - 7:17pm

    Bought from the gramophone dog store on Thursday expecting it to arrive next week but it arrived this afternoon.

    • Lee

      March 16th, 2024 - 9:07pm

      Got mine today. They’re pretty much on the ball with deliveries, fang rock tonight!

    • Jake E

      March 16th, 2024 - 9:14pm

      Got mine today too. Always my go to. Frequently arrives early and almost always in Mint condition. Hopefully I haven’t jinxed it for the future haha 🙂

  • Kevin225

    March 16th, 2024 - 4:36pm

    Amazon dispatched a couple of hours ago for a Monday delivery. Hopefully will get a pleasant early surprise tomorrow!

    • D84

      March 16th, 2024 - 9:13pm

      Doesn’t appear to be any movement on my Amazon order at the moment – and my CC has not been charged yet.

      I’m.not overly concerned – mine usually come on the Monday afternoon of release day.

      See what happens tomorrow

    • Duncan

      March 18th, 2024 - 3:59pm

      I only ordered mine yesterday. Amazon turned up half an hour ago ! So much for you guys preordering. Thats poor 🙁

    • Kevin225

      March 18th, 2024 - 5:11pm

      Arrived at lunchtime today from Amazon. I ordered within a couple of hours of the release announcement. Seems as if I was lucky, based on other comments.

  • Jake E

    March 16th, 2024 - 2:47pm

    Seen Horror of Fang Rock Episode 1 with New CGI and Audio.

    I’m pleased to say it looks fantastic. I am noticing DNR and AI enhancements but they look fine to me so far and most people probably wouldn’t realise. For the first few minutes I was like oh dear but then I got used to it and I’m fine with it.

    For all of us that had problems with juddering on the Season 20 boxset and Underwater Menace it appears to not be a problem with this set (so far). I’ll update if it shows up. But fingers crossed it won’t (annoying that Season 20 will always have this issue for us though).

    Overall I’m happy so far and my boxset came in Mint condition 🙂

    • D84

      March 17th, 2024 - 7:54am

      Great news Jake thanks

    • Rex F

      March 18th, 2024 - 12:14am

      Same post as below, for a different issue – although I still think the deinterlacing and heavy DNR could be linked…

      Glad it appears to have been resolved (not that I’ll be seeing it for a couple of years, Standard schedule permitting). Would anyone brave enough to venture into the Internet cesspools please share any info they spot on what happened/was changed this time?

    • The Time Lord 1944

      March 18th, 2024 - 8:40pm

      I suspect they know what the fault was with Season 20 and they have corrected it but avoided an announcement as a complete set replacement would just be far too costly. They will probably just correct for the standard release forcing us to rebuy if we want the discs without issues.

    • Jake E

      March 19th, 2024 - 10:06am

      I’m glad we kicked up a fuss otherwise we may have had all the seasons with this issue.

      Hopefully they fix Underwater Menace for the Season 4 boxset 🙂

    • The Time Lord 1944

      March 19th, 2024 - 11:46pm

      Agree. Good job people kicked up a fuss. As it’s a fault only visible on certain setups the fault could have never been rectified and continued through future releases. I’m still convinced ALL sets had the fault but certain models of player/TV combinations masked it.

  • Gordon

    March 16th, 2024 - 2:41pm

    Chris chapman would like to ask people to refrain from spoiling things on the Graeme Williams documentary. He would prefer the documentary to speak for itself and would like for people to discover the film for themselves.

  • Jim

    March 16th, 2024 - 1:31pm

    Has anyone that’s got the boxset since compared the image detail to the first YouTube trailer that had the pretty intense DNR? (Digital noise reduction)

    I guess it’s a long shot but hoping the DNR was somehow reduced to a sensible level before release; there were screencaps from Horror of Fang Rock where the DNR made the stitching on Tom Baker’s scarf blurry, and a shadow on his cheek legit looked like a deep cut, because of the intense image softening. All of that original detail was more visible / natural on the dvds.

    I get that all remasters, even the dvds, have some kind of DNR on them, but the samples in that first YouTube trailer were pretty over the top.

    • Gordon

      March 16th, 2024 - 2:34pm

      Going by the pre release trailer that was released this week for s15 that uses restored footage it’s very much a case the dnr usage was specific for the first trailer.

    • Rex Farrel

      March 17th, 2024 - 2:01pm

      Glad it appears to have been resolved (not that I’ll be seeing it for a couple of years, Standard schedule permitting). Would anyone brave enough to venture into the Internet cesspools please share any info they spot on what happened/was changed this time?

  • norman

    March 16th, 2024 - 12:19pm

    got mine today happy days.

