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January 17th, 2024 810 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 15 Limited Edition Packaging

Available to order from,,, and various retailers on

Available to order as a standard edition from #ad.

Tom Baker’s fourth season as the Fourth Doctor is the next release to come to Blu-ray when The Collection – Season 15 releases later this year.

Doctor Who fans can continue to build their own home archive on Blu-ray with a SEVEN DISC box set of the 15th Season from 1977, starring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor. Containing six classic stories, this limited-edition set is packed with hours of new and exclusive material.

These stories feature Louise Jameson as the Doctor’s warrior companion Leela and the introduction of trusty robot dog K-9, building to an epic showdown on the Time Lords’ home planet Gallifrey with the Doctor pitted against his old adversaries the Sontarans.


All episodes have been newly remastered from the best available sources – these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.

The Collection: Season 15 Blu-ray box set also includes extensive Special Features including:


  • Exclusive to Blu-ray, on Horror Of Fang Rock.


  • New episodes with Louise Jameson (Leela), Colin Baker (The Doctor), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric), Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Betsan Roberts (wife of director Pennant Roberts) and comedian and presenter Toby Hadoke.


  • A brand-new scripted trailer to announce the Season 15 Boxset of Doctor Who.


  • A look at the life and career of producer Graham Williams.


  • Interviewer Matthew Sweet chats to Louise Jameson.


  • Making Horror Of Fang Rock.


  • Tom Baker muses on life, the universe and everything.


  • Exclusive new Audio Commentaries from Tom Baker.


  • On Horror Of Fang Rock.







Plus lots more!

This seven-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including Documentaries, Updated Special Effects, Featurettes, Audio Commentaries and more.

Text and images with thanks to BBC Studios.

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Harold Shand

    January 12th, 2024 - 3:20pm

    Anyone know why we have not had a Dolby Atmos remaster for one of the stories? Last two releases had one. Five Doctors was excellent with it

    • D84

      January 12th, 2024 - 3:50pm

      I may be wrong – and I’m not home to check – but i don’t think we’ve had a Dolby Atmos mix on every set have we?

      It may just be that the quality of the soundtrack available is not up to creating an Atmos system system mix for this particular set

    • Harold Shand

      January 12th, 2024 - 4:26pm

      It has only been available on Sea Devils and Five Doctors. So I assumed we would get one on all sets going forward

    • Gordon

      January 12th, 2024 - 5:02pm

      Mark ayres has said it’s down to Time, money, technicalities. The main two being time and technicalities.

      It takes quite a lot longer to design and mix Atmos than 5.1. It’s also complicated enough pulling a mono mix to bits to fill six channels (5.1), without trying to fill 12 (7.1.4 & Atmos).

      For The Five Doctors we had all the separate elements (dialogue, effects, music) as a starting point). For The Sea Devils (and, seriously, it was bonkers to even attempt that in Atmos!) we at least had the music tapes. For Horror of Fang Rock, we had nothing. So I left it at 5.1.

      The big discussion we have every set is, which story will gain the most from a surround mix. We have limited resources so which story’s atmosphere and story-telling will be enhanced the most. To me, that was obvious this season. But would Atmos really add that much on top of 5.1? Probably not. So 5.1 it is.

    • Harold Shand

      January 17th, 2024 - 7:59am

      Thanks Gordon, appreciate the info.

      Guess we may see Atmos on Occasions, possibly Remembrance.

    • Rory

      January 17th, 2024 - 11:34am

      @Harold, I momentarily thought the Sontarans were invading, but then realised that you were talking about Dolby Atmos.

  • D84

    January 12th, 2024 - 1:51pm

    USA release looks to be pencilled in for June

    So if the previous schedule holds up (3-4 months between UK to USA release) this may hit UK doormats in March?

    What do we think people?

    • 4TH DOCTOR

      January 12th, 2024 - 3:41pm

      I’m hoping early March

  • Hi

    January 12th, 2024 - 11:37am

    If we have 3 sets this year, I think the next two are going to be
    -Season 5 (Summer) Because I feel like there not going to do season 4 yet and season 6 has the space pirates which has no telesnaps.

    -Season 25 (Winter) Because they probably would want to do a 80s season, and season 20 just came out and would want to wait to do a Davison to probably next year.

    • Gordon

      January 12th, 2024 - 12:16pm

      Derek handley who does the reconstructions says there will not be a problem doing reconstructions that don’t have telesnaps

    • Lewis James

      January 12th, 2024 - 1:36pm

      I’m in agreement with most of the comments below, 25 very likely to be next it’s been quite a while since a sylv set & my thinking is while they are working hard on the sixties sets, & possibly putting finishing touches to season 6 they probably will put 25 out next as many say fairly easy put out. I’m really hoping for an extended remembrance of the daleks on 25 as that’s my fave story of the season. I also think & hoping 21 will come out at some point next year, completing the 80s era & also I’m thinking then it gives them full priority & time to really concentrate on & pile the full love & attention into the sixties sets.

    • DPHill

      January 13th, 2024 - 9:47pm

      I really would not say no to any form of extended episodes in this set – i love all four stories, so the more versions, the merrier! I think either a troughton or 25 next, we would be very lucky and happy if we got both of those this year, then next year i think 2025 starts [or could end] with 11, Pertwee seems to be the most uniform with having a two year gap, we can see if they continue that…
      I can’t wait for our first troughton, 25, any pertwee [oh wait, i can’t wait for any collection, animation, colourisation, new episode…]

      I would love 21, but i do think we must have a troughton before the final set of the eighties gets releases because i am sure we will get 25 next for the 80s as many are saying also…

      Would nice kind of symmetry in a way, all but one set in the eighties released on blu-ray and then all but one sixties not release on blu-ray – seventies kinda in the middle on that.

  • James

    January 12th, 2024 - 11:36am

    Hopefully all the bugs and glitches have been learnt from fron the season 20 set and this one has no hitches.

  • Count Davros

    January 12th, 2024 - 11:05am

    Finally something to get excited about in the world of Doctor Who, even if the episodes are 46 years old! Just ordered mine, all I hope is that Amazon will fulfil their orders.

  • Erato

    January 12th, 2024 - 8:36am

    Lots of possibilities for the TARDIS artwork on back of the box…
    – TARDIS boarding the Vardan ship
    – TARDIS on the edge of creation
    – TARDIS being attacked by the nucleus

    • DPHill

      January 13th, 2024 - 9:49pm

      I would live it if it was a complete troll and it is just that promotional picture of tom baker holding back an excited K9! Who knows, we could get the creepy lighthouse with some rocks that the tardis has landed by? Im kinda feeling that none really take my fancy so I shall be happy with whatever is chosen by Mr Binding

  • Lewis James

    January 11th, 2024 - 9:48pm

    Really looking forward to this Tom set, love all the stories I agree invasion of time probably not the finale Leela deserved but I did love the then shock cliffhanger at the end of part four. Slowly closing the gaps on the shelf now, just two Tom left now, I think it’s safe to say it’ll be 16 then 13. I’m personally looking forward to another Job set relatively soon, probably 11 as 7 has the most restoration to be done, so still sadly a bit of a wait for my fave Jon story Inferno.

    • Romana 3

      January 12th, 2024 - 7:27am

      It’s gonna be interesting to see how they advertise Season 7, as very little of the main cast survive… Maybe Benton? Perhaps a short with him and maybe Kate Stewart, like he still has some presence at UNIT?

    • Gordon

      January 12th, 2024 - 9:25am

      Season 11 has pretty much the same problems as 7 with cast availability. It’s pretty much just John Levine left. I can actually see katy being involved somehow in at least 1 of those sets. She’s so connected to the pertwee era it would be easy to fit her in one of those 2 sets.

      Think 11 is probably planned to be the next pertwee but that might change if they feel they want to do a tribute to Richard. That might be depending on when the next Pertwee set is due and how far along they are with it as well. Planning a tribute documentary will take time to prepare plus he just died and the families and friends need time to grieve and process everything. If season 11 is planned for the end of the year or start of next year it won’t give them much time for families and friends to grieve and to plan and film a documentary on him. It might be better to push it back if it’s something that they really want to do

    • Gordon

      January 12th, 2024 - 10:12am

      Actually now I think about it 13 might be also in a similar state with just really Tom left.

    • DPHill

      January 12th, 2024 - 10:51am

      They should have Benton for both of those left I think for Pertwee and have Katy in one of them – that would be great and even Kate Stewart too, would love to okd Benton in uniform!
      13 is really tough as Tom won’t do it and yet again we have Benton, maybe be could fight sutekh …?
      For 16 I would love to see K9 running around doing something silly

    • anon

      January 12th, 2024 - 12:34pm

      Tom, sadie and phillip Hinchliffe again for behind the sofa again for 13?

    • Gordon

      January 12th, 2024 - 1:00pm

      Tbh I think Tom’s involvement going forward is just going to be filming stuff at or near his home. That’s pretty much all they done for both 17 and from what we’ve seen it appears s15 too. Heard there is more stuff filmed from his house for him unreleased to come too. So his involvement for those 2 remaining sets might already be in the bag. I could be wrong but I doubt he will be doing any traveling to do behind the sofa’s or anything like that. If he’s doing tom talks and commentaries he may not feel the need to do behind the sofa.

    • Duncan

      January 12th, 2024 - 2:12pm

      13 & 7 are the ones I want the most, so no doubt, will be released last

    • Duncan

      January 12th, 2024 - 2:14pm

      That’s sad that there’s hardly anyone left alive from Jon’s era 🙁

    • Harold Shand

      January 12th, 2024 - 3:09pm

      Maybe for Season 11 they could have Jo and the Blue Crystal, as it feature across both seasons.
      It is possible something with Mike Yates was filmed in previous years.

    • DPHill

      January 13th, 2024 - 9:54pm

      I agree that Tom may well be done for most work going forward, looks like he will take part in documentaries that seem like or are tributes to those departed, or in one solo thing in Tom Talks, and the commentaries… Does anyone know if he has been renewed for Big Finish any further as i recall he had recorded stories up and including 2024? He may be fully retiring given his age i wonder.

      Also @Duncan, i agree too and know it will be a case of sod’s law!
      It would be lovely @Harold_Shand if they had banked a Richard Franklin in conversation with, he retired in early 2022 or late 2021 didnt he? And they banked William Russell in 2018… let’s just see, but it would be lovely if they have, John Levene’s could go on Season 7

  • James

    January 11th, 2024 - 9:39pm

    Would have been nice to release it next thrusday as next Friday is Toms 90th birthday.
    Maybe this early one will mean maybe 3 for this year.
    15 for March/april
    Next one for july
    Third one for November

    • Gordon

      January 11th, 2024 - 10:15pm

      take this with a pinch of salt but I’ve got told today that the next one will be getting announced a lot sooner than people are expecting. The inpression I get it is that it will be season 25. Whether it’s true or not though I’ve no idea though

    • James

      January 12th, 2024 - 12:12am

      Gordon.. Really? This one out roughly march and maybe Feb for next announcement?

    • Prowl 1701

      January 12th, 2024 - 3:08am

      Gordon, you are a fountain of knowledge here and you wouldn’t mention that unless you trusted that source at least to a certain point. So now you have me curious and intrigued!

    • Gordon

      January 12th, 2024 - 5:54am

      To be honest I’m not sure if I believe it myself. Just thought I’d pass the info on. If it is 25 it could be out by summer. Maybe an April/may anouncment time which is probably earlier than some think it will be. Think February is way too soon.

      25 should be a pretty easy set to put together compared with others. Think all the early edits for season 25 already exists for alternative versions plus masters for the extended vhs version of silver nemesis was found mislabeled just after the Germans did their own version for their complete mcoy era dvd box set. Richard bignell has tweeted out yesterday that he has already started the pdfs for not the next set but the one after that suggesting that the pdfs are already done for the next one (which would be 25 if it was true what I was told) and he’s already started doing the one after. Chris chapman has already delivered a season overview. Might not be for s25 but considering what’s already been covered by season/era overviews and what has already come out it only really leaves season 1 and 25 and seeing as season 1 isn’t coming anytime soon season 25 seems like the obvious choice. Considering he had to deliver it by Christmas there is a good chance at least some of the new s25 features have already been delivered. Mark already has also got the 5.1 remixes done too as they were all done for the dvd which means it shouldn’t be that difficult to rework those for a remaster using that as a starting point. The biggest issue will be that making of silver nemesis for the vhs. It’s not a case of getting the rights rather it’s more of a case of no one seems to quite know who owns the rights to it now. NJN who co produced it went bust. NJ PBS might own the rights to it but no one quite knows for certain. I suspose it’s possible they could include it and set aside money to pay some one if they come and claim ownership but it’s also possible a stef colburn type figure could come out of the woodwork and ask for silly money for it which might make things awkward.

    • Prof Horner

      January 12th, 2024 - 8:55am

      I will be disappointed if season 25 comes out this year instead of season 6. But if both come out this year that’s ok . Come on let’s have 6 this year. Troughton is only Doctor without a season Boxset. We one.

    • SV7

      January 12th, 2024 - 11:35am

      Season 25 next would be really nice.

      As for the rest of the B&W era, I’m more than happy for the BBC to take their time. After all, at this point in time, it is looking increasingly likely that most of the episodes that are still missing are (sadly) probably gone for good. If it meant waiting another 3 years for say, Season 6 with an animated Space Pirates, I’m totally ok with that.

      Only 11 seasons to go now! 😀

    • Bobby Fackrell

      January 12th, 2024 - 1:14pm

      So Happiness will Prevail?

    • D84

      January 12th, 2024 - 1:19pm

      Happiness will ALWAYS Prevail Bobby

    • Duncan

      January 12th, 2024 - 2:18pm

      Not fussed about 25 myself. Thats one Ill wait for the standard edition and even then a discounted price. Id be happy with 25 though as I wont have that expense to worry about.
      Im not sure Ill get 15 until the standard. I like the first three stories but unlikely Ill watch the other 3, and the extras seem a bit slim. Looking forward to eventually seeing BTS though

    • Anon

      January 12th, 2024 - 5:25pm

      The only collection boxsets i buy on release are the ones with new CG otherwise i can wait the 2 years and manage with the DVDs. Its the reason i skipped season 2 and 9.
      When season 22 standard gets nearer i will sell on the limited edition.

  • Basil Funkenstein

    January 11th, 2024 - 7:20pm

    So excited for this set! I’m usually excited for EVERY set but Tom is my favourite Classic Doctor.

    Was just thinking about Season 15 as a whole. I really like/enjoy 4 out of the 6 stories. Horror of Fang Rock, Image of the Fendahl, The Sunmakers, and Underworld. Invisible Enemy is sort of middling for me but I still enjoy parts of it, and Invasion of Time is probably my least favourite of the entire season but I can still watch it and enjoy bits here and there. Overall I’d say a good 7.5(maybe 8)/10.

    As for the set itself, as always, the whole thing is a work of art. Love the front cover, the magazine holder cover, and the cover of the magazine itself. Very unique images for each of the 3 and the disc artwork is great too, love the “wheels of time” aesthetic. Excited to see the artwork on the back of the set.

    Do we have any idea of a release date yet?

  • Rgb

    January 11th, 2024 - 6:35pm

    Im suprised theyve not used modern editing techniques on underworld

  • Alzie Who 66

    January 11th, 2024 - 6:25pm

    This all looks very impressive- Leela finally meets the Daleks on screen, but what happened to K9? So pleased that HoFR is being CGI’d and Tom is involved in the blu-ray. Thank you to all those behind the scenes getting all of this done. I shall be happily buying this.

    • Alan

      January 11th, 2024 - 6:45pm

      I think K9 either sacrificed himself in Big Finish’s Gallifrey series or travelled back in time to an alternative universe where Londoners have Australian accents

  • Things That Go Bump In The Night

    January 11th, 2024 - 5:27pm

    Mentioning the trailer again…

    I expect many of you will have noticed Murray Gold’s Nu Who music creeping in to the soundtrack in one scene…?

    Is this a sign of future The Collection box sets for Nu Who? 🙂 hahaha… I suppose that’s a bit of a stretch…


    • D84

      January 11th, 2024 - 8:19pm

      I wouldn’t have thought this is a definite sign that NuWho will be re visited and released as a “Collection” set

      But, the trailers/minisodes (this one is incredible imo) are a new production – so guess they utilise some of the current production team to pull it together

      For me, this trailer is incredible and one of the best so far – they seem to be getting better as better

  • Things That Go Bump In The Night

    January 11th, 2024 - 5:03pm

    These trailers for the sets are remarkable. This is another brilliant trailer. Watched it several times…

    And oh…

    15th release of The Collection Blu-ray sets = 15th Season


    Tom, as the 4th Doctor = his 4th Season

    Time to pre-order!

    • 4TH DOCTOR

      January 11th, 2024 - 5:17pm

      Stunning not my favourite Tom season but this set looks great

    • Bobby Fackrell

      January 11th, 2024 - 6:27pm

      I’d be surprised if it was anyone’s favourite Tom Baker series

    • Anon

      January 11th, 2024 - 6:32pm

      Tom has prevailed instead.

    • Erato

      January 11th, 2024 - 7:14pm

      Probably his worst to be fair, but it’s still got Fang Rock and Sun Makers in it which are superb.

      BTW, does anyone know who the lady is sat with Toby and Louise on ‘Behind the Sofa’?

    • Basil Funkenstein

      January 11th, 2024 - 7:22pm

      Erato, I would assume that is Betsan Roberts, (wife of director Pennant Roberts.)

    • Erato

      January 12th, 2024 - 8:29am

      Sorry, I didn’t read the news release.

  • John T

    January 11th, 2024 - 4:52pm

    Contains the much derided Underworld but I have actually always liked it in particular the guest actors. I totally get it that the budget has gone on the fan favourite stories and the Graham Williams feature and that Underworld was never seriously considered. But I would like pose a question to those that understand the mechanics of these releases and send my grateful thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply. If they had looked into improving the model shots of the P7e getting embedded in the Planet would this have been technically possible and how much of the budget would it have taken up ?. Like I say I know it was never going going to be considered and thanks to anyone who replies.

    • Prowl 1701

      January 11th, 2024 - 5:58pm

      The model work in Underworld is actually very well done. It’s just the CSO in the middle episodes that people never seem to get over.

    • Doug Who

      January 11th, 2024 - 6:49pm

      ‘Underworld’ has a great opening episode with pretty excellent model shots I think. Good cast too! It adds to the Time Lord’s history very well. It does turn into a bit of a runaround but it’s not unique in that. The CSO was ambitious, and apart from filming on location, which could never have been afforded, was an imaginative way of getting it made.

      It would have been great I think to have the cave models replaced with CG but it doesn’t affect the story itself that much and I’m sure they didn’t have the budget to replace so many shots.

      Very much looking forward to the Graham Williams documentary. I think he was unfairly maligned at the time and I always liked the more literary allusions he brought to the show. Every period has its ‘classics’ and less good stories.

  • Gordon

    January 11th, 2024 - 4:29pm

    Another brilliant trailer. Isn’t doctor who lucky to have the super talented Louise Jameson. Guessing we won’t be getting Tom on the sofa on his last 2 remaining seasons. He is 90 after all. We got the Tom talks and the commentaries instead. Fair trade I feel. Interesting sofa pairings. Chris chapman did the making of for fang rock and the Graeme Williams biography.The fang rock is 42 minutes long and the Graeme Williams biography is 97 minutes and that also took 2 years to put that one together. Fang rock seems to be the story where most of the focus has went on with new effects and 5.1 surround sound. Looking forward to this whenever it ends up coming out

    • Prof Horner

      January 11th, 2024 - 4:54pm

      Totally agree, she is national treasure, who has had a fantastic career. Just order my copy off Amazon. All we need now is a date for release. Hopefully within the next couple of months.

    • James

      January 11th, 2024 - 4:57pm

      Prof. The Canada site is saying 4th June for the so must be April-ish for us?

    • Prof Horner

      January 11th, 2024 - 5:11pm

      I think that’s probably about right James. Hopefully we’ll get season 6 sometime in the Autumn.

    • Anon

      January 11th, 2024 - 6:23pm

      Im sure i saw it marked as April the 4th or 6th.

    • James

      January 12th, 2024 - 12:14am

      Anon the Canada site says 6/4/24 from across the pond they out the month then day (you read it as 6th April but it’s actually June 4th)

    • D84

      January 12th, 2024 - 1:21pm

      The last couple of sets have been only a couple of months from announcement to release – so if this follows suit – I can easily see this out in March. February maybe a bit early – April – easy

  • David Minter

    January 11th, 2024 - 4:21pm

    Here’s hoping we get this in the States. I always worry when new Who video releases come out that North America won’t get one. The Sun Makers is one of my favorite stories. When I first saw it 35 years ago, the satire of British estate taxes and credit institutions went over my head, of course; I just knew I’d seen a well crafted story.

    • Sofia Fox

      January 11th, 2024 - 8:37pm

      Been available for pre-order at the BBC Shop five hours prior to the announcement. Out 4th of June, no UK date yet.

  • D84

    January 11th, 2024 - 4:08pm

    What an incredible trailer – Louise is fantastic

    Great looking set

    Keep them coming team

    • bryan

      January 11th, 2024 - 9:07pm

      Stunning mini Episode. Wow the ambition for these just explodes. Louise Jameson is a fabulous actress. In facial expression alone,converting so much, then She blast the Daleks abd gives that Amazing speech.

      I did wonder before watching if Invasion of Time might get some Gallifrey shots, but no matter,IIf I remember It has some “new” CGI from the DVD days. As has Invisible Enemy. So three stories have some love somewhen.

      Gorgeous Cover. Lovely full on image. is this the first set to have the CGI Alien on cover?

  • Bobby Fackrell

    January 11th, 2024 - 4:05pm

    That’s not series 25 Prof

    • Prowl 1701

      January 11th, 2024 - 6:00pm

      Happiness will prevail…..eventually!

    • Bobby Fackrell

      January 11th, 2024 - 6:26pm

      Oh miss you do tell some whoppers

    • Gordon

      January 11th, 2024 - 10:18pm

      Might be sooner than you think.

    • DPHill

      January 11th, 2024 - 11:06pm

      2025 is the year for 25 with only S 6 in between S 15 and S25! I be hoping anyway

    • Prowl 1701

      January 12th, 2024 - 3:06am

      I suspect the next two sets will be 6 and 25.

    • DPHill

      January 13th, 2024 - 9:58pm

      It is kind of funny being a dr who fan on this forum though, doesn’t anyone think? We will be speculating and knowing virtually what set is next, yet if we get a surprise curveball, we’re also gong to be happy? I think 6 and 25, after both of these, then 11… I’m here for curveballs too though – i guess you could call the animations those (i feel like they’re a little more random?)

  • MJS

    January 11th, 2024 - 4:00pm

    Oh how great!! Some cracking stories! BUT Invasion of Time is such bobbins. Already pre-ordered. Can’t wait!!

  • Callum

    January 11th, 2024 - 3:52pm

    How she still holds the sheer gravitias in that short scene alone, i dont have any of collection as i have all the dvds but wow.

  • David

    January 11th, 2024 - 3:44pm

    Not many new features. Compared to other boxsets. This is poor.

    • Gordon

      January 11th, 2024 - 4:35pm

      It’s pretty much on par with the number of new extras as s14. Not every season is going to be as packed as season 20. If Covid hadn’t happened and wasn’t delayed. Season 20 wouldn’t have been anywhere near as packed full of extras as it was.

    • Ricky

      January 11th, 2024 - 4:47pm

      How can this be considered poor?
      I’d buy the sets even if it was just the stories included as I find the uptick in contrast, colour and detail, not forgetting the better sound quality worth the price alone, what we get on top is a massive bonus, and what treats they are.
      If you divide it up your only paying £9 for each story, I don’t consider that expensive for a new release bluray, but then factor in the packaging and it’s a bargain.

      This is probably one of the best cover designs I’ve seen in this series so far, great work.

    • Bobby Fackrell

      January 12th, 2024 - 5:53am

      There’s loads on there; new documentaries, commentaries, special effects, surround sound, and lots of new stuff from the archives

    • DPHill

      January 13th, 2024 - 10:05pm

      I agree with @Gordon, only got a bit overstuffed like when someone eats a christmas dinner because there was plenty of time for it to be.
      @Ricky & @Bobby_Fackrell – agreed again

      Just think:
      Updated effects on Fang Rock – 100 min [i’ll use approxiamtes]
      Graham Doc – 100 min
      Louise in Conversation – 70 min
      Fang Rock Making Of – 45 min
      Tom Talks – 45 min [i can’t remember for this one, anyone else?]
      Behind the Sofa – 5x25min + 1x40min [roughly]
      Trailer – 7 min

      Also we will also get a tardis interior, the obviously beautiful artwork on everything, the gorgeous booklet, and the massive pdf archive probably a few thousand pages at least, that included with the number tallied is around 550minutes, which is roughly 22 episodes of classic who, so we are getting more in special features than S12, 23, 24, 25, 26’s original runtimes were…

      Nothing poor about that, very grateful to have these!

  • Flo

    January 11th, 2024 - 3:41pm

    Remenber when these where 35£ ?
    Hopefully they’re taking a long time to come out.

    • daz

      January 11th, 2024 - 6:13pm

      Remember when everything in general was cheaper. Yup. But this is where we are now.

      Pretty much 2 sets a year though so more time to save if you need to. Or wait 2 years for the cheaper standard edition instead

    • HiViz

      January 12th, 2024 - 9:17am

      Remember when every individual DVD was between £10 & £20?

    • Shaun

      January 12th, 2024 - 12:36pm

      Some of us can remember when one edited, grainy story, with uninspiring cover photos, was £40 on Video! And that was 40 years ago… But the joy of seeing The Seeds of Death for the first time has never left me.

  • anon

    January 11th, 2024 - 3:09pm

    Absolutely love how these minisode trailers have evolved. If we never get to see these companions again in nu who, these are the next best thing. Just before this had dropped i actually envisaged a trailer with Leela in the wastelands.
    looking at the behind the sofa lists i also wondered who might be partnered up with who. I thought it must be all girls again but nice they mixed it up putting colin with janet and sarah.
    i expected updated CG for horror of fang rock and those few scenes with reuben and the levitating look tantalising. cant wait to see the new scenes with the rutan slithering up the outside of the lighthouse and ship crashing into those rocks.

    So great to have a Tom set again. Only 16 and then 13 to go.

  • Jake E

    January 11th, 2024 - 2:57pm

    Looks fantastic!

    Leela is my fav 4th Doctor companion so this is very cool. Typical that this set gets announced right after I start rewatching Horror of Fang Rock haha. But very happy that Fang is getting new CGI as it’s one of my all time favourites!

    I haven’t seen the last 5 stories of Season 15 before so I’m very pumped.

    I think the set looks stunning. Maybe a bit overcrowded but definitely stunning. The spine is definitely going to stand out the most out of all the sets haha.

    Expensive but I’m collecting them all!

    • Jake E

      January 11th, 2024 - 2:59pm

      Hopefully Lee Binding shows the back cover later. I wonder if there’s any chance he could beat how good Season 20 looked!

    • Hewy

      January 11th, 2024 - 11:16pm

      How many fingers does the doctor have?

    • Jake E

      January 12th, 2024 - 11:19pm

      Haha I think it’s correct this time

  • Auton

    January 11th, 2024 - 2:53pm

    Another very exciting Blu-ray Collection boxset, looking forward to the updated effects and making of for Horror of Fang Rock

  • Rob

    January 11th, 2024 - 2:35pm

    Words cannot sum up that trailer. It’s sheer joy to see Louise playing Leela again!

  • ChrisP

    January 11th, 2024 - 2:18pm

    Looks fantastic. Love the trailer.

  • Doug Who

    January 11th, 2024 - 2:17pm

    Another absolutely stunning trailer from Pete McTighe too! I just love these sets. Wonderful start to the year.

    Oh and the CG Rutan looks pretty good!

  • Sime

    January 11th, 2024 - 2:15pm

    Pre-ordered from Amazon (with some Christmas vouchers helping with the payment). Really like this season. Just rearranged my collection this morning. So this is nice timing!

  • Doug Who

    January 11th, 2024 - 2:07pm

    Oh yes! Knew this was coming but still very excited for this set.

    Underrated season in my opinion. Two of my very favourite stories in ‘Image of the Fendahl’ and ‘The Sun Makers’. Folk horror to satirical SF…only in ‘Doctor Who’.

    Can’t wait to see a CG Rutan too!

    • Bobby Fackrell

      January 12th, 2024 - 1:18pm

      I think the biggest issue is Robert Holmes leaves midway through and it fizzles out as it goes a long

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