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January 17th, 2024 810 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 15 Limited Edition Packaging

Available to order from,,, and various retailers on

Available to order as a standard edition from #ad.

Tom Baker’s fourth season as the Fourth Doctor is the next release to come to Blu-ray when The Collection – Season 15 releases later this year.

Doctor Who fans can continue to build their own home archive on Blu-ray with a SEVEN DISC box set of the 15th Season from 1977, starring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor. Containing six classic stories, this limited-edition set is packed with hours of new and exclusive material.

These stories feature Louise Jameson as the Doctor’s warrior companion Leela and the introduction of trusty robot dog K-9, building to an epic showdown on the Time Lords’ home planet Gallifrey with the Doctor pitted against his old adversaries the Sontarans.


All episodes have been newly remastered from the best available sources – these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.

The Collection: Season 15 Blu-ray box set also includes extensive Special Features including:


  • Exclusive to Blu-ray, on Horror Of Fang Rock.


  • New episodes with Louise Jameson (Leela), Colin Baker (The Doctor), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric), Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Betsan Roberts (wife of director Pennant Roberts) and comedian and presenter Toby Hadoke.


  • A brand-new scripted trailer to announce the Season 15 Boxset of Doctor Who.


  • A look at the life and career of producer Graham Williams.


  • Interviewer Matthew Sweet chats to Louise Jameson.


  • Making Horror Of Fang Rock.


  • Tom Baker muses on life, the universe and everything.


  • Exclusive new Audio Commentaries from Tom Baker.


  • On Horror Of Fang Rock.







Plus lots more!

This seven-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including Documentaries, Updated Special Effects, Featurettes, Audio Commentaries and more.

Text and images with thanks to BBC Studios.

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Gordon

    February 10th, 2024 - 10:17pm

    Well the abominable snowmen animation is coming to iPlayer on the 5th of march which is 18 months to the day of its dvd/blu ray release. That can’t be an accident. This would appear to give us an idea of the retail exclusivity window for the animations, and might be an indication as to how long it could take to release them on Collection sets.

    • D84

      February 10th, 2024 - 10:32pm

      I guess that means everything from Galaxy 4 and older animation wise is potentially “ready” to be included then?

      For me, I think they should be creative with the release schedule for The Collection sets in order to be able to include as many as they can – or re press them later and include them on a 2nd Edition for that Season

    • Anon

      February 11th, 2024 - 9:24am

      Or maybe even a 60s animations collection boxset rather than including them.

    • Gordon

      February 12th, 2024 - 1:33am

      I can see more likely a repackaging than an animation box set especially if there is more colourisations and tales of the tardis made

    • D84

      February 12th, 2024 - 9:40am

      I am sure I will buy them all Gordon if that’s what they do – i’m a sucker for all things like this

      I’ve bought at least 4 copies of Spearhead from Space over the years as its gone through VHS / DVD / DVD Special Edition / Blu Ray – If/When S7 arrives in The Collection range – that will make 5 🙂

  • Samuel

    February 7th, 2024 - 4:12pm

    The “more ambitious” Collection trailers to be “rested”.

    Right after the very latest trailer for Season 15 easily outdid every full special from the 60th Anniversary, receiving far more positive reception than all the 60th specials combined.

    RTD was welcomed back with open arms by the fandom, a ton of goodwill towards Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson – a lot of hope from not just fans, but brand new audiences.

    The “whoniverse” idea was a total success, as was the Collection trailers keeping momentum up for Doctor Who.

    What’s happened since? Adventure in Space and time, taken down. Budget and production for The Collection trailers, reduced. Zero protection or support Millie Gibson, a very young actress, facing the disgusting press head on of being “sacked” for bad behaviour, followed by endless upon endless leaks of her replacement. Let alone the very mixed feedback on all of the 60th scripts. I personally liked many parts of the specials but can definitely understand the distaste at the politics being hammered in every 5 seconds. Davros – need I say anymore?

    No era is perfect, granted. However I’ve never, ever seen such a fall from grace in such a short space of time like I have RTD2.

    Season 15’s trailer was the perfect prime example of what Doctor Who should be, and should represent. It felt like Doctor Who again, it was beautifully written and directed.

    I’ve said this before to the Moffat and Chibnall era fans – if you’re enjoying the era, more power to you, but I’m staying with Classic Who. Doctor Who could manage change between ’63 – ’89, without becoming unrecognisable.

    • Rex F

      February 7th, 2024 - 4:55pm

      You’ve been looking at different places to me I guess. I don’t follow fandom though, nor watch the new series, just see the general press, etc.

    • daz

      February 7th, 2024 - 6:34pm

      Samuel. You can’t compare a trailer to 4 hours of TV to be fair. And said trailer relies heavily on The Time War/ RTD1&Moffat set up and a loved classic companion.

      Personally the trailer gave me more feels than anything Chibnell did.

      I loved the specials though so every fan is different.

      The budget for the collection haven’t been reduced but the money will go elsewhere into the collection sets. I’d rather they used the spare money to update the Dinosaurs in Season 11 for example than an epic trailer for the next 10 sets.

      And with Tales of the Tardis being the new Nostalgia fest there might be more of them to come too which will lesson the impact of a classic companion in a trailer.

      RTD2 is fine. Millie is also fine as she wasn’t sacked. She knows it, her Manager knows it. I’m sure they’ve informed anyone who needs to know without making a public statement.

      The press are just speculating for clicks. We’ll get similar headlines when the next companion goes too now they shoot well in advance of broadcast. They still think Ncuti is only doing 2 Seasons as well.

    • Gordon

      February 8th, 2024 - 12:39am

      I love the season 15 trailer but you cannot push the show forward on just mini episode nostalgia. If you did that for full episodes the show would never move on.

      Personally I did not see anything wrong with what we got for the 60th anniversary episodes as I enjoyed all 4 of them very much.

      The adventure in space and time had only an agreement to be shown for a certain time and that time had ran out.

      The budget for the collection hasn’t changed. Resting the more ambitious trailers doesn’t mean the budget has been slashed. The budget for the trailers have never been high budget. It’s been done for creative reasons not financial. Pete has said “We’ve kind of got half of one [film] in the can that we did 18 months ago, and there’s more coming up,” he said. “[But] we are reaching the point where we’re going to have to have a breather from those trailers for a while, because they’re a lot of work. So the so called “resting of the more epic style trailers” is a few releases away anyway and depending on how many more seasons they have coming up they might only have 6-7 releases left anyway.

      They are also starting to run out out of people to bring back to give epic trailers to. Outside of mark strickson and lalla ward (who live in New Zealand and Hong Kong respectively) everybody else that hasn’t come back in the trailers or tales from the tardis is in their 80s. Also how much longer is the likes of Fraser, Wendy Maureen and Peter purvis are going to keep working. As much as I love them they ain’t going to keep working forever. I mean Anneke has already retired from doing appearances and she’s 82,

      There has been nothing official said regarding Millie. It’s not been confirmed she’s been “sacked”. For all we know in storyline terms she was always planned to only be a 1 season companion and make casual appearances after that like Martha was in season 4.

      Rtd 2 is fine. People kind of forget when Russell had his first go around he was the supposed worst part of the show. Moffat was seen as this best part of the rtd era and him taking over was this new golden age of the show. The second he took over and his episodes started airing people turned on him and said the show was better with rtd. When Moffat left and Chibnall took over same thing happened again and now Russell has come back and people now seem to want pete mctighe in charge despite the same people crapping all over his 2 chibnall era episodes (kablam and praxus) and saying at the time they did not want him anywhere near the showrunner position . It’s almost as if regardless of who is in charge fans are never satisfied

    • Bookcollector

      February 8th, 2024 - 9:29am

      Gordon I love the show still. I enjoyed the 60th episodes, although I didn’t feel they were particularly celebratory, I did think they were good and ncuti’s first story was fun. As you say it doesn’t matter who is in charge, a section of fandom will continue to be vocally unhappy. And they will insist that everyone is unhappy when they aren’t.

    • Rex F

      February 8th, 2024 - 9:37am

      My least favourite element of Who has always been, sorry to say, the “fans”.*

      *That’s on average – I’m not saying every single fan is awful, obviously. Although when it comes to the high profile ones… (And don’t mention the Fitzroy…)

    • Gordon

      February 8th, 2024 - 11:39am

      I totally get why some may have been a little disappointed the 60th episodes not being celebratory. But on the other hand Russell should not forced or criticised for not writing something he doesn’t feel like doing. I’m totally with you Rex F with fans being the worst thing about the show. I’m not saying fans shouldn’t be critical. Of course they can but a lot of them just can’t seem to tell the difference between being critical and being darn right nasty and vile and complaining about messaging and agenda (newsflash any show no matter how subtle has a message and a agenda attached to it)

    • Bookcollector

      February 8th, 2024 - 11:47am

      And “fans” are definitely getting worse rex. It’s definitely the most depressing part of who as everything from new episodes, new animations, toys, books, magazines, everything is subject to vitriolic attacks.

    • Bookcollector

      February 8th, 2024 - 12:47pm

      Thing is Gordon I may have felt they lacked anniversary appeal but I really enjoyed them. And as far as I’m concerned Russell should absolutely write what he wants to write. It’s up to me to follow his writing as a fan and just enjoy it. He can’t just cater to fans it has to be new. As a fan of 49 years I’ve gone with the flow of the show. It’s not that I’m not critical it is more that as a fan I just like the show and whatever direction it goes in that’s what is happening. I genuinely don’t know what certain fans actually want.

    • Gordon

      February 8th, 2024 - 1:27pm

      Oh totally agree. I enjoyed all 4 of Russell’s episodes he’s put out so far. When you got a show that’s been getting consolidated figures of nearly 8 million viewers you can’t just focus on fans and nostalgia. You have to deliver something new. Nostalgia only gets you so far.