  • Count Davros

    March 15th, 2024 - 8:09pm

    My last post didn’t make it up, so I’ll try again.
    Just got my dispatch notice from (the retailer I obviously can’t mention)!

  • Rory

    March 15th, 2024 - 9:45am

    Does anyone use the Steelbook Central protectors? Which size does S15 fit?

    • daz

      March 15th, 2024 - 9:46pm

      Once I have my set I’ll let you know.

    • DPHill

      March 16th, 2024 - 8:58am

      Should fit s17 and s26 which I believe it is DW4, a lot of people said s20 didn’t fit the same as s2 but for sone reason mine did so I’ve already preordered DW4 for 15&16

    • daz

      March 18th, 2024 - 2:57pm

      Hi Rory,

      DW2 fits Season 15 as it is 7 discs.

      Got mine this morning and the box is the same size as Season 14.

  • Gordon

    March 13th, 2024 - 5:20pm

    Jason arnopp has done an unboxing video which goes through the extras. Nothing too surprising

    • Prowl1701

      March 13th, 2024 - 6:49pm

      He also reveals the back cover art, and it looks great!

    • DPHill

      March 14th, 2024 - 11:34am

      Mine has been dispatched! Very exciting!

    • Dave

      March 14th, 2024 - 3:33pm

      where was your from, mine from hmv has been charged but no dispatch email yet

    • D84

      March 14th, 2024 - 3:44pm

      I’ve ordered from Amazon and haven’t been charged – nor despatched yet – not unusual for Amazon on “standard” delivery though.

      I’m expecting this to land with me on Monday afternoon

    • Mark

      March 14th, 2024 - 5:13pm

      Delivered and on time again. Came this morning, so well done. But not going to spoil it on those still waiting, its worth the money though.

    • Harold Shand

      March 14th, 2024 - 5:37pm

      Mark – who do you order with? Impressed its delivered so early

    • DPHill

      March 14th, 2024 - 8:57pm

      @D84 mine was also from hmv, dispatched, but not charged yet… weird right?

    • Philip Shaw

      March 15th, 2024 - 8:04am

      Mine arrived yesterday (Thursday) from Zavvi, always reliably early!

  • Max Kennedy

    March 8th, 2024 - 4:13pm

    Any guesses on what’s next after this one? I’m sensing possibly 3rd or 7th. Or maybe a Black & White boxset.

    • D84

      March 8th, 2024 - 10:37pm

      Recent suggestions have pointed to S25 being the next in the range

      S6 is widely suspected “soon” too, not necessarily next but certainly within the next couple of releases

      We do know S1 had not started restoration as of late last year so wont be coming anytime soon, S3 is also very full of holes.

      S4 and S5 are close but depends if and for how long they are willing to wait for more animations to come along – and then be cleared for inclusion on a Collection Set. (its understood any future animation is likely to have its own release period as a standalone product before being allowed to be re pressed or re packaged)

      S7 and S11 have some tricky restorations due to the quality of surviving original footage but that is on par with S8 as that also suffers from the same issues – and S8 has been out a fair while now

      The others are all starting to suffer from limited surviving cast members still being around or working to contribute to extra’s

      Its widely acknowledged and known that most releases left in the range have material “banked” for them even though it wont be seen for a number of years

    • Neill Stringer

      March 15th, 2024 - 12:49am

      Do you feel by the time season 1 is ready that An Unearthly Child will be ok to go on it

    • D84

      March 17th, 2024 - 11:27pm

      I would have thought so

      I can’t see them ever wanting to release a “Season 1” set and not be able to out AUC on there

  • Johnny M

    February 29th, 2024 - 4:02pm

    Love the artwork BUT… they’re the wrong jelly babies. Very wrong. Those are Haribo Goldbears, not Bassett’s Jelly Babies. I doubt the Haribo sweets depicted were even on the market back in 1977, when this series aired. I guess it’s too late to change it now.

    • Jake E

      March 1st, 2024 - 6:28pm

      Honestly, I think we can just let this slide this time if true

    • daz

      March 1st, 2024 - 8:48pm

      Maybe they can’t use anything Bassett-like due to the Kandyman issue from 1988.


    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 2nd, 2024 - 10:25am

      Yes but in Image of Fendahl the Doctor asks the skull if he would like a Jelly Baby and pulls out a liquorice allsort so maybe sweets look different in Gallifrey?

    • Anon

      March 2nd, 2024 - 11:10am

      I always assumed he called all sweets a jelly baby..

    • The Helmic Regulator

      March 3rd, 2024 - 5:15am

      It doesn’t matter. He’s a time traveller and for this image he has just picked up some Haribo Goldbears whilst visiting 2024.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      March 3rd, 2024 - 8:50am

      Yes and it’s picture, there’s no speech bubble saying ‘Would you like a Jelly Baby?’ so who is actually saying they are Jelly Babies?

    • anon

      March 3rd, 2024 - 10:26am

      It seemed just like a running joke in the series. The doctor pulls out a bag regardless of the contents and says ‘ Would you like a jelly Baby?

    • Philip Shaw

      March 6th, 2024 - 8:04am

      I think Pat Troughton was first with the jelly babies…

    • Robert Watkins

      March 8th, 2024 - 5:29pm

      I’ll be up all night thinking about that now. Lolz

  • Prof Horner

    February 28th, 2024 - 4:19pm

    Just picked up a copy of season 12 limited edition, at HMV here in leeds. When this first came out in 2018 , I didn’t have a Blu ray player. So it wasn’t till Christmas 2018 that I got a player. By which time this set had long since sold out. I picked up the American version off Amazon. Now 12 can sit on the self along side 2,8,9,10 ,14 ,17,18 ,19 and 20. And less than 3 weeks till 15 joins them.

    • Prowl1701

      February 28th, 2024 - 9:08pm

      Nice! Glad you got a limited edition copy!

    • Rex F

      February 28th, 2024 - 11:39pm

      Season 12 2nd edition has been stuck on their website for an age, even with big discounts from time to time (including cheaper than the standard set). Since it was created to bring the numbers up to the level of the other sets, I’m assuming they ended up overproducing it due to Amazon’s selling of the faulty batch – but that would mean it was cheaper to produce full new sets rather than just manually swap over the discs (scary!).

    • D84

      February 29th, 2024 - 10:04am

      Very happy for you Prof

      I missed the original press of S12 but started my own collection with S19 onwards.

      I did manage to grab a copy of S12 2nd Edition though when that came out early 2020

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 29th, 2024 - 2:14pm

      Wait until you get your copy of 25 Prof!

    • Prowl 1701

      February 29th, 2024 - 10:40pm

      Bobby, you will be happy to know that due to a Patreon/youtube member vote, I will be rewatching Delta soon. Maybe I will appreciate it more this time.

  • Prowl 1701

    February 27th, 2024 - 7:20am

    Does anyone know the discs layout/breakdown yet?

    • Gordon

      February 27th, 2024 - 8:17am

      New dwm is Thursday so we should know this week.

    • Gordon

      February 28th, 2024 - 11:04am

      Apparently there is a preview but no disc breakdown

    • Anon

      February 28th, 2024 - 11:32am

      The breakdown is the main reason for me buying this months mag. Its easier than having to keep checking the booklet to check what the new content is on the discs.

    • Craig

      February 29th, 2024 - 3:53pm

      Has the season 15 disc break down been revealed in the magazine today

    • Prowl 1701

      February 29th, 2024 - 10:42pm

      So was there a breakdown of the discs layout in DWM? I know it dropped today.

    • Gordon

      March 1st, 2024 - 12:04am

      No breakdown but there was a three page preview on it.

    • Prowl1701

      March 1st, 2024 - 3:15am

      Any interesting news we didn’t know already?

    • Gordon

      March 1st, 2024 - 11:55am

      Nothing really much that we haven’t heard or read before. Has a bit about the trailer, the fang rock making of, the new cgi and the Graeme Williams documentary.

    • Rex F

      March 14th, 2024 - 2:45pm

      Do you think the new DWM editor isn’t a fan of the disc by disc breakdown, or it’s a BBC-related thing (either timing or contractual)?

  • Gio

    February 23rd, 2024 - 12:52pm

    Interesting personal update on the season 20 picture instability. My 4k panasonic dp-ub450 has just had a new firmware update for stability. It has reduced the excesses of the instability but you can still see it fighting against it. It does feel a better viewing experience now. As this is my second firmware update since the issue I thought I would share it here as this is the most up to date chat and some are concerned the issue may continue with this set. Hopefully this my reassure that even if the bbc cannot solve the issue our devices may eventually be able to.

    • Nb7

      February 25th, 2024 - 10:45am

      This really does my head in, we’re in 2024 and these issues are happening! Luckily my season 20 is fine BUT I’m having similar-ish issues with amazon prime. Every time I watch it there’s a black screen with some white outlines of people. There’s sound but the black picture with outlines! Apparently I have to turn ambient mode on on my tv and start again and it works. I have to do that everytime I watch Amazon! Makes me laugh! Back in day when you bought a vhs and it was faintly, flickering screen etc you’d take it back and get another. Technology is too complicated nowadays!

  • Whofan44

    February 18th, 2024 - 5:34pm

    So given that Stef Coburn seems to have no intention to negotiate reasonably in regards to An Unearthly Child I think we may have to get used to the idea that they do season 1 without the first 4 eps. Very annoying but I would rather only have the first 4 eps missing from the collection than the whole of season 1.

