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January 17th, 2024 810 comments

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Doctor Who The Collection Season 15 Limited Edition Packaging

Available to order from,,, and various retailers on

Available to order as a standard edition from #ad.

Tom Baker’s fourth season as the Fourth Doctor is the next release to come to Blu-ray when The Collection – Season 15 releases later this year.

Doctor Who fans can continue to build their own home archive on Blu-ray with a SEVEN DISC box set of the 15th Season from 1977, starring Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor. Containing six classic stories, this limited-edition set is packed with hours of new and exclusive material.

These stories feature Louise Jameson as the Doctor’s warrior companion Leela and the introduction of trusty robot dog K-9, building to an epic showdown on the Time Lords’ home planet Gallifrey with the Doctor pitted against his old adversaries the Sontarans.


All episodes have been newly remastered from the best available sources – these classic adventures have never looked or sounded so good on home media.

The Collection: Season 15 Blu-ray box set also includes extensive Special Features including:


  • Exclusive to Blu-ray, on Horror Of Fang Rock.


  • New episodes with Louise Jameson (Leela), Colin Baker (The Doctor), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Janet Fielding (Tegan), Matthew Waterhouse (Adric), Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Betsan Roberts (wife of director Pennant Roberts) and comedian and presenter Toby Hadoke.


  • A brand-new scripted trailer to announce the Season 15 Boxset of Doctor Who.


  • A look at the life and career of producer Graham Williams.


  • Interviewer Matthew Sweet chats to Louise Jameson.


  • Making Horror Of Fang Rock.


  • Tom Baker muses on life, the universe and everything.


  • Exclusive new Audio Commentaries from Tom Baker.


  • On Horror Of Fang Rock.







Plus lots more!

This seven-disc box set also includes hours of special features previously released on DVD including Documentaries, Updated Special Effects, Featurettes, Audio Commentaries and more.

Text and images with thanks to BBC Studios.

Categorised under: Blu-ray, DVD, Featured



  • Bellal

    July 4th, 2024 - 2:02pm

    Happiness Prevailed

    • Nb7

      July 4th, 2024 - 2:36pm

      Yay!!! Love this season looks so amazing! Farewell season 15 thread, see you over at season 25…

  • James

    July 2nd, 2024 - 10:56am

    Right this is probably a complete coincidence but loads of Happiness Patrol merchandise released today…maybe s25 getting an annocement in Thursday???

    • D84

      July 2nd, 2024 - 11:43am

      I just noticed that – and thought the same

      Could be a complete coincidence – but if anything is coming this week, my guess is Thursday at 3pm – i will be watching all channels

    • Bellal

      July 2nd, 2024 - 1:46pm

      Happiness wil prevail

    • The Time Lord 1944

      July 2nd, 2024 - 8:01pm

      I think the release date is September as in that month the Davros Emperor Daleks figure is released.

    • Gordon

      July 3rd, 2024 - 12:30am

      It’s worth noting that the happiness patrol merchandise announcement is down to the new forbidden planet/titan merchandise drops that’s gonna happen in a weekly basis. It could be easily connected but probably just a coincidence more than anything.

    • The Time Lord 1944

      July 3rd, 2024 - 9:02am

      Gordon yes but the Davros Emperor Dalek set is also released in September which is the likely month for the next Collection set.

    • daz

      July 3rd, 2024 - 10:52am

      It’s purely coincidental but we humans love patterns.

    • Rex F

      July 3rd, 2024 - 1:38pm

      I love the idea of Auntie Beeb being that organised!

    • Anon

      July 3rd, 2024 - 3:54pm

      It will be a coincidence time lord 44.

  • Tom Williams

    June 30th, 2024 - 9:21pm

    Off topic too seasons at the moment but so happy I finally completed after the 4 year wait and selling back in 2020 too get all off series 1-60 anniversary on steelboks 🙂 I will now keep these for good always and as this result though will now have too rebuy the classic steelbooks and seasons but glad I complete these more again first

    • Jake E

      July 1st, 2024 - 6:32pm

      How much did all the steelbooks cost you mate?

    • Tom Williams

      July 2nd, 2024 - 2:00am

      Sadly verified on prices most was brought from cex such as 1-4 special and 50th at the current listed ones and the brand new ones was for the rest including series 10 but series 9 as I had issues with cex I had too result on eBay which was atleast 505 but the seller themselves was very kind and looked after the copy

    • Tom Williams

      July 2nd, 2024 - 3:37am

      And 11 aswell was unfortunately from cex current listed price

    • Jake E

      July 2nd, 2024 - 10:09am

      As long as you’re happy with them then that’s good 🙂

      What would be your reaction if Series 9 Steelbook gets announced for a re-release?