    • D84

      February 8th, 2024 - 5:52pm

      So with 14 sets already on the shelf, 15 if you include S15 + another trailer “half shot” that takes us to 16

      Speculating the “more to come” alludes to a couple more “epic” style trailers planned – that could be taken us to almost 20 sets

      With only 6/7 to go beyond that – I’d say I’m fine with those final few being a mix of simple / epic if that’s what is going to happen

    • Prowl 1701

      February 8th, 2024 - 7:51pm

      I’m sure some seasons would be hard to do with big epic trailers. Seasons 7 and 11 really only have Jon Levene left. And seasons 13 and 16 don’t have really any one either, with Tom not as active (understandable at 90, I’m happy he is still doing big finish.) I do hope we get one good epic troughton era set though with Frazer.

    • Gordon

      February 9th, 2024 - 10:43am

      I think it’s mainly gonna be the remaining 70s seasons they got problems with. What exactly do they do with benton. Regardless of whether he’d still be a used car salesmen or as the power novelisation suggests he rejoined unit and became a lutenenant and was involved in the 10th planet clean up he’d obviously be retired now especially if John benton is the same age as John levene. Unless it’s a vocal appearance I doubt Tom will be involved in the trailers. 13 can be monster based. 16 you can’t have Mary Tamm for obvious reasons. Using k9 will all depend on whether or not the estates of baker and Martin. I seem to remember the bbc only got to use him for sja under certain conditions. The only other character option is princess astra and lalla lives in Hong Kong I don’t know if she would be available.

    • Prof Horner

      February 9th, 2024 - 11:39am

      Regarding season 7. Given it’s UNIT season. Maybe you could have Kate reviewing her father’s files.

    • Anon

      February 9th, 2024 - 3:04pm

      The only way could be using surviving guest characters by connection or association with nu who.

    • D84

      February 9th, 2024 - 4:40pm

      I have also been thinking that, surviving cast members to revisit are becoming thin on the ground for earlier seasons.

      Although as mentioned some could be entirely monster led – like S17 with Davros

    • Rex F

      February 9th, 2024 - 10:37pm

      Benton selling the box set in the manner of a used car salesman, in a local TV ad kind of way. “Only 55 years on the clock, upgraded with the latest digital technology and featuring 13 episodes with a brand new respray.” (Copyright waived – you can have that one, Auntie.)

    • Rex F

      February 9th, 2024 - 10:42pm

      Continued: The ad ends with Benton selling the box set to an Ambassador, and going to shake his hand: ” Whoops, I nearly forgot about the radiation then!” followed by forced laughter from everyone and a stock music cheesy jingle.

    • Gordon

      February 10th, 2024 - 10:49am

      Gonna take a guess at mark strickson for the half shot trailer. Thinking on it he was in the uk July/august 2022 and it would make sense to bank that one

    • Anon

      February 10th, 2024 - 1:06pm

      He was in the uk briefly in March 2023 at the valiant con in sheffield though he did say he was over to visit his elderly parents en route from sheffield.

    • D84

      February 10th, 2024 - 1:32pm

      That’s likely S21 then Gordon I guess

    • Gordon

      February 10th, 2024 - 3:22pm

      @anon pete says he half shot a trailer 18 months ago. That’s why I mentioned july/ August 2022 as that was roughly the time he said he shot it

      @d84 it kind of tally’s with what I suspect for next year with 21 and 7

    • D84

      February 10th, 2024 - 3:54pm

      What leads to those suspicions Gordon?

      And are you talking calendar year 2025 – or FY 2024/25?

      We know BTS was done for Warriors some time ago (Janet slip)

      What raises S7 above the likes of 11/13/16

      Do we think the rest of this calendar year will see either or both S25 / S6 ?

    • Gordon

      February 10th, 2024 - 9:58pm

      Well I’d like to think we will get 2 more this year and 25 and 6 I have heard are the next 2 sets. If that’s the case then you have to look what’s next. Well there hasn’t been a year that we haven’t had an 80s set and 21 is the only 80s one left. Also we seem to get the pertwee’s in 2 year intervals so the pattern would suggest 2025 for our next one. It could easily be 11 but I’d like to think they would want to hold off to do a proper tribute for Richard franklyn.

    • D84

      February 10th, 2024 - 10:34pm

      Fair assumptions Gordon can’t say I disagree

      I’m looking forward to S25 to see how they celebrate Remembrance as it’s one of my childhood favourites

    • Prof Horner

      February 11th, 2024 - 9:13am

      I hope you are right about season 7 ,Gordon. After 6 it’s the one I want the most. I happy 25 coming out this year as long as we 6 as well.

    • Gordon

      February 12th, 2024 - 2:20am

      Looking at what’s going to be left after 25 and 6 (assuming it’s these 2 out next) there isn’t really much to choose from at that point in time. 3 and 4 are pretty much out as the animations are too new. From what I’m hearing they are still trying to figure out what they can and can’t do with auc for s1. Can’t see it being 2 troughtons in a row. Suppose it could be another Tom but it Might be seen as too soon after s15. Considering a wilderness years hasn’t even been commissioned yet it won’t be that. Only really leaves a pertwee and a Davison.

    • D84

      February 12th, 2024 - 9:43am

      Wilderness Years not commissioned?

      Hardly surprising but surely the market and material is there to make a viable product.

      Do your sources think its plausible / will happen at some point – even towards the end of the range?

      For the sets left – yes i can see S1 being problematic given recent events

      S3 – full of holes

      S4/S5 almost there – but still some gaps and the animations are pretty new as you say

    • Gordon

      February 12th, 2024 - 1:49pm

      Wouldn’t worry too much about it not being commissioned yet as it’s years off. I’m sure it will happen as there is too much stuff with nowhere else to go

    • D84

      February 12th, 2024 - 8:34pm

      Yea I was thinking that Gordon

      Do we know if all the remaining seasons are commissioned for production?

      Even S3

    • Gordon

      February 13th, 2024 - 10:15am

      Think all 26 seasons were all commisioned at the start or near the start of the range (due to how popular s12 was) but not all of them are currently in production ie some of the ones at the end. I believe there is some stuff shot for seasons not yet in production as they are banking stuff. Chris chapman has filmed stuff that is years away from being seen. I’d imagine with them doing so much filming Tom has stuff banked for both of his remaining seasons

    • D84

      February 15th, 2024 - 9:47am

      Yes with us now over the half way point – I can see “everything” being worked on to some degree even if that is banking stuff whilst the actors are available, and sadly in some cases – still with us – for the final few sets

    • DanielM

      February 16th, 2024 - 5:48am

      @D84 The rumored Warriors of the Deep BTS that Janet supposedly let slip was actually just the Audiobook that she Narrated which was released last Year.

  • James

    February 6th, 2024 - 6:33pm

    Apparently the next Collection will have the last mini episode(the mini trailer episode before thr main trialer of clips) for a while. The writer of them has said they may have to take a breatger for a while.

    • Gordon

      February 6th, 2024 - 7:28pm

      From what I got told from people that at the bfi it wasn’t the trailers that were taking a breather rather the epic style trailers like the ones in 9/20/15. The trailers will still happen just they will be more simplistic and may be even be clips based like the season 18 teaser

    • Anonymous

      February 6th, 2024 - 9:20pm

      Was an explanation given? I wonder if they could potentially be treading on the toes of RTD going forward…?

    • Prof Horner

      February 6th, 2024 - 9:47pm

      Certainly they would be hard pressed to top the last three. Plus there several seasons where there are nobody left to appear in them .I am thinking of season 7, 11 , 13 and 16.

    • Gordon

      February 6th, 2024 - 11:14pm

      All Pete said was that after s15 where do we go from here and it was heading to a point where they need to take a breather from doing this epic style of trailer and that a couple of them will be more clip based. He never said anything about a hiatus or resting them completely. It’s radio times adding 2 plus 2 and getting a clickbaiting 5.

    • Auton

      February 7th, 2024 - 6:33am

      I think this is great news, while I have loved the returning companion minisodes, I do miss the more comedic low stakes trailers such as Season 19 or Season 18

    • D84

      February 7th, 2024 - 9:00am

      Whilst this upsets me a little – I can see that working out

      I have to say the trailer for S15 is fantastic and for me one of the best so far

      But if you think back not too long ago, S17 had a fairly simplistic trailer with a static Davros as the main focal point.

      S2 was also fairly simple in my view in comparison to S22 / S20 / S9 / S15

      So if these become a mix with an “epic” style thrown in amongst a couple of more simplistic ones – im good with that

    • WhoIsWhere

      February 7th, 2024 - 3:06pm

      Basically – it looks better than the TV show production which guess is why they need to take over running the show on a much lower budget.

      they could afford to make 16 episode a year if they was running the show instead of 8.

    • Rex F

      February 7th, 2024 - 4:42pm

      I know I’m in the minority, but I always found them a little cringeworthy. When I could get through them.

    • Anon

      February 7th, 2024 - 8:04pm

      Does it actually matter? It’s just a trailer…

    • D84

      February 7th, 2024 - 10:12pm

      The trailers have certainly improved over time and I agree are EPIC in scale/ambition for the last few so I do see the relevance of the initial message “where do we go from here”

      I love them, and have watched them all many times

      Personally I would like them to continue as is and keep getting better, but understand it must be so hard to keep getting better

      We’ll see I guess

    • James

      February 8th, 2024 - 12:17pm

      Hope they have filmed some similar mini ep trailers with Carole-Ann for s1, Peter for s3, fraizer for s4, s5 and s6. Get them filmed and saved whilst the actors are still able to.
      Be a shame that all the 70s/80s sets got them and only s2 had 1 for 60s.

      Be nice to have k9 tellong Luke about the key to time era for s16

      S21 have 6 and 5 bumping into 1 another sinilar to time crash

      S7 benton looking around the bew UNIT hq talkong to kate about the Brig

    • Gordon

      February 8th, 2024 - 3:51pm

      Even if he hasn’t filmed any of those they can still happen just in a smaller scale than the last couple of trailers were. The trailers are NOT stopping just the more epic scaled ones. This so called breather isn’t even happening immediately. He’s got 1 half shot and he’s said there is “more planned” before this so called breather.

  • Jake E

    February 6th, 2024 - 6:31pm


    Doctor Who Blu-Ray short films to be ‘rested’, producer confirms.

    That’s really unfortunate but at least they ended on a high note with Season 15. I understand some seasons would be hard to do those trailers for and I was thinking recently they might stop doing them because there’s no reason for them to spend the money really because at this point everyone that wants the Blu-rays are gonna buy them anyway!

    • Jake E

      February 6th, 2024 - 6:36pm

      McTighe explained that crafting the shorts is “a lot of work”, particularly producing something as ambitious as Leela vs the Time War.

      “We’ve kind of got half of one [film] in the can that we did 18 months ago, and there’s more coming up,” he said. “[But] we are reaching the point where we’re going to have to have a breather from those trailers for a while, because they’re a lot of work.

      “We kind of get to the point where it’s… where do we go from that? So we’re going to have to have a bit of a rest soon.”

      McTighe explained that, in some instances, a more traditional clips package might instead be used to promote the Collection boxsets.

      Despite its impressive visual effects, McTighe insisted that newest effort Leela vs the Time War was still made with a limited budget, to a strict schedule and with a “tiny crew” of “way less than 10 people”.

      “It didn’t [have a big budget] – they’re literally made for 20 quid and a ham sandwich!” he joked. “We had about three or four hours [to film].”

  • Prowl 1701

    February 6th, 2024 - 6:07am

    RIP Michael Jayson, he was an amazing Valeyard on TV and Audio. Glad we had him on behind the sofa and the doctor’s table in the collection range.

    • DPHill

      February 6th, 2024 - 10:08am

      Sad news indeed, am glad he returned to audio and did s23 no set, bless him, he was great as the valeyard!

  • Jake E

    February 2nd, 2024 - 10:21pm

    It’s just been revealed that the BBC are sending out replacement discs for issues with the Doctor Who Series 1-4 Blu-Ray.

    But NOTHING after all these months of radio silence for Doctor Who Season 20 Collection or The Underwater Menace Animation. Ridiculous.

    • daz

      February 3rd, 2024 - 12:30am

      What is wrong with the Remastered Series 1 to 4? Not heard anything about them being faulty although I’ve only watched the new interview with DT and RTD2.

    • Bushboy

      February 3rd, 2024 - 8:11am

      I have the set and have not watched the majority of the set yet. I have noticed a slight audio issue during the opening tittles on Aliens of London but no other problems so far. I would be interested to know what the other faults there are so I can keep an eye and ear out for them.

    • Nb7

      February 3rd, 2024 - 12:00pm

      Is it because the upscaled episodes don’t look upscaled?!
      I’ve emailed dvd support so will update when I’ve heard back.

    • MJS

      February 3rd, 2024 - 1:47pm

      How does one get these replacement discs?

    • Jake E

      February 3rd, 2024 - 8:10pm

      For now I believe the End of Time has been confirmed for a replacement disc and they are looking into other discs now such as The Next Doctor.

      I think the issue with End of Time was the subtitles being really out of sync with what was being said or something

    • Rex F

      February 4th, 2024 - 1:39am

      Jake: I don’t think the BBC remake discs if it’s a player issue. It’s not their fault that some people have both a player and TV that can’t cope with 50i, and they aren’t going to redo the entire set from scratch for a tiny number of people. (My Sony equipment is affected, so I’m not speaking as someone without the problem.)

      You’ll have to wait for S15 and see if they’ve changed their workflow for upcoming releases.

    • Jake E

      February 4th, 2024 - 12:18pm

      I understand Rex but as previously said by a lot of us we never had problems before Season 20 and it’s not all of the discs from Season 20 that has the problems. It’s just a shame is all

    • Gio

      February 4th, 2024 - 3:31pm

      James E, I’m in total agreement. If other earlier sets were affected you could say it was a player and tv issue. Therefore something must have changed in the manufacture of the discs. I have tried 3 different combinations of tv and player so if this was an isolated incident you would expect it to work fine on one of them. Hardly isolated is it? Just someone coming out and giving some information would be useful. As being ignored is the worst. I’m not a complainer by nature but this is getting very frustrating when you know you are spending over £50 a shot. And basically the feeling is we should accept something substandard when nothing else we buy has this problem. To me that is a manufacturing error. Sorry for the rant.

    • Nb7

      February 5th, 2024 - 8:02pm

      I had a response from bbc dvd support today in regards to series 1-4 blu ray, and the replacement disc is for disc 2 of the complete specials. Something to do with amended scene selection images.

    • daz

      February 6th, 2024 - 5:45pm

      Having just looked at mine they’ve got The Stolen Earth images for part 1 and Journey’s End for part 2 on the scene selection screen.

      So definitely needs replacing.

  • Prof Horner

    February 2nd, 2024 - 3:27pm

    Well my Amazon account say due 25th of March. But it always says a week later than it is. But at least we have got a release date now. As for the rest of the releases. The three I want most are, 6,7 and 13. Though I think it will be good few years before we get 7 and 13. I really hope we have 6 this year. A Troughton is long overdue! As for the animation, hopefully we will get The Smugglers animation later this year. I think I want it more than Wheel in Space.
    Haven’t seen the latest issue of DWM in the shops yet.

    • AmazonStrangerandstranger

      February 3rd, 2024 - 10:30am

      Amazon get confused as soon as they put the wrong delivery day.

      And no mater what you say to them you get it a week later

  • John T

    February 2nd, 2024 - 1:57pm

    D84 thank you. Regarding the Hartnell animations I noticed that Galaxy 4 and Toymaker both had vinyl releases before the DVDS were announced. As Myth Makers has also been out on vinyl I wonder if that will be the next animation but I know that Smugglers has been mentioned. I am not sure what is happening with the vinyl soundtracks and if there’s anything in the pipeline.

    • Gordon

      February 3rd, 2024 - 12:32am

      I think it’s just coincidence. I do know they remaster the audio for the animations so it won’t be the same audio used. For instance the celestial toymaker animation will be the first time they have released anything from the Randolph tapes that was found in 2019.

  • Craig

    February 1st, 2024 - 6:01pm

    R.I.P Liz Sladen she would of been 78 today!
    Met her a few times at conventions a lovely lady sadly missed.

    • John T

      February 2nd, 2024 - 12:31pm

      Totally agree Craig. I met her just the once about 25 years ago and she was lovely. I am a big fan of Series 11 her first year on the show so I am hoping that when the blu Ray collection set comes out for 11 that there will be a new feature focusing on Liz or perhaps Matthew Sweet in conversation for 11 could be with Brian and Sadie Miller. Either way I hope Series 11 isn’t too far away.

    • D84

      February 2nd, 2024 - 12:43pm

      S7 and S11 have some tricky restorations to complete across Silurian’s / Ambassadors / Inferno / Dinosaurs but I’m sure they are at least partially already in hand by now.

      Mind of Evil and Daemons from S8 had the same source material challenges and that’s been out a while now

    • Gordon

      February 3rd, 2024 - 1:01am

      I’m kind of hoping season 11 will happen later rather than sooner. It’s not that I don’t want it sooner but I’d like them to do a Richard Franklin tribute documentary. Firstly and most importantly I want his family to have time to recover from his loss. He just had his funeral this week. His family will still be grieving. Secondly I want time for the blu ray team to properly research his life when the and produce it. If season 11 was one of the next 3-4 releases they would be away to start on it nowish but if it’s not for another 7-8 releases it would give them a couple of years to let things settle and plan it out if his family wish’s it to go ahead.

  • Prof Horner

    February 1st, 2024 - 2:28pm

    With March 18th confirmed, only two again this year do we think? Season 6 for September, no argument!

    • ex15

      February 1st, 2024 - 3:28pm

      Depends if work on S6 is well in development (could be sooner?) and the possible S25 (much smaller project?) could happen as well!

    • D84

      February 1st, 2024 - 3:43pm

      18th March seems a fair while after the BFI screening on 4th Feb

      Surprised its that late but ill go with it

      Depends what the seasons being worked on are – and how much work required – but could well be “only” 2 this calendar year

    • daz

      February 1st, 2024 - 5:40pm

      I think we’ll get 25 in July and then 6 in November. Or if 6 is coming along nicely they’ll swap places. Maybe.

      I wonder if they’ll pop the newly filmed Tales from the Tardis bits on both too?

    • James

      February 1st, 2024 - 5:50pm

      There should be 2 more this year after season 15

    • Anon

      February 1st, 2024 - 7:24pm

      3 for the standard editions. 17 (released), 22 (around june/ july) and 2 in December or early jan 2025.

    • D84

      February 1st, 2024 - 8:08pm

      We thought we would get 3 sets last year given S9 dropped so early – then nothing for months and months

      I wouldn’t be so sure (based on nothing but my own suspicions

      Whatever we get, in any order – I’m happy aslong as they do them all

      I want all 27 sets on my shelf

    • Mark

      February 1st, 2024 - 9:10pm

      My understanding was the team aimed for 3 sets within 12 months, not a calendar year (Jan-Dec). Season 9 was March last year, Season 20 Nov so technically we get 3 sets (just) with Season 15 this March.

    • Gordon

      February 1st, 2024 - 9:36pm

      If we are getting s25 as I’ve heard (sooner rather than later) I can see us getting 3 this year or at least announced. A troughton does seems likely. Won’t be season 4 as underwater menace is too new and if they are working on the smugglers animation as rumoured it’s better to wait. A wheel in space animation is more likely to happen sooner than space pirates so season 6 seems the most likely. They have to release a troughton sooner rather than later or they are going eventually end up with 2- 3 troughtons in a row. Unless they already have plans for those 3 remaining toughton stories I suspect we will get our first Troughton story announced this year.

    • D84

      February 1st, 2024 - 9:39pm

      That “just about” counts as 12 months.

      I think the last time we got 3 sets within a calendar year was 2021 wasn’t it?

      I’m half expecting 2 per year from now on

    • D84

      February 1st, 2024 - 9:51pm

      S25 is a favourite of mine for Remembrance and Silver Nemesis so if that is next/soon great

      Prof will be happy

    • Bobby Fackrell

      February 2nd, 2024 - 5:05am

      Series 25 Prof

      When it comes out shall we get together and do a McCoy Marathon?

      We could do 24-26?

      Happiness will Prevail

  • DanWFA

    February 1st, 2024 - 1:56pm

    Season 15 confirmed to be releasing on March 18th

  • Jake E

    February 1st, 2024 - 1:52pm

    Monday 18th March!!!

    Not a long wait at all luckily 🙂

  • Gordon

    February 1st, 2024 - 12:53pm

    18th march according to hmv

    • Jake E

      February 1st, 2024 - 3:27pm

      Haha you just beat me to it. Do you spend all day looking for updates on Doctor Who merchandise release dates etc?

      If you do then fair play haha 🙂

    • Gordon

      February 1st, 2024 - 3:39pm

      Wish I had time to be online all day haha

  • Samuel

    February 1st, 2024 - 3:23am

    RE: Daleks’ Master Plan;

    My understanding was that animations were seperate to the Collections, hence Season 2 didn’t get any new animations, because the idea is just to carry on and deliver the best watchable quality copies of the source material that survives.

    So I don’t get why any 60’s collection sets should be thrown to the back of the priority list just because nobody official wants to contemplate it. Therefore all 60’s sets can just move on, higher resolution photo and telesnap scans on better bitrate blu ray discs, best as possible soundtrack renders.

    As far as I recall, Daleks’ Master Plan still suffers in areas when it comes to audio quality – but to be honest what can you do? You can replace sound effects and dialogue samples, as has already been done on a couple of chopped missing audio segments on past dvds.

    I’d say that’s the best way to deliver it; collection sets serve as the best quality watchable sources of the original material. Anything cgi, ai, animated, recreations whatever, is a bonus seperate project.

    Loose Canon have already produced photo comps for Daleks’ Master Plan, so maybe that can be used as the photo guide – from a quick google, Daleks’ Master Plan has already been released commercially on audio disc by the BBC at least twice, so I guess it’s acceptable to listen to with subtitles/narration options covering any muffly moments.

    Considering Loose Canon’s own recons are highly compressed video/sound, whatever the bbc has must be as good if not better for commercial retail sale.

    • Gordon

      February 1st, 2024 - 8:55am

      I’m sure mark will deliver a top job as usual. I know Gary Russell had said in a podcast that back in 2018 before being commissioned to do fury he got briefly offered to do masterplan but mark ayres advised them not to as the sound wasn’t good enough for tv screenings and cinema releases and that the sound is supposedly one of the worst of the show. However mark has since clarified in June 2023 that he suggested that “we concentrated at the beginning on stories for which the surviving audio was better, while we worked on ways to improve the rest.”

      The Randolph tapes turned up since then in 2019 which though not a game changer gives him other options when remastering the sound. I know celestial toymaker uses the Randolph tapes so will be interesting to see how that one sounds.

      As for pictures Derick Handley has done pretty much all of the recent reconstructions bar underwater menace (John Kelly and Charles Norton co produced that one) and considering he pretty much the head of loose cannon he will certainly use the loose cannon version as a starting point.

    • Craig

      February 1st, 2024 - 5:54pm

      The Randolph tapes are superior to some of Graham Strong’s recordings.
      The Highlanders episode 1 is now complete because of them, making this a possible future animation.

    • Prowl 1701

      February 1st, 2024 - 8:00pm

      As I recall graham recorded over his audio copy of toy maker as he didn’t like the story..

  • DP Hill

    January 31st, 2024 - 7:31pm

    So the information for the next DWM issues on the previews sections does say ‘box sets’ – does anyone know if they class the upcoming celestial toyamker and daleks in colour releases as ‘box sets’? i wouldn’t, i was wondering if it was a preview for season 15?

    Tardis wikia already has a s15 date for the RA option set at 9th July 2024, and seen as that is what it says on canada’s website, i’m wondering whether or not when they mistakenly uploaded it, because it said 04/06/24 on it, if we will be getting the UK version released on for 8th April, given how their dates are written slightly differently and it says ready to ship date… Either way we will have it soon.

    • TheForce

      January 31st, 2024 - 7:37pm

      3+ months is not soon.

    • Gordon

      February 1st, 2024 - 12:38am

      Having just got the new issue (600) the only bits of blu ray information on the issue is a page about the season 15 trailer and a little section about Lee binding doing the cover. There was also a review for the 60th specials set. That is all

    • DanWFA

      February 1st, 2024 - 1:41pm

      Season 15 now confirmed for March 18th from HMV on ‘X’

  • Samuel

    January 30th, 2024 - 2:34am

    @ex15 – as I understand it many films are recorded completely uncropped (the shots framed on a monitor graph), then the movie is later cropped in post production. As far as I remember that was at least once the norm to allow at least for overlaying vfx work etc. You’ve only got to take a look on YouTube and there’s many examples of movies without film bars (Terminator 1984 is an example that springs to mind).

    Maybe I’m wrong, but given it was a Doctor Who tv ‘movie’ there must be a substantial chance the ‘movie’ was filmed uncropped – especially as there was so much overlaying vfx going on.

    To be honest I’m not sure how a Paul McGann central boxset under the ‘Wilderness’ title could even be viable to advertise on Blu Ray, given so much digital upscaling work would have to be done on an already multi-generational back and forth re-encoded sd copy left outside of Universal. The initial solo blu ray of the movie from 2017-ish was very much a huge flop in regards to picture quality. The idea of The Collection applying that awful dnr waxy application from the Season 15 trailer doesn’t bear thinking about frankly. It would just look like a drink and drugs simulator for teetotals.

    Logic would suggest you just do a big 90’s wilderness boxset, while avoiding having to put the movie as the front and centre usp; but that idea screws up the idea of The incumbent Doctor and that Doctor’s adventure(s) being slap bang on the front cover, as the range has been doing since 2018.

    Unless a miracle happens, let alone someone prodding Universal with a stick to get an answer out of them, and we were to actually get the raw, uncropped negatives – realistically there’s no way to make a Paul McGann Collection boxset, apart from chucking it to the back of the list with Season 3.

    • Gordon

      January 30th, 2024 - 8:26am

      To be fair the restoration team had nothing to do with the 2016 blu ray. There is still room for improvement even if a new scan isn’t available. Steve Roberts back in 2016 said that whoever was working on the blu-ray could have easily taken the 25fps master (that they used for the Special Edition DVD) and slowed it to 24fps. Let’s not forget there will be a bunch of new hd extras produced for it as well.

    • Rex F

      January 30th, 2024 - 2:51pm

      The main problem with the existing TVM master is that the effects were done at 30fps, so the 25fps SE DVD master has lots of frame and field blending on the effects shots. If you did slow it from 25 to 24fps then you’d need to filmise the effects sequences (currently discrete 50i), making the double-imaging more obvious.

      If they get hold of an NTSC copy, which actually doesn’t look too bad at all, there are various ways to make a decent HD master even without film elements. You can keep it 60i, or use interpolation to make a full 24fps progressive master (but with more manual intervention than Babylon 5, where I’m assuming the sheer volume of material meant leaving most vfx to pure interpolation and resulting little glitches here and there). It can look decent already, better than most classic material.

    • ex15

      January 31st, 2024 - 8:51am

      Agree with you there, S3 almost certainly last to be released!

    • D84

      January 31st, 2024 - 11:31am

      I agree a Season 3 set would be towards the end of the range given the amount of gaps.

      I imagine it may be feasible to “wait” for DMP to receive the Animation treatment – that would be a significant gap in material filled in

      We know they have previously said they are not “waiting” for Animations, but without some Season 3 gaps being filled in – I don’t see the product being overly viable / attractive at the moments.

      Extra’s / Special Features / BTS etc yes all absolutely great – but with only 4 complete stories out of 10 (5 if you include Toymaker) – that’s going to be alot of stills to sit through

    • Gordon

      January 31st, 2024 - 12:53pm

      The problem with masterplan is it’s going to take so long to do it. In terms of scale with characters sets costumes etc it’s like 3-4 times bigger than any of the previous animations. You are talking a 3 year minimum turn around. Think it’s more likely with the time they have got till they get to season 3 the likes of myth makers, savages and maybe the massacre will get done in that time period.

    • D84

      January 31st, 2024 - 1:15pm

      Oh absolutely Gordon it will be a hell of an undertaking

      Now that we have S4 / S5 / S6 almost there – i can see the teams behind animations leaning towards S3 serials a little in order to fill in the big gaps we have left.

      For me

      S4 – If Smugglers is already being animated – then with a stills representation for Highlanders – then its good to go

      S5 – I would love Wheel to be animated – but as its the only gap I can see that being “ready” to go with stills representation on those missing eps

      S6 could come out with Space Pirates represented by stills (for me)

    • Gordon

      January 31st, 2024 - 2:47pm

      I definitely think beefing up season 3 is a bigger priority than completing season 4 5 and 6. I suspect for the underwater menace lot they will do smugglers then on to myth makers. I also suspect The Toymaker lot are away to start go on savages and then the massacre after that. That leaves 1 story per season Unanimated.

    • Basil Funkenstein

      January 31st, 2024 - 4:10pm

      What will they do for collection sets that have an animation released after that season is released? For example Crusades on Season 2 or hypothetically Highlanders for Season 4, WiS for Season 5, or Space Pirates for Season 6? Will they re-release these seasons with the new animations included?

      It won’t really be an entire set or “complete archive” of Classic Who if some stories that have been animated are missing from the collection and are only available separately.

    • Prof Horner

      January 31st, 2024 - 4:42pm

      The problem is Daleks Masterplan absence leaves too big a hole in any season 3 Boxset release. If you include Mission to the unknown that’s thirteen episodes with only three surviving episodes. Are they really going to put out a Boxset with one story having photo reconstructions of ten episodes? I still hope we will get Wheel in Space done before the season 5 Boxset release. Is DWM out tomorrow and will it have a preview of season 15 with the prospect of been it released by the end of February?

    • Anon

      January 31st, 2024 - 4:43pm

      Theyll be included on the sets again. One reason i just get the individuals on DVD.

    • James

      January 31st, 2024 - 6:10pm

      PROF. Could they not make an agreement with the Uni people who remade Mission? That’s 2 less story to redo.
      Would be good if they could use the same Uni team and techniques to redo DMP.

      I know looks like the remain 5 sets of 60s era are gpi g to possibly be 1 story short in each. As only 3 storys left in Troughtons run would make sense to do them. Id be haply to wait for the Collection set if it comes to waiting a year ish after the animation release.

    • DP Hill

      January 31st, 2024 - 6:55pm

      Strange thought but of course, there are plans for a wilderness years boxset, and maybe future colourisations or animations that could not be included can maybe go there, however, i think wilderness would be chock full anyways,

      but my odd thought is what if they did ‘Doctor Who: The Collection – Lost in Time’ or ‘Missing Adventures’ boxset, for instance, if they did touch new who, there could come a time when all animations have been done and therefore any, and any recovered episodes and colourisations could go on a sixities missing stories set after the classic range ceases – i think this would only work if the range continued with new who and spin-offs though and of course, it would be a slightly confusing product not to mention a little bit of an unlikely resolution

      it will be exciting to see s15 preview in the next issue! we should be so lucky!

      i do feel master plan leaves a bigger gap than even if three other stories were missing, i guess if they left two of the four parters it could work? Obviously we want as many as possible

    • DP Hill

      January 31st, 2024 - 6:56pm

      i also realise that Gordon mentioned a similar idea just underneath replying to a separate comment

    • Prof Horner

      January 31st, 2024 - 8:22pm

      Well the uni version of Mission is really rather good, so I suppose they could use that . But it will still leave nine episodes. I can’t say would want to sit through nine recons of these episodes.

    • Anon

      January 31st, 2024 - 9:07pm

      Prof I’ve watched a recon of masterplan and it was very good. The cost of animation may prove to much in the end. Especially if toymaker is badly received. I’m withholding judgement on it’s animation until I see it in full but I’ve seen so many negative comments already. That style of animation may be the only way to animate certain stories or we may just have to accept long waits for certain stories or that some will be reconstructions only

    • Gordon

      January 31st, 2024 - 10:53pm

      I posted this in the wrong place earlier but I suspect that if all the stories were to be animated after the collection sets were out there would be a repackaging of some sort including any animations that missed the collections and any colourisations or tales of the tardis stories that happen. Could be a good 5-10 years away though. I wouldn’t expect any new extras produced for it though.

      Think the problem is you can either do masterplan but there is no time to do much else with season 3 or you fill up the rest of season 3 and there is no time for masterplan.

      The problem with getting the uclan lot involved to do more outside of the university it becomes a commercial product and the product simply balloons in cost. It would need a tv sized budget to justify it

    • Basil Funkenstein

      January 31st, 2024 - 11:48pm

      I’m in the same camp as Gordon here. Do I want Daleks Masterplan animated? Yes, absolutely, I want all missing stories animated to one degree or another eventually, but I’d prefer they filled in the gaps that include easier stories to animate first. We don’t have many more missing stories left and I suspect they’ll start focusing on Season 3 stories soon.

      It might turn out that we get Season 1 with Marco Polo, Season 2 with Crusades, Season 3 with Daleks Masterplan, Season 4 with Highlanders, Season 5 with Wheel in Space, and Season 6 with Space Pirates all missing from the respective sets.

      If they release animations of missing stories or colourisarions of stories from Seasons that have already been released in the collection range I’ll happily get a re-release in some way, shape, or form if they decide to do that. Which I hope they do.

      Gordon, given that the boxsets would have already been released before certain animated stories, how much work do you think they’d put in on a Season re-release and how do you think it will affect the budget of the collection range? Season 2 literally needs 2 episodes of Crusade animated, everything else has been upscaled, so would it be a case of just remastering the packaging or would there be any additional factors?

    • Gordon

      February 1st, 2024 - 1:16am

      I can only see it being a simple repackaging job to be honest. Come 10 years time the pool of available people for extras will be pretty small. Maybe shifting some of the content about to fit stuff on and new disc labels with the numbers changed to fit the new disc count. Don’t really see much restoration work being done for it unless some missing episodes turned up for it. The likes of mark and Peter are in the early 60s. I can see them being retired or almost retired by the early 2030s. On the plus side with the collection and single animation releases most of the titles will have already had recent restorations anyway.

  • Craig

    January 27th, 2024 - 4:30pm

    Regarding Paul McGann’s 1996 TV Movie…
    Does anyone maybe Gordon have any updates about the original 35mm film negatives?
    Were they lost/destroyed or maybe in someone’s private collection?
    Would be good to one day see a true HD print on a future Blu ray set instead of the standard Blu ray edition that is currently available!

    • Rex F

      January 27th, 2024 - 8:38pm

      It’s Universal, so most likely stored down the salt mines like their other productions. The fun part would be going through boxes and boxes trying to find the correct takes, because scanning it all costs too much.

    • ex15

      January 28th, 2024 - 7:48am

      My biggest gripe with the movie, that it wasn’t shot in widescreen.

    • Gordon

      January 28th, 2024 - 9:51pm

      Last I heard if it still exists it will be in the universal vault. There is some question over whether or not it will still be there as there was a fire 16 years ago. I did hear back in April that Matthew Jacobs was on the hunt for it as he wants to do a double bill cinema screening with his documentary doctor who am I? but I heard nothing since then. If he does find it I doubt he would have the money to rescan it and make new effects for it. It’s a 6 figure sum easy.

    • Anonymous

      January 28th, 2024 - 10:32pm

      You can’t improve on something that isn’t there anymore I’m sorry to say

    • Rex F

      January 29th, 2024 - 10:57am

      It’s unlikely to have been affected by the 2008 vault fire because of what the vault was mainly used for. Although a few articles have suggested some film trims and the like were in there, waiting to go to deep storage, the TVM would have needed to be there twelve years which seems unlikely (they’d not have room for all the Law and Order stuff coming in).

    • Craig

      January 29th, 2024 - 5:42pm

      Very interesting thanks guys.

    • Gordon

      January 31st, 2024 - 4:51pm

      I suspect that if all the stories were to be animated after the collection sets were out there would be a repackaging of some sort including any animations that missed the collections and any colourisations or tales of the tardis stories that happen. Could be a good 5-10 years away though. I wouldn’t expect any new extras produced for it though.

    • D84

      January 31st, 2024 - 10:01pm

      I would happily purchase those sets Gordon just for the “missing” content to be present in my personal archive

  • Doctor John Smith

    January 26th, 2024 - 3:55pm

    Notice K9 and company was on the invisible enemy DVD but not part of this blu ray set. Will it be on season 16 future set? Or is rights not available?

    • Auton

      January 26th, 2024 - 4:31pm

      It’s on the Season 18 blu-ray, which is near to its original broadcast date

    • Anon

      January 26th, 2024 - 4:35pm

      K-9 is included in the season 18 collection boxset. It wasnt transmitted until 1981. That was just the tales from the TARDIS double.

    • Doctor John Smith

      January 26th, 2024 - 6:56pm

      Thank you. Found it. One of the only downsides of having so many extras/special features is finding them all lol

    • D84

      January 26th, 2024 - 7:38pm

      Yes K9 & Company is on the S18 set and Shada is on S17

      It’s “More than 30yrs in the Tardis” that is yet to find a home amongst The Collection range

      My main suspicion is that will be a main feature on a Wilderness Years set

  • Basil Funkenstein

    January 25th, 2024 - 12:04pm

    If Seasons 25 and 6 are next what Special Features should we expect and hope to see? Any Omnibus, extended, special editions? Any updated effects or sound remixes? In conversations etc..?

    • D84

      January 25th, 2024 - 1:47pm

      S25 may well see extended versions.

      I seem to remember reading from somewhere that from 1986 onwards – the film “trims” were all retained – which have allowed extended versions on S23 / S24 and S26 so far

      5.1 or Atmos sound mixes would seem possible for an 80’s set

      S6 unlikely to see extended versions but potentially some new CGI on 1 story?

      Not sure on the audio – depends on the quality of the sources

    • Prof Horner

      January 25th, 2024 - 2:18pm

      I could see season 25 having a 6 discs set. Not sure about CGI for season 6. Maybe update effects for Seeds of Death or The Invasion, the model shots in are pretty poor. Or some sort of part recreation of The Space Pirates. But give it is such a long season, like season 2 , I think all the budget will go on restoration of surviving episodes.

    • I’m Batman

      January 25th, 2024 - 2:47pm

      I would like to see Death Comes to Time the animated webcast. It’s the last 7th Doctor release so while it would make sense to go in 26, 25 is all we got.
      And if they could do Real Time for Season 21 since it’s technically the last Colin one left.

    • Anon

      January 25th, 2024 - 5:04pm

      Death comes to time is truly awful! One of the worst peices of doctor who ever.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      January 25th, 2024 - 8:46pm

      Prof and I have just got back from filming a special fan ‘Behind the Sofa’ for season 25. It was great fun, – (spoilers) they don’t show you the full episodes, just extended clips. We had a few disagreements over ‘Silver Nemesis’ I think I laughed all the way through it. Prof did change his mind about McCoy by the end

      I guess Happiness prevails really

    • TheKandyMan

      January 25th, 2024 - 10:42pm

      The only feature I want is The Happiness Patrol in black and white!

    • Gordon

      January 25th, 2024 - 11:29pm

      I think the likes of real time death comes to time and mcgann shada will go on the long rumoured but not yet confirmed wilderness years set.

      here’s my guess for s25 extras. Think it will be a 7-8 disc set as the likes of remembrance and greatest will require 2 discs and silver nemesis might require 2 due to having 3 versions

      Behind the sofa x 4
      Extended versions of all 4 stories
      5.1 mix on all 4 stories (maybe an atmos version for remembrance or greatest show)
      Studio/location footage
      Season 25 overview
      Either tip tipping or Dursley McLinden tribute
      writers room or doctors table
      A locations feature
      In conversation with Andrew cartmell
      Silver nemesis vhs version
      The making of silver nemesis (if clearable)
      Davros connections

      As for season 6 this is trickier due to being such a big season the 2 big stories already been very well represented on dvd and the budget for this season is most likely going on restoration so probably no new fx.

      Behind the sofa x 6 (skip space pirates)
      5.1 on either the invasion or war games
      Space pirates reconstruction
      Space pirates episode 2 commentary
      Making of Krotons or space pirates (if there is enough contributors)
      Patrick troughton biography
      A looking for (maybe Robert holmes)
      In conversation with Wendy Padbury

    • D84

      January 26th, 2024 - 10:54am

      Good suggestions Gordon as always – cant say I disagree with any of them

      I would suspect a Wilderness Years set will come later in the range as a natural home for bits and bobs that have surfaced since the range started – but also for stuff displaced from DVD releases where that story hasn’t made it into a set already

      Anyone keeping tabs on that? (DVD’s out where special features haven’t been put on that/any set so far)

      Also obviously it would be a home for the main productions of the time;

      Movie – potentially 3 versions – Original / DVD Special Edition / new Blu Ray version with updated FX or deleted scenes reincorporated? –
      Maybe it could come out in 2026 as a 30yr anniversary of its transmission?
      More than 30yrs in the Tardis – a personal favourite of mine
      Curse of the Fatal Death

      I think we are all expecting Dimensions in Time to NOT be clearable – which is a shame but understandable

    • D84

      January 26th, 2024 - 10:58am

      Forgot to add “Scream of the Shalka” to that list too obvs

    • Rob

      January 26th, 2024 - 11:40pm

      My guess is Any thing past season 26 to 05 will be on the Wilderness Years. Bar maybe stuff that has rights issues

  • Sam

    January 21st, 2024 - 2:50pm

    Anyone know if the heavy waxy DNR (digital noise reduction) of the studio footage from the official YouTube trailer is, or is not, the final Boxset work?

    The picture quality screenshots compared to the near-20 years old dvd are appalling – literally missing image detail that was on the dvd.


    • Gordon

      January 21st, 2024 - 9:05pm

      It’s possible that the editor of the YouTube trailer used AI enhancements on the clips for their edit, which would mean it’s not on the BD masters.It just seems out of the norm for Peter Crocker’s usual work. I’m not saying Peter’s work is perfect. I’m sure even he admits to that but it doesn’t feel like it’s up to his usual high standard. I’m sure we will find out after the bfi screening.

    • Rex F

      January 22nd, 2024 - 12:36am

      I hope it’s not representative but the noise reduction has been increasing lately (it’s possibly responsible for the deinterlacers that went haywire with S20) so it sadly wouldn’t surprise me. For what it’s worth, the SD 1992 Shada on S17 showed more studio detail than the upscaled footage in the part-animated version. So they’ve been slowly twisting the DNR knob for at least a couple of years now. Season 2 was the breaking point for me, I only bought S20 for the extras.

  • Gordon

    January 19th, 2024 - 9:59am

    Well Chris chapman has got a bunch of stuff in the works:

    For anyone keeping score, our Fang Rock doc is Moon Balloon #25 and Darkness & Light is #26. Beyond that, I’m currently working on EIGHT further docs across seven releases!

    • D84

      January 19th, 2024 - 11:18am

      Excellent news Gordon

      A further seven releases – brilliant, sounds like most of the rest of the range is formally commissioned so that’s good news

    • Gordon

      January 19th, 2024 - 11:22am

      Might not all be collection sets. There might be animation/s included in that as well

    • D84

      January 19th, 2024 - 1:44pm

      Ah yes id forgotten about them

      Could very well be at least 1 for Toymaker and then a couple more for any further animations that are upcoming.

      Anyone got any snippets on what the BBC Studio’s team may be working on – as UWM completed some months ago

      I am hopeful for Wheel

      Out of the 7 Chris Chapman pieces – if 2/3 are for animations – then potentially 3/4 could be for collections – still pushes us nearer to completed

      There must be another B&W season on the horizon by now – there are only 6 colour sets left to go – with most expecting S25 to be out soon, we also know some content has been bagged for S21 (Janet / Warriors)

      I can see them having a stab at S1 or S6 soon, with S3 largely full of gaps, and S4 “almost” there with S5 still missing 1 story – i can see them working around those for a while

      All guesswork

    • Gordon

      January 19th, 2024 - 2:19pm

      I don’t think he’s doing anything for toymaker. I’d suspect he’d have brought it up by now.

      Only title I’ve heard rumoured to be animated is smugglers and that was from the mirror a year ago. A making of with Anneke Wills walking round the smugglers locations seems the obvious thing to do. There is definitely some 60s sets in the works. Chris said back in July that he’d been commissioned to do a documentary for a 60’s set

    • D84

      January 19th, 2024 - 3:53pm

      Ahh there we go then, a B&W set may be within the next 2/3 collections to come out.

      Most are hoping for S6 – and I can see why

      With a form of stills representation for The Space Pirates – its ready to go episode wise (not waiting for animations – or has lots of gaps etc)

      Would be nice to have a Troughton set on the shelf too – although am hopeful for them all eventually of course

    • Chris Howarth

      January 24th, 2024 - 10:37am

      I know Toby has banked a “Weekend With” doc with Anneke, but she’s not into leaving her cottage any more, so a Smugglers location feature is unlikely to happen, at least not with her.

    • Prof Horner

      January 24th, 2024 - 2:23pm

      Is there a reason she doesn’t leave her cottage? I hope it is just old age. As for The Smugglers, there really is no one else left .

    • James

      January 24th, 2024 - 4:33pm

      Is Smugglers still going ahead for animation?
      Did have i Wikipedia when it was announced along side underwater menace, but it doesn’t anymore.

    • Gordon

      January 24th, 2024 - 4:44pm

      I knew he’d done a weekend with someone which I suspected was either Wendy or Fraser. Didn’t realise it had leaked who it was. Unless it is for a smugglers or highlanders animated release I suspect it’s a couple of years away. Heard Anneke recently retired from doing any appearances (she is 82 so it’s not too much of a surprise) so anything going forward will probably be filmed at her cottage just like what they do with Tom at his house. It’s always possible that her retirement was planned and they already filmed her at the location in advance. It’s also possible they could also film her at her cottage talking about the story and have footage taken of the locations and cut between the two. A Now and then feature with voiceover could also be another possibility

    • Gordon

      January 24th, 2024 - 4:47pm

      Smugglers isn’t confirmed but i suspect it’s what the underwater menace team are up to.

    • Prof Horner

      January 24th, 2024 - 7:30pm

      Well ot is a shame that it seems we won’t be getting the three remaining Troughton companions on the behind the sofa, sofa together. As I always hoped we would .But It is totally understandable . I have always loved the Smugglers and hope you are right about it being next after the Toymaker, Gordon .

    • Gordon

      January 24th, 2024 - 11:32pm

      I hope so too. Enjoyed it quite a bit when I watched the recon of it during the holidays. I’m guessing as it was mentioned it was being animated by the mirror at the same time as underwater menace it’s the same animation team doing both stories. Mind you evil and abominable got leaked at the same time and got done by different teams so who knows. To be honest I’d be happy with pretty much any of the remaining 4 parters from season 3/4. The only 2 stories left I’m not too bothered about is wheel in space and space pirates. Wheel pretty much has the best bits already existing or already animated as part of the minisode plus the animation has a lot to live up to with the recon of it. With the usage of cgi in the loose cannon version it it’s so good it’s almost like watching the actual thing. Space pirates is dull and overlong as hell. No amount of visuals can help that. It should have been a 4 parter at maximum. Terrance dicks comments about it being a dull boring space opera is absolute spot on in my opinion. Everything else left is either good or great.

    • Chris Howarth

      January 25th, 2024 - 9:12am

      @Prof Horner. I think Anneke just wants to Relax now she’s in her 80s. She’s done a hell of a lot of fan things over the past 30 years. By the way, It was us tracking her down and flying her in from Canada for Manopticon 2 that set that ball rolling…

    • Rob

      January 25th, 2024 - 9:33am

      She’s retired from the events for sure. Had some mobility issues at one point

    • D84

      January 25th, 2024 - 9:55am

      Yes I thought that Gordon, as it was leaked at the same time suspect the leak was that the same team had been commissioned to do 2 stories back to back – which looks to be UWM then Smugglers

      Hope so

      I personally am hopeful for Wheel – guilty pleasure of mine

      Not fussed on Space Pirates – but ill buy it if that does get made

    • Prof Horner

      January 25th, 2024 - 9:58am

      @Chris Howarth , thanks for this info and getting into conventions. She certainly deserves her retirement. I have a Boxset of Strange Report, which she appeared in. Still hope we get Wheel in Space animated.

    • Anon

      January 25th, 2024 - 2:44pm

      I would much rather smugglers had been done next rather than toymaker. I’ve got reconstructions of both and I love the smugglers but toymaker has always left me cold. I just don’t think it’s very good. Gough fluffs his lines regularly, the sets don’t look great and the story itself is very weak. It may be regarded as a classic by some but it really isn’t that good. Mind you I have the animation ordered!

    • Prof Horner

      January 25th, 2024 - 3:22pm

      Well I agree with you on The Toymaker, Anon . The Doctor is missing from the middle of the story which doesn’t help and the rest of the story is deadly dull. The animation may make it more exciting , though I doubt it.

    • Anon

      January 25th, 2024 - 5:06pm

      I’ve ordered it prof but can’t say I’m looking forward to it.

    • Gordon

      January 26th, 2024 - 2:47am

      To be honest I ain’t a fan of the story (it looks cheap as hell plus how stupid does dodo appear in this) but at least when it’s out it’s out of the way

    • Anon

      January 26th, 2024 - 9:13am

      There is that Gordon and I’m perfectly willing to watch the animation although I’m not convinced by the style of it. To be fair to the animation we have only seen tiny bits so I’m hoping it will be better to watch in full. If not at least there will be a new reconstruction to watch.

  • Craig

    January 16th, 2024 - 7:40pm

    Does anyone remember super channel in the early 1990’s they repeated a lot of Tom baker episodes.
    A friend of mine worked for Viper TV at the time & interviewed several actors, one being Philip Madoc. They were shown at the same time as the Doctor Who episodes on the channel. It would be great to see them again & would be an excellent extra on a future box set if rights were obtainable.

    • 4TH DOCTOR

      January 16th, 2024 - 8:23pm

      Amazon have sold all of their stock in less than a week and I doubt they will get anymore and it’s Number 1 in sales that’s probably a record just shows how popular and special the 4th Doctor/Tom Baker is.

    • Theforce

      January 17th, 2024 - 7:39pm

      @4 fyi amazon have more stock

    • Gordon

      January 17th, 2024 - 8:19pm

      Same with the celestial toymaker steelbook. Don’t think either was ever sold out as both ran out and went back on sale at the same time. Probably more likely a glitch. Amazon charts mean zip all.

    • Ricky

      January 18th, 2024 - 10:15am

      I remember the super channel Craig, always alot of off air recordings doing the rounds and alot of them were recored from that super channel.

    • Rob

      January 19th, 2024 - 10:25am

      Amazon is showing

      Season 15 6k+ sold
      Celestial Toymaker DVD 300+
      Celestial Toymaker Blu Ray 100+

      I dont know anyone apart from myself (I gave in as had a voucher), who has pre-ordered the Toymaker. I think most are concerned with the animation, after the awful web 3 one.

    • D84

      January 21st, 2024 - 2:17pm

      I’ve pre ordered Toymaker Steelbook

      I collect them all

      I didn’t find Web3 all that bad – I’ve watched it a few times

      When I first saw the teaser for Toymaker, I did think to myself “well this is experimental” but I’m sure the finished product will be good

      Hoping we hear soon on the cover art and a release date

    • SV7

      January 21st, 2024 - 4:16pm

      The evening of Dec 7th (the day the pre-orders for Toymaker went up), the Steelbook was showing as 1K plus sold, and it was in the #1 best seller spot on Amazon. Not bad for a listing only a few hours old. Even though it proved controversial on announcement day, a lot of people (like myself) clearly placed a pre-order.

      Of the possible animations we have left, I feeling like Wheel is being held back as an ‘ace’ if you like, even though the story is a little meh, because it’s the last Cyberman story, it’s almost guaranteed to be a top seller. Other then that, surely Highlanders can’t be far off either.

    • Gordon

      January 21st, 2024 - 11:33pm

      Provided the releases continue I suspect the next couple of releases will be smugglers, savages, myth makers and wheel. Maybe not quite in that order but it’s the easiest ones left to do. After that probably space pirates then everything else after that is a challenge on some level. The highlanders is probably easier than the massacre. It’s a tough call to think what is more difficult with the crusade and Marco Polo. Marco has got more episodes but crusade has got way more characters sets and costume. Mission and masterplan is by far the most difficult.

    • Gordon

      January 22nd, 2024 - 7:55am

      It’s also possible that highlanders could get bumped up the list if they can get past the tartan issues with animating it

  • Prof Horner

    January 15th, 2024 - 8:50pm

    I understand that the BFI are showing Horror of Fang Rock on Sunday the 4th of February. Which means season 15 could be released in either late February or early March. Which may give us chance of three this year after all. If three season 6 and 25. If two just 6.

    • D84

      January 15th, 2024 - 10:49pm

      Oooh excellent Prof thanks for the update.

      Previous screenings at BFI have been 2/3 weeks before release so I’d guess at this one landing later in February

      Do we have a BFI date for the Toymaker Animation as yet?

      Someone mentioned “the set after this” may follow quickly and sooner than we all expect – which I can theoretically see being S25 (80’s set, only 4 stories, less restoration etc) although would be great if again we get extended versions of all 4 stories (imo)

      Here’s hoping

    • Prowl 1701

      January 15th, 2024 - 10:56pm

      Wonder if it will be with the updated effects.

    • 4TH DOCTOR

      January 15th, 2024 - 11:26pm

      No longer available from Amazon they’ve already ran out of stock on the preorders

    • D84

      January 15th, 2024 - 11:50pm

      Very good (sellout)

      I looked over the weekend and the Amazon app showed 6k+ copies sold and that was only a few days after announcement


    • Prowl 1701

      January 16th, 2024 - 12:25am

      This has happened before, it will probably come back in stock at some point.

    • Prowl1701

      January 16th, 2024 - 1:55am

      Tbf, it is a Tom season. Just wait until 13 is announced!

    • D84

      January 16th, 2024 - 8:17am

      True Prowl – I expect S13 will be a good seller – its quite a highly regarded season

    • Gordon

      January 16th, 2024 - 9:22am

      Chris chapman’s Graeme Williams documentary will also be debuting that day at the bfi as well.

      I do wish they would give those bfi screenings a bit more notice. I would love to do one as a one off experience but booking time off work with just 3 weeks notice isn’t ideal plus travel and potential hotel prices (if i need to stay over) just aren’t going to be cheap at that short notice.

      I’m sure it will go back up on preorder at some point. It’s not like it’s sold out everywhere else

    • Gordon

      January 16th, 2024 - 11:36am

      The toymaker steelbook is also showing as sold out on Amazon.

    • D84

      January 16th, 2024 - 1:25pm

      That’s good going, I suspect that means their initial “stock” has been taken up with pre orders then

      I guess they will get more – just like the S15 I imagine that will come back available either as a pre order – or in release day

    • I’m Batman

      January 16th, 2024 - 2:48pm

      The BFI already sold out for members and others.
      The normal sales would have gone up at 4 and it’s not even 3.

    • Rory

      January 18th, 2024 - 10:12am

      Just pre-ordered mine now it’s back in stock. I didn’t want to have to go with Zavvi as I’ve had some very bad experiences with their packaging.

      That’ll teach me for not pre-ordering the instant it’s announced.

    • D84

      January 18th, 2024 - 12:16pm

      I usually always bag a pre order as soon as its announced Rory

      I pay special attention to all channels on a Thursday at 3pm so I can get in early.

      Although this time I was busy at an appointment and completely forgot it was a Thursday

      Luckily a good friend of mine pinged me the cover art and i was straight on it

    • Rory

      January 18th, 2024 - 3:46pm

      @D84 same. I’ve just been a bit lax lately, so this was the first time I’ve had a scare in years.

      I am very firmly in the camp of ‘limited means limited’ so if I get caught out then that’s just tough luck.

  • GuyTheZygon

    January 14th, 2024 - 2:06am

    It looks superb! – just glad to see in the video (thanks it’s rumoured, to the firm insistence of R.T.D) that theY’ve retained consistency and resisted the temptation to slap on the Diamond branding… InfinitelY superior though the ‘new/old’ logo is, adding it, even to the outer card, which was worrYinglY missing from the first promo photo released (featuring an ominous black diamond logo!) would be a huge visual clash with every previous Collection’s packaging. All it will take is one ‘bright’ spark in the Design dept thinking they know best, to wreck what could be the most magnificent visual coherence throughout – I know Classic Who’s a vast range, but it’s galling that so far no-one’s managed to see the job through with the same overall look: Target failed, VHS failed; both a mish-mash of different logos/design styles over the Years. DVD might – just – have a chance if the format lasts until all outstanding animations are done; such a generous act providing those optionallY reversible sleeves (something I at least appreciate massivelY…)

  • DPHill

    January 14th, 2024 - 12:33am

    also, does anyone know why an adventure in space and time is no longer on the whoniverse?

    • Gordon

      January 15th, 2024 - 12:31am

      The licence to show it on iPlayer ran out

    • TheForce

      January 15th, 2024 - 3:22pm

      Also the front page of The Whoniverse has gone in iplayer or at least it was not there a few days back

    • Doctor Stu

      January 15th, 2024 - 9:16pm

      How has the license to show a bbc product on a bbc streaming service ran out?

    • Gordon

      January 16th, 2024 - 8:52am

      Because everything on iPlayer has a time limit. Everything that goes on iPlayer has an agreed time it gets licenced to be streamed on there for. It costs money to keep it up there. The agreement was probably only for a month or so and that ran out

    • Anon

      January 16th, 2024 - 9:11am

      Just because it’s a BBC programme doesn’t mean they can show it indefinitely on iplayer. It may be that the rights to show it have now lapsed. It might also have something to do with the recent altered showing on BBC 4 of the programme.

    • D84

      January 16th, 2024 - 9:15am

      This is why i like everything Who related on Physical media at home – cant take it away like streaming services can / do

      Although Who (and spin offs) is the only media I buy and keep these days

    • Bookcollector

      January 16th, 2024 - 10:49am

      Physical media all the way d84. I still buy movies as I like to own them, I have to buy real books as I can’t use e-books due to migraines but frankly I’d rather have a real book anyway. The only music I still buy is Alice cooper so that’s one CD every 2-3 years and in terms of dr who I buy the DVDs and books but I’m dropping to only the target books, the panini graphic novels and obverse books charity publications from this year. My nephew was annoyed recently when Netflix removed one of his favourite series and several movies and he was bemused when I explained he was only renting them from Netflix and all other streaming services. Much better to own a copy yourself. The funny thing is he’s obsessed with vinyl albums now because he likes to have them on the shelves! Ahh, the youth of today….

    • Gordon

      January 16th, 2024 - 11:17am

      Physical media is great for owning your favourite tv shows and movies. However you ain’t going to want to keep everything that you watch plus it also gives you a chance to try before you buy. In that regard streaming still has a place if you only wanna watch it once or give something a try

    • Doctor Stu

      January 16th, 2024 - 2:24pm

      But I genuinely still don’t understand, who gets paid? I don’t see why you’d need to pay to show a bbc product on your bbc service or have to license it. The bbc paying the bbc to show a bbc product on the bbc. What money goes where I’m confused?

    • Gordon

      January 16th, 2024 - 2:34pm

      They need to pay Risidual/repeat fees for the people who made and were involved in making the show. That money has to come from somewhere

    • Prowl 1701

      January 16th, 2024 - 8:35pm

      I’m a big fan of physical media, I like to see the shows I love on my shelf and I know I will always have them available for me to watch when I want. a good example is I love looking at how good my Collection sets look together sitting on the shelf in the background of my Who videos.

    • Whofan44

      January 16th, 2024 - 9:07pm

      While I understand they have to pay residuals it does seems odd that the BBC would only put it up for about a month when everything else is over a year especially given we now legally don’t have a way of watching the version of An Adventure in Space and Time that has Ncuti instead of Matt Smith.

    • Gordon

      January 17th, 2024 - 9:09am

      That will be what the bbc agreed upon after discussions with the rights holders. Sometimes based upon discussions it’s agreed to be up for a year sometimes it’s just a month.

    • Anon

      January 17th, 2024 - 9:31am

      The agreement to change the programme to include ncuti could have simply included the clause to only allow availability for one month. A lot of programmes on iplayer have a very limited time period. The year of availability only came in a few years back for certain programmes. It’s not a blanket policy. Each programme and film has to be individually negotiated. Even those made by the BBC. Remember most BBC programmes are now made by outside private companies.

    • beef

      January 18th, 2024 - 2:09pm

      Doctor Stu, the BBC isn’t one entity, it has hundreds of arms

    • Jason Z

      January 19th, 2024 - 1:38pm

      As an analogy, there are lots of Big Finish Doctor Who audios up on BBC Sounds at the moment, but some (War Doctor and Tenth Doctor) are only for a month whereas others (most of them, e.g. Assassination Games) are for a year. The two types are under two different banners on Sounds. So you have to check when you start on something in case it’s not still there by the time you get to the last episode…!

    • rich

      January 20th, 2024 - 8:18am

      Gordon, what are you talking about? The BBC doesn’t licence the show from itself.

    • Anon

      January 20th, 2024 - 10:04am

      Iplayer is another arm of the BBC separate from BBC 1, 2 etc. Iplayer requires licences from everyone involved in a production in order for it to be shown (repeated in essence) just as the BBC TV requires licenses allowing repeat showings of BBC TV shows. That’s why classic who was rarely repeated. It required a separate repeat fee negotiated with all of the actors.

    • Rex F

      January 20th, 2024 - 10:09am

      Rich: that’s pretty much exactly what they do!

    • Gordon

      January 20th, 2024 - 10:29am

      @rich most shows the bbc make aren’t actually bbc shows. Even stuff like gladiators (fuzzy bear) or line of duty (new world studios) or the tourist (two brothers production) aren’t strictly bbc productions. An adventure in space in time is a co production with bbc and bbc America.

      So they can ship it to other broadcasters and streamers after broadcast it will have a broadcast licence to show it. When the programe is produced it will have a pre agreed set period that it can be up on iPlayer. When it runs out they have to renegotiate that licence to show it again

      The bbc isn’t just the bbc. The iPlayer is 1 arm of the bbc. There are numerous arms. You would think the bbc would own the remastered blu rays and animations of doctor who. The answer to that is no. It’s owned by bbc studios which is a separate arm from the bbc.

  • DPHill

    January 13th, 2024 - 10:21pm

    As whovians/who fans we always are excited but look to the next thing we get, and as pleased and elated that we have yet another addition looming in the coming months, I’d like to speculate on the next three sets – who will be in the minisode, what in conversation we will get, and what the artwork ‘should’ [in your mind] be…

    Season 25
    Terry Molloy in Conversation
    Ace minisode maybe with old 7 – i would love it if some or just one of the future trailers use the tales of the tardis memory tardis – that would be ace!
    Doctor holding his calling card from remembrance – i know its only there for a second but it’s great
    Special weapons dalek, Supreme Dalek, Nemesis Cyberman, Kandyman (seen as they put jelly babies on s15), Helen A and her pet thing, Ragnarok gods, Chief Clown
    i would love this to be the silvery alternative to s15 colour palate

    Wendy Padbury + Brian Hodgson in conversations
    Love to see Zoe and Jamie, but please let it be both of them together. maybe the same for S5 as well – hope they reference the memory tardis here too as their last meeting
    Doctor holding the gallifreyan distress signal cube thing – put together or in pieces
    On the front it would also be nice to have a mind robber robot, a quark, a cyberman, a kroton, an ice warrior and an ice lord, and the war chief
    a think a deep purple like Prowl has said before would suit this season brilliantly

    Season 11
    Richard Franklin IN conversation – if we are very very lucky, otherwise, none at all
    Benton in his old uniform and some kind of meet up with Jo, hopefully Kate stewart will appear in one of these minisodes at some point…
    Doctor obviously holding a metebelis III crystal
    Enemies – queen spider at the top of the fiends gallery, ice warrior, ageddor, an exxilon, a renegade dalek, lynx, maybe a dinsoaur… perhaps if they did a cg for it, then use that one

    • Whofan44

      January 13th, 2024 - 10:25pm

      I think for Season 11 they could make use of Luke Smith maybe having him remember stories his mum told him about her first travels with the Doctor.

    • DPHill

      January 14th, 2024 - 1:46am

      That’s a really good idea actually! maybe that could also be done for 13, say clyde and rani remember what sarah said about sutekh, or maybe fight him, that’s something i never thought about!

    • Prowl 1701

      January 14th, 2024 - 5:44am

      I do think having some of the SJA cast in for 11 and 13 is a great idea!

    • daz

      January 14th, 2024 - 12:00pm

      I’d like to see the SJA kids (adults) be on behind the sofa too. See them reacting to classic SJ.

    • 4TH DOCTOR

      January 16th, 2024 - 8:00pm

      Tom is the GOAT
      Season 13 is the GOAT
      Can’t wait for that announcement Phillip Hinchcliffe and Robert Holmes were the greatest duo ever.

    • D84

      January 17th, 2024 - 8:20am

      Everyone has “their” doctor

      For me its 3 – the style / approach / attitude strikes a chord with me

      Most / all Doctors and seasons have high’s – and i would agree for Tom – its probably 13 IMO

  • SDW

    January 13th, 2024 - 11:21am

    Does the cover look very “busy” or crowded to anyone else? (compared to the other releases, anyway). And I’m pleased they’re keeping the older/13th Doctor logo

    • Rich

      January 13th, 2024 - 12:08pm

      I personally think it’s the best so far for this range

    • D84

      January 13th, 2024 - 2:52pm

      It’s busier than some of the other sets yes but I don’t think it’s too much – I really like it

      Obvs this is the set that LeeB tweeted the main colours about a few months ago

    • Anonymous

      January 13th, 2024 - 4:58pm

      I think there have been a few ‘busier’ covers as the range has evolved. 2, 9, 20, 22 specifically. Personally, I liked the simplicity of the earlier covers, but we’re so lucky to have such beautiful packaging for each release!

    • DPHill

      January 13th, 2024 - 9:40pm

      I think it is busier than all of the rest but I really like it, besides, busy suits Tom Baker’s style of acting (or self-ing, I guess?), the jelly babies and the scarf getting some prominence is great! Key to time locater for s16, i wonder what Binding will use for s13? A krynoid pod? A zygon locator stuck to his palm? Bindings (if you’ll pardon the pun) from the Mummies? We shall see, and I’m sure it will be amazing artwork every time!

    • D84

      January 21st, 2024 - 2:31pm

      For S13 I would hope it’s Baker in his highland “getup” with the usual array of villains

      Nessie maybe popping up somewhere in the background

      A seedpod certainly, and robot Sarah with the face covering off would be great

      Im sure it will be amazing

  • GrantP

    January 13th, 2024 - 9:29am

    Great to see Leela again and finally kind of find out what happened to her, rather we didn’t see where she went leave it open perhaps for the new series to deal with..well I can wish

    • GallifreyStands

      January 13th, 2024 - 12:19pm

      Well they left her appearing within the tardis with 4th Doctor as he had something for her to do…

    • D84

      January 17th, 2024 - 10:17am

      I kind of agree. If there is to be a lead into Leela appearing in NuWho – those final seconds could have been done a little differently to have her materialise in a Tardis of some form – or even just stood outside it – which could then pick up with a current doctor and her be involved in that story

      That being said – I absolutely love this trailer its brilliant. Sop well put together, and acted out by Louise

      Simply Amazing

    • daz

      January 17th, 2024 - 11:23am

      She could have landed in the 4th Doctors Tardis at the point that all 13 were equidistant from Gallifrey in The Day of the Doctor.

      Who Knows… We might never find out.

  • Andrew

    January 12th, 2024 - 10:43pm

    Hi D84. Thank you for replying. I knew it was a bit of al long shot!

    • D84

      January 13th, 2024 - 10:01am

      No worries

  • Andrew

    January 12th, 2024 - 10:01pm

    I’m unsure if I’m allowed to even post or ask this, but I have a question for D84.

    I don’t suppose you lived in Rainham, Kent in the early 1990’s and created a fanzine called ‘D84’, are you?

    I knew the person who created this fanzine but lost contact.

    • D84

      January 12th, 2024 - 10:25pm

      Nah mate not me – always lived up in the midlands, never been to Kent

    • Doug Who

      January 14th, 2024 - 11:56am

      Hi Andrew,

      Have you checked the Fanzine Collectors Facebook page? Not sure if I’m allowed to post a link but a search would find it.

      There are loads of previous fanzine contributors there and you might be able to make contact with your friend there.

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