    • daz

      February 18th, 2024 - 7:14pm

      Season 1 probably won’t be out til 2027 so things might change by then. I hope they leave an empty disc tray for it though. So either we can pop our dvd version in or there is a space if it eventually gets a separate Blu-ray release.

    • Anonymous

      February 18th, 2024 - 10:24pm

      Some seem to think it’s okay under videogram rights.

    • Gordon

      February 19th, 2024 - 1:18am

      It all could depend on whether or not the physical media rights are perpetual or not. There is a bit of a question mark over that. Steve Roberts who used to work on the range seems to think so but Richard bignell doesn’t seem as sure. It’s a bit of a question mark at present so it’s hard to say whether or not it’s the case.

      It seems unlikely stef and the bbc will agree on terms for starters the bbc have offered him the maximum amount legally £20k. Secondly stef wants among other things rights to the tardis and his father’s pilot script for a tv show the bbc rejected back in 1976 made into a tv show. If they agreed to that it would cost millions and also could cause a precedent that other estates could make similar demands. Something like this could take years to sort out. Even if they do agree stef’s hatred for the bbc doctor who and its fans makes me think he will change terms just to be difficult and delay things as much as possible. Think our best bet to negotiate with the person that takes over the estate from him when he passes. He claims he’s leaving it to the Russian federation (yes really) which I doubt but even if that was the case I can’t see any way that putin would be that bothered about a British tv show that had an extremely small audience there let alone the bbc putting out a blu ray of it in a couple of places around the world.

      I suspect when they go round to start working on season 1 they will have chats with lawyers to see what they can and can’t do. I suspect regardless of whatever they can do they will have a space for an unearthly child

    • D84

      February 19th, 2024 - 8:27am

      I can’t see an S1 The Collection set being released without the very first story included – I really can’t.

      No idea what the solution is though to move past this

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 19th, 2024 - 12:46pm

      I always thought that it was Susan who made up the name TARDIS?

    • The Time Lord 1944

      February 19th, 2024 - 10:30pm

      I was once told by a Networkonair employee that Blu-ray rights required renegotiation as they are different to dvd rights. Hence why some of their popular releases never made the transition to Blu-ray despite being restored and ready to go. Not sure how true that is or if it applies in this case

    • SV7

      February 20th, 2024 - 8:09am

      I can believe that to be honest, as the Beginning Box set does still appear to be in print. The obvious way around would surely be to just re-release the DVD exactly as it is now in any future Season 1 box set just with a new label on the disc. (The Steelbook release of The Daleks in colour springs to mind).

  • Mark

    February 14th, 2024 - 10:42am

    Entertainment store is nothing to do with zoom whats so ever, so don,t listen to what they say, but i too miss zoom,, especially devlivering orders to them.

  • The Time Lord 1944

    February 11th, 2024 - 5:28pm

    I used to buy these sets from Zoom. They then became The Entertainment Store. Now The Entertainment Store seem to have disappeared from eBay, Amazon and elsewhere online. Anyone know what’s happened to it?

    • Gordon

      February 12th, 2024 - 4:17am

      Zoom got taken over but the ones that did take over was pretty bad at prices and sending through things so it closed

    • Rex F

      February 12th, 2024 - 8:06am

      A company called Patriot Films (who?) bought out Zoom when Universal dropped out of the UK market. It was mishandled all round, and I think we all still miss the old Zoom.

      The Entertainment Store (not connected to Zoom or Patriot) are showing as “on holiday” on my ebay pages, until 3rd March. So it’s not necessarily bad news, and there are a lot of warehouse moves going on at the moment.

    • Gordon

      February 12th, 2024 - 9:36am

      Ah that’s it. patriot films. Couldn’t for the life of me remember who it was that took it over. It was so badly mishandled. I ordered something to try them. It was supposedly sent but I never received anything. Tried their email helpline repeatedly with no response. Tried contacting their socials and they blocked me. Eventually I had to claim my money back through PayPal.

    • The Time Lord 1944

      February 12th, 2024 - 3:42pm

      Thanks everyone. Hopefully it is just a warehouse move as RexF suggests as I find The Entertainment Store great for physical media releases. Often get titles no longer available in other stores. I am concerned though as on company house the man who ran the eBay arm of the company has resigned. Gordon the name Zoom was taken over and they did a pretty bad job but the Zoom staff and stock moved over to The Entertainment Store I believe when Warner took over Universals physical media releases. That’s what I meant really, just got a bit mixed up.

    • Mark

      February 12th, 2024 - 4:51pm

      Entertainment store is nothing to do with zoom whats so ever, so don,t listen to what they say, but i too miss zoom,, especially devlivering orders to them.

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