    • Rory

      July 2nd, 2024 - 11:21am

      @Jake E, I’d be fine with a new release of the out of print steelbooks if they made them different. Get new art on it and it’s a new collectable that doesn’t devalue the originals.

      I’m not a fan of announcing a strictly limited piece of merch, then releasing another batch once the first sells out, as that makes it no longer limited if they can just keep increasing the amount of available stock.

    • Rob

      July 2nd, 2024 - 12:08pm

      Before of the scam seller on Facebook marketplace selling WHO Steelbooks. It’s normally series 9 and for £99. They have been going around lots of different accounts.

    • Bellal

      July 2nd, 2024 - 1:09pm

      Can see a re-release having the same artwork but using the new logo, meaning the originals will still be somewhat different and people can complete their collection. Ideal way I think, even if it is just the j card changed

    • Rory

      July 2nd, 2024 - 3:27pm

      Honestly, if they did different art I might be tempted to buy it again. I already own the limited edition and steelbooks of the 50th specials (and both are signed multiple Docs), so I’m not averse to double dipping.

    • Tom Williams

      July 2nd, 2024 - 10:52pm

      @JakeE I think if can out again as re realises which I don’t think would happen in honesty as even daz confirmed more once I believe I would stick with this copy as its rareness has gone up now and especially series 10 would have too be another one which is again very rare but even spare head from space which is the only one I never brought yet is the hardest classic current one

  • Babelbro

    June 30th, 2024 - 7:34pm

    Great to read that Season 7’s restoration is well underway.

    Should Season 25 be the next set this Year, that just leaves Season 21 as the last of the 80’s, Seasons 11, 13, 16 as the last of the 70’s (if Season 7 is next year), Seasons 3, 4, 5, 6 from the 60s if the Collection isn’t waiting for animations, leaving Season 1 for infamous legal reasons.

    Assuming we know Season 7’s on its way, Season 25 is the next set, and zero suggestion of Season 1 or Wilderness Years being planned, that at least narrows the sets left to this most likely list:

    1960’s: 4x sets
    1970’s: 3x sets
    1980’s: 1x set

    If the releases are to continually release with a different incumbent Doctor, then hopefully it means we will see more 60’s sets finally come out within the next year or two.

    Having said that, it’s still outstanding news to hear they are just getting on straight off the bat with Season 7, instead of regulating it to the back of the queue as has sounded likely for years.

    • Sofia Fox

      June 30th, 2024 - 10:34pm

      It’s already been confirmed from Richard Bignell that the BBC still holds physical media distribution rights for An Unearthly Child, meaning a Season 1 Collection set was never barred from Stef’s antics. Streaming rights however haven’t been given and even YouTube clips were taken down.

      Season 7 was an exciting thing to hear about, since I know the colour issues with that season were wild, especially Ambassadors. I do think S25 is announced next and then Season 6 to follow!

    • Rex F

      June 30th, 2024 - 11:39pm

      The BBC likes to push the definition of its contracts, but doesn’t like it when others do the same (Paradox/Revelation and the laserdisc/DVD thing 25 years back re. Edge of Darkness and so on). I wonder if they still use the term ‘videogram’? Still, can’t criticise them in this case.

    • Babelbro

      July 1st, 2024 - 1:54am

      @Sofia Fox – Mr Bignell’s confirmation must have been recent, as I recall plenty of Doctor Who merch-pundits I follow racing to order copies of the 1963 dvd boxset, initially out of fear of the BBC not restocking it physically or online – once the stores gradually restocked it, the broad consensus was of such a future product being far too much of a legal grey area for the BBC to risk investing time and money into. As I say if what you say is from most recent words by Bignell, and Season 1 can and will definitely go ahead – then all the merrier, because mathematically it will mean an even higher chance of a 1960’s boxset being released directly in-between non 60’s sets!

      I’ve seen plenty of modern credible fan colour remasters of Season 7, and of what modern day software can do to remove transfer errors, blurring, dialogue, sfx and soundtrack isolation tools, that while a more complex and bigger scale of a Season to remaster, in my mind it was always far from impossible, more a matter of when, than if. Again, super great news as a fan to know it’s actively being worked on as we speak. One of, if not the best Season of Doctor Who when it comes to story consistency beginning to end.

    • Gordon

      July 1st, 2024 - 7:29am

      It was actually Steve Roberts that claimed “Video rights were acquired in perpetuity across the board.”.

      Richard bignell responded: I got in touch with Steve about this on Thursday, after you mentioned it. This indicator came from BBC Worldwide many years ago when we were working on the DVD range (Steve doesn’t work on the Blu-rays). Whether or not it actually proves to be the case in practice remains to be seen.

      Steve has since reiterated that it does include blu ray.

      It sounds promising but I don’t think it’s a 100 percent certainty till they announce it

    • Rex F

      July 1st, 2024 - 12:01pm

      Babelbro: You were listening to the wrong people. Who fans love to speculate, but would you take stock market advice from them?

      “Videogram” is a very nice word if you’re the ones releasing stuff. MCPS/PRS even use videotape or VHS as a legal, contractual term for all physical media. The chances of it disappearing were teeny, as Coburn jr has been playing up for years (already recorded Unearthly Child audiobook blocked, probably him blocking Warship 3 and 4 on DVD, etc.) and the Who DVDs stayed in print. They even bypassed him in 2013 for the TV repeat, apparently on a technicality – someone wasn’t happy, but that year it didn’t matter. He’d need an American-style lawyer to just tie things in knots, but I don’t think he could afford one, and none of the ‘no win, no fee’ types have teamed up with him in the last decade either.

    • Babelbro

      July 1st, 2024 - 11:15pm

      @Rex F – Matthew Toffolo, Matthew Purchase, ‘TheDoctorWhoGuide’, Rob Ritchie, Josh Snares, and of course the mighty Gordon here on the Doctor Who Merchandise website, just to name a few.

      I personally have no connections to the production inner circle, however I consider my list above to be highly accurate sources when it comes to what is said to be the next project, and then for it to be correct for the last 5 years.

      For those of us not in the Collection secret club, it makes total sense to me as to how a 2006 Dvd boxset literally cleared out of stock on the likes of Amazon, topped the dvd media sales list during that time, thanks to the perpetual exaggerated social media posts from Coburn jr.

      Good hardworking people made Doctor Who what it is today, and at that moment of madness it genuinely felt as if that story, as a product, would be gone forever. For those of us outside the official merch email inboxes and without any public statements aside from the conversations being shared here now, what are we supposed to believe had happened during the bbc silence / withdrawl of online media for ‘An Unearthly Child’ during Coburns victory post antics.

      That’s what concerns me the most – unless someone can provide me with a link, there still hasn’t been a statement from the BBC to counteract Coburns words.

    • Rob

      July 2nd, 2024 - 12:20pm

      To me Stef is unemployable with his views, I think he’s holding out for more money to fund his home studio. Hence the whining

    • Rex F

      July 2nd, 2024 - 2:54pm

      We’ll have to agree to disagree on this one, Babelbro. This isn’t digging up info on upcoming releases, where there’s lots of very visible evidence about. Aside from never having heard of half the names you mention, did they quickly research legal and contractual stuff before speculating? Ask someone who would know? That’s what it’s all about, not wacky guy continuing to talk the same tripe he’s been saying for the ten years since Mrs C died. Admittedly it took me an hour of Googling, but I was confident there was no need to pick up a spare Beginning set. Nothing had changed since his last hot air in 2013 – it’s not quite “old man shouts at cloud” territory, but he’s on the next hill over. (This site and using Google my only connections to Who for about 20 years – I don’t even know anyone who ever liked it.)

      As for the BBC not saying anything, do they really want to start getting involved in every bit of crazy in relation to Who? They’d not have time to make anything. They’d need whole departments just to deal with messrs Levine and Morris. More seriously, they also have to not antagonise him further since they probably do want to do some new AUC related product in the 23 years before his rights expire. But you know what they say about people who shout loudest. It’s if Stef goes quiet you need to panic.

      And Steve Roberts would absolutely know – if you see him carrying a crate of Beginning box sets out of HMV, then it’s time to worry. (Goggle will tell you why he can be 99.9999% relied upon here.)

  • Gordon

    June 29th, 2024 - 12:28pm

    I’m Hearing some rumblings about season 7.

    Restoration on season 7 started back in January. Heard that silurians will be much “improved”. Whether that’s a reference to restoration or new effects I’m not sure.

    People were interviewed at the devils end convention for a Nicholas Courtney documentary which some said was for season 7.

    If I was a betting man the next pertwee season is 7

    • Lars

      June 29th, 2024 - 2:14pm

      Music to my ears, thanks for the tip Gordon. S7 is one of my favourites and I hope it also has its fans out there.

    • Jake E

      June 29th, 2024 - 2:49pm

      As in Season 7 will be the next set released or just that it’s likely already being worked on for the future?

    • Anon

      June 29th, 2024 - 3:58pm

      Next pertwee set released not next set released

    • Gordon

      June 29th, 2024 - 4:04pm

      It won’t be the next one. By everything that I’ve heard says it’s 25. I think it’s most certainly one of the next ones after that though. Considering the pertwee’s seem to follow a 2 year pattern a release at some point next year seems a very good possibility

    • Prof Horner

      June 29th, 2024 - 9:14pm

      Well it is great news that season 7 is apparently on it’s way. All four stories are stone cold classics. As a little one at the time of first showing the monsters in this and season 8 scared me witless!
      Even now I find Alien Ambassadors creepy.
      Let’s hope we get an announcement with in the next couple of weeks on season 25. A season that has the all time classic, Silver Nemesis in it.!

    • SV7

      June 29th, 2024 - 9:55pm

      I’m honestly slightly surprised we haven’t had Season 25 announced yet. It only feels like yesterday I thought we would have it announced just after Easter, but here we are nearly in July.

      I’m really hoping the next animation is confirmed soon as well. Fingers crossed for the second half of this year!

    • Rex F

      June 29th, 2024 - 11:17pm

      Silurians is having the chromadots removed rather than filtered out with noise reduction this time, which should help with sharpness and detail (although after what they did with season two, I don’t know how that will end up). The old scan of ep 7 looked pretty good raw, with every detail and flaw of the Silurian costumes perfectly visible. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t look close to Terror of the Autons on season 8.

      Colour recovery should help with the sequences affected by rainbowing on the off-air, which gets quite bad at times later in the story – the scenes with UNIT trapped in the caves looked worst I think? I can’t remember which episodes those are. Since I posted about it earlier in the year they still haven’t gone back and processed eps 1 and 3 though, so I’m assuming they don’t have chromadots and no one had needed to check before now. Fortunately I don’t think they have rainbows – they crop up around the third quarter of the story from memory?

    • Auton

      June 30th, 2024 - 7:53am

      When you say people were interviewed, was it the guests there or the fans who went?

    • Gordon

      June 30th, 2024 - 8:12am


    • Rex F

      July 2nd, 2024 - 3:03pm

      No Silurians fans who can confirm where the rainbows are?

    • Gordon

      July 3rd, 2024 - 2:16am

      Apparently Steve broster who did the filming at the devils end convention is filming more stuff this Saturday at the android invasion day convention. Michael McManus who was Nicholas Courtney’s biographer will also be in attendance helping out. It may seem odd to see Michael being there seeing as Nicholas wasn’t involved in android but a couple of the guests also had nothing to do with the story so it does make sense.

  • norman

    June 28th, 2024 - 12:01pm


  • norman

    June 28th, 2024 - 11:00am

    i not see the new season yet.
    do i have to watch the last episode.
    before tales of the tardis the pyramids of mars.

    • The Unlicensed Physician

      June 28th, 2024 - 11:50am

      You watch Tales just before the last episode. But you’ve posted this on the classic season 15 page instead of new season one.

  • Gordon

    June 27th, 2024 - 3:31pm

    Tales of the tardis: pyramid of Mars is going on season 1 as an extra in case anybody is not aware

  • The Silent Silent

    June 26th, 2024 - 9:31pm

    Hello there,

    Although this question is not strictly Season 15 related, I thought I would ask here 🙂

    Does anyone here have a list of every Omnibus / Feature Length Classic Story currently released on Blu-Ray so far ?

    I only ask as I very much enjoyed the Tales of the Tardis Edit of “Pyramids of Mars”, so I was wondering what other “Feature Length / Omnibus” stories are out there.

    (I know there are also the other Tales of the Tardis stories on BBC iPlayer)

    I don’t mind if the list includes a Mix of Stories with or without updated effects, but as this page has the experts of Physical Who, I thought you would be able to help.

    Thank you 🙂

    • Gordon

      June 26th, 2024 - 11:44pm

      These are every alternative effects and alternative cuts

      On dvd and blu rays.

      The dalek invasion of earth (alternative effects)
      The day of the daleks (alternative effects and dalek voices)
      The ark in space (alternative effects and also cut down omnibus)
      The invisible enemy (alternative effects)
      The invasion of time (alternative effects)
      Shada (movie length)
      The destiny of the daleks (alternative effects)
      Kinda (alternative effects)
      Earthshock (alternative effects)
      Arc of infinity (alternative effects)
      Maudren undead (alternative effects)
      Terminus (alternative effects)
      Enlightenment (special edition cut down 75 minute edit in 16:9)
      The five doctors (extended 100 minute edit)
      Revelation of the daleks (alternative effects)
      The revelation of the daleks (alternative effects)
      Delta and the bannermen (early edit minus effects and sound)
      Battlefield (feature length special edition edit)
      The curse of fenric (feature length special edition edit)

      As for blu ray only

      Season 8:

      Terror of the autons (alternative effects)
      The claws of Axos (alternative early edit of episode 1)
      The colony in space (alternative early edit for episode 2)
      The daemons (85 min omnibus edit)

      Season 9:
      The day of the daleks (60 minute omnibus)
      The sea devils (90 minute omnibus edit)

      Season 10:
      The planet of the daleks (alternative effects)
      The green death (90 min omnibus edition)

      Season 12:
      The ark in space (alternative effects and also 68min omnibus)
      The revenge of the cybermen (alternative effects)
      The genesis of the daleks (85 min omnibus)

      Season 14:
      Talons of weing chiang (alternative effects)

      Season 15:
      Horror of fang rock (alternative effects)

      Season 17:
      The creature from the pit (alternative episode 3 edit)
      Nightmare in Eden (alternative effects)
      Shada (6 part version)

      Season 18:
      Logopolis (alternative effects)

      Season 19:
      Castrovalva (alternative effects)
      Black orchid (extended ep 1)

      Season 20:
      Snakedance (alternative effects)
      Enlightenment (alternative effects)
      The five doctors (alternative effects on tx version)

      Season 22
      Vengeance on varos (extended versions of both parts)
      The two doctors (extended version of ep 1)
      Timelash (alternative effects)
      A fix with sontarans (alternative ending)
      Revelation of the daleks (extended version of episode 1)

      Season 23
      All 14 episodes extended plus also a trial less version of episodes 9-12 with new effects

      Season 24
      All 14 episodes extended plus alternative regeneration effects in time and the rani (moved from being a dvd Easter egg)

      Season 26
      Battlefield (vhs edit)
      Ghostlight (workprint extended edit)
      Curse of fenric (vhs edit)

      Not yet ported over to blu ray yet

      The time warrior (alternative effects)
      The planet of the spiders (105 min omnibus)
      The terror of the zygons (episode 1 director’s cut)
      The resurrection of the daleks (4 part edit)
      Planet of fire (special edition cut down 68 minute edit in 16:9)

      Not available on dvd or blu ray yet

      Pyramid of mars (60 min omnibus)
      Brain of morbius (59 min omnibus)
      Seeds of doom (director’s notes exist to create this omnibus version)
      Silver nemesis (vhs extended)

      If I have missed anything feel free to add

    • MIKK89

      June 30th, 2024 - 2:15am

      @Gordon, due to the Pandastorm Release of the complete Sylvester McCoy Era back in 2017 fir 30 years of the 07th Doctor (only DVD release I am not parting with when all stories are on disc) made me wonder if Pandastorm had worked a deal to help out with a restoration of the Silver Nemesis Extended VHS Cut as it could be included not just on the UK Season 25 Release and a Possible German Silver Nemesis Combo…

    • Gordon

      June 30th, 2024 - 8:27am

      The original extended silver nemesis master tapes were found a couple of weeks after the pandastorm release. It was a happy accident as they were looking for something else and came across it mislabeled and they previously believed it had been lost.

    • The Silent Silent

      June 30th, 2024 - 10:57pm

      Dear Gordon,
      Thank you for that list. It is extremely comprehensive and detailed.
      I appreciate the time it must have taken to put together.
      Kind regards,
      – The Silent Silent

    • Rex F

      July 1st, 2024 - 2:03am

      Does that mean Pandastorm had to put it together from the broadcast masters and early edits? And bits of the VHS soundtrack?

    • Gordon

      July 1st, 2024 - 6:50am

      Not 100 percent sure as I never was able to get my hands on that version but from what I gather they used the dvd restoration whenever possible and they had to source the vhs release whenever there was bits not broadcast

    • Rex F

      July 1st, 2024 - 12:07pm

      Thanks. A proper patchwork then. Nice they went to the effort though, to give their customers something new.

    • ric

      July 2nd, 2024 - 7:46am

      Day of the Daleks is a new cut with extra new shots not just extra effects.

  • Barney

    June 25th, 2024 - 6:53pm

    So after just watching my celestial toymaker blu ray. I thoughly enjoyed the escape room feature, got tedious in placed but I think the other teams they showed are going to be excellent. They mentioned doing 7, 1 for each era. Now that means either one of thems going to be randomly displaced on a random release. Or team 5th doc and team 6th doc will both be on season 21. It would make some sense to be fair since they are both in that season. Obviously team 7 will be on season 25, I think it’s a fair guess team 1 will end up on season season 3. Team 2 could end up on any tbf my gut is 6 though. Which pertwee season and Tom season do you think they’ll punt those 2 in? I reckon 7 and 16

    • Gordon

      June 26th, 2024 - 12:26am

      For the teams going by the intro:

      2nd – Frazer Hines/Margot Hayhoe/graeme harper
      3rd – Katy Manning/Sadie Miller/?
      4th – Matthew Waterhouse/Michael E Briant/Toby Hadoke
      5th – Peter Davison/Janet fielding/Sarah Sutton
      6th – Colin baker/Terry Molloy/nicola Bryant
      7th – Sylvester McCoy/Sophie Aldred/Bonnie Langford

      In the intro there is brief clips of all the various teams but I couldn’t figure out who katy and Sadie were with. If I was gonna guess I’d say Jon Levine daisy ashford or failing that Tim Treloar.

      You could put them on any up coming release technically but thinking on what is most fitting

      There is pretty much 6 options for the 2nd doctor one. It could pretty much debut on Animated highlanders, wheel or space pirates or as part of season 4,5 or 6 but the most fitting I feel is mind robber on season 6.

      7 or 11 for for third doctor. At a guess death to the daleks. It has mazes

      13 or 16 for the 4th doctor. pretty much any of the stories but seeing as there is a maze in it maybe pyramid of mars

      Any story of Davison story of season 21 for the 5th doctor. The awakening perhaps as it’s a 2 parter so probably has the space

      Twin dilemma for 6 as it’s the only option

      Any McCoy from 25 though silver nemesis seems fitting

    • Barney

      June 26th, 2024 - 12:37pm

      I can’t argue with any of your reasonings there. Tbf when I was thinking about it going on to the collection range I originally put it in the bonus disc but reading your break down I have to agree with pretty much all of your suggestions. In fact they could even throw the 4th dotor one on a possible Pyramid of Mars release if they do a tales from the tardis one. Either way it’s an exciting extra to look forward to. Now we just need an announcement to go with it.

  • Whofan44

    June 24th, 2024 - 7:33pm

    I wonder how big future sets will be. Like season 4 is mostly missing episode animations most of which have colour animations, black & white animations and telesnap recons plus any surviving eps. I feel like thats going to make a massive set.

    • Bellal

      June 24th, 2024 - 8:24pm

      Yep. Assuming 2 discs a story, that’s 9 in total. If there’s only a recon for e.g. the highlanders that could only take up one disc but still. Can see it being any less than 15 realistically. Will be pricey!

    • Prowl 1701

      June 24th, 2024 - 8:29pm

      I’m curious if the set will only have either the back and white versions or the color versions of the stories made with both. One way to make the individual releases hold their value.

    • Bob

      June 24th, 2024 - 10:39pm

      For 4 parters, they should be able to include both the black and white and colour versions on the same disc, it’s only really because the Blu-Rays and DVDs have to match layouts. 6 parters will still need multiple discs though.
      My guesses are:

      Season 1: 8 discs (9 if they animate Marco Polo)
      Season 3: 12 discs
      Season 4: 12 discs
      Season 5: 10 discs
      Season 6: 8 discs (9 if they animate The Space Pirates)

    • daz

      June 24th, 2024 - 11:25pm

      I’d prefer the animations to be in black and white on the sets. The colour versions are on the iplayer now anyway.

    • Prowl 1701

      June 25th, 2024 - 3:11am

      Don’t forget the telesnap recons and existing episodes will need to be on the sets as well. I don’t think the format they use for the boxsets would fit over ten discs either, the nine disc sets are huge and you have to be careful with them. Anymore and the disc trays would never hold properly for sure.

    • Gordon

      June 25th, 2024 - 10:27am

      Considering they went so far to include the teaser for the galaxy 4 animation on the time meddler and that was in colour I’m certain both versions will be included. I know it’s not ideal but I wonder if it would be possible to have the plastic disc holders to hold more than 1 disc.

    • James

      June 25th, 2024 - 12:16pm

      Luckily all mine haven’t split/come apart yet as there all sealed still. If I’d known they were going to do a standard version I would have heald out and waited. These I know are just normal bluray casings but have the same content and a condensed booklet. I’m keeping the limited sets as investment really. Plus the standards take up less space on the shelf.
      I hope they all the animations content into the box sets (colut5, b&w, recons, missing eps, surviving clips and the extras. Yes this will make them pricier and larger but be a more complete collection.
      If they do do the rest of season 3 animated with at least DMP complete and at least 2/3 of the other 3 stories with recon of 1 as this seems to be whats happening (massacre, myths and savages ) they could strike a deal with the Uni people who remade Mission ( as the works been done and looks like an original version) it’s going to be the biggest set and most expensive. So maybe it could be split into 2 (season 3 part 1 and season 3 part 2). This would mean the sets wouldn’t break due to less wait, we would be able to have all the animationsmaterial and extra content. Release part 2 first with ark, celestial, gunfighter, and war with savages maybe animated if possible as not much source material exists for a recon. Or just the audio version from the cd release.
      Then part 1 down the line with time to fully do dmp, g4 competed so transfer from bluray with all content, mission uni version with a follow up doc with the team behind it. Both massacre has no clips only a few pics and myths has a few clips. So again 1 or both could be animated or use the improved cd soundtrack for myth makers and animate massacre.

    • James

      June 25th, 2024 - 1:31pm

      Luckily all mine haven’t split/come apart yet as there all sealed still. If I’d known they were going to do a standard version I would have heald out and waited. These I know are just normal bluray casings but have the same content and a condensed booklet. I’m keeping the limited sets as investment really. Plus the standards take up less space on the shelf.
      I hope they all the animations content into the box sets (colut5, b&w, recons, missing eps, surviving clips and the extras. Yes this will make them pricier and larger but be a more complete collection.

      If they do do the rest of season 3 animated with at least DMP complete and at least 2/3 of the other 3 stories with recon of 1 as this seems to be whats happening (massacre, myths and savages ) they could strike a deal with the Uni people who remade Mission ( as the works been done and looks like an original version) it’s going to be the biggest set and most expensive. So maybe it could be split into 2 (season 3 part 1 and season 3 part 2). This would mean the sets wouldn’t break due to less wait, we would be able to have all the animationsmaterial and extra content. Release part 2 first with ark, celestial, gunfighter, and war with savages maybe animated if possible as not much source material exists for a recon. Or just the audio version from the cd release.

      Then part 1 down the line with time to fully do dmp, g4 competed so transfer from bluray with all content, mission uni version with a follow up doc with the team behind it. Both massacre has no clips only a few pics and myths has a few clips. So again 1 or both could be animated or use the improved cd soundtrack for myth makers and animate massacre.
      When it comes to the standard they could release it as 2 parts or as a single double set in 1 box or both.

    • Prowl1701

      June 25th, 2024 - 4:07pm

      I’d be okay with double attacking the discs in the trays if that’s what it took to make it work and include both versions of the animations and the recons. Not ideal, but bluerays are pretty tough and I think it would be fine.

    • Whofan44

      June 25th, 2024 - 6:35pm

      I agree james I would also like colour animations, black & white animations, telesnap recon and surviving eps all on the sets the to make them more complete. Only things I don’t want on future are colourisations and Tales of the Tardis and that ship has sailed for those to be complete on the collection sets.

    • James

      June 25th, 2024 - 8:36pm

      Whofan44.. The colourizations of all 60s eps is years away. Didnt even think about those. They could be the next step maybe after the Collection range is finished. Either as ultimate limited range collection or just standalone releases. Of they do do more id prefer them to do full stories for release then they could do a shorter versions for transmission.

    • Gordon

      June 25th, 2024 - 9:26pm

      They have said repeatedly there are no plans to split any of the seasons. Unless something drastically changes it’s not happening.

      As for the tales of the tardis/colourisations I can see the potential of it being included in the wilderness years if it happens. Then any future repackaging they can move it over into the right places

  • Gordon

    June 24th, 2024 - 1:22pm

    Interestingly unlike the other tales of the tardis the pyramid of mars is being made available to buy digitally for £3.99. I’d assume some sort of release is being planned.

    Whether it’s part of a tales of the tardis series set, season 14 or some sort of stand alone release I don’t know at this point.

    • Tom Williams

      June 24th, 2024 - 3:20pm

      Could they ever realise it as a steelbook like they did with spear heads from space ?

    • Rex F

      June 24th, 2024 - 4:18pm

      I’d think using some of the huge amount of disc space on season one, so in your preordered set.

  • Prof Horner

    June 23rd, 2024 - 9:01am

    So what’s chance of announcement of the next Blu ray boxset this Thursday do we think?
    After being on his group page and posting for a year. I have finally cut all ties with Ian Levine after his reply to my post of yesterday. The guy seems to want absolute gratitude for everything he does and the language he uses against those who dares to disagree with him is too much. All I said was I was only on his site for missing episodes rumors and season boxset news. Then he starts ranting about why does he bother doing his AI reconstructions . I will stick to this site from now on. It’s much more fun.

    • ex15

      June 23rd, 2024 - 5:43pm

      My view is, by the 18th July..

    • Tom Williams

      June 24th, 2024 - 4:07am

      Can be possible by this week as it’s the last before July and now I know sometimes they do a announcement two months before it’s reasled as hmv normally and Amazon put the date as coming soon if not then July is more a high chance but have too wait and see

    • Gordon

      June 24th, 2024 - 8:14am

      Sorry to hear that prof. unfortunately it’s yet another example of Ian only wanting to hear how much everybody loves him and his work and being unable to accept anything less and treats it as an insult regardless of it obviously not being meant as such. Most do appreciate his finds but they don’t want to blindly agree with everything he says especially when he’s viciously attacking and mouthing off at people for simply having a difference of opinion to him or in the case of Richard bignell or mark ayres or Emily cook a job they have simply been commissioned to do.

      As for an announcement it could have be this week. I’m sure it will be soon though. It’s been a couple of months since the tease from Lee binding (11th April). We are still waiting on cover and extras for season one so it’s possible that we are getting that first.

    • Rex Farrel

      June 24th, 2024 - 4:20pm

      Tell Ian that you’d prefer sock puppets to his AI reconstructions, he’ll like that.

  • Prof Horner

    June 18th, 2024 - 3:33pm

    So as Pyramids of Mars apparently is getting new fx .will it get a stand alone Blu ray release?
    They do something similar with Invasion of the Dinosaurs too maybe.

    • Gordon

      June 18th, 2024 - 3:44pm

      I think it will either be on the season 1 release out next or a similar sort of release to the daleks in colour release. Tales is produced through bad wolf so I don’t think something like dinosaurs would happen stand alone unless through tales

  • Babelbro

    June 18th, 2024 - 9:37am

    Well, I was both right and wrong

    Lots of posts online overnight of a new ‘Tales of the Tardis’ Classic Who ‘restoration’ project of a certain story, with a mention that having this made will help to significantly reduce workload on it’s matching future Tom Baker Collection set, with a very, if-legit, highly intriguing behind the scenes photo.


  • Babelbro

    June 15th, 2024 - 5:28pm

    Wondering now if a certain Season Collection has always been planned to be the next release, as was The Celestial Toymaker Animation before it…

    • daz

      June 15th, 2024 - 6:38pm

      Don’t think so.

      Not with the new Tales of the Tardis on Thursday being a particular classic story.

    • DPHill

      June 15th, 2024 - 6:43pm

      Season 13?

      I wouldn’t think so given the last set was Tom, unless you’re referring to something else?

    • Babelbro

      June 15th, 2024 - 8:21pm

      I’m suspicious, since there’s no way the Toymaker Animation announcement timing with the 60th was a mere coincidence.

      We’ve also before had at a year+ of lined up Troughton Animation releases from Seasons 4 & 5 one after the other, so I believe it plausible to announce another Tom Baker Collection set to capitalize on the hype of the latest series finale – it makes total business sense.

    • Gordon

      June 15th, 2024 - 8:56pm

      It’s Too soon since the last one. The toymaker being animated at the same time that the main show was using him was a pure coincidence. They had no correspondence with the main show.

      I’ve been told potentially the running order for the next 4 releases and 13 is nowhere to be found. 25 is most certainly next. 7 then 6 then 21 though the order could get potentially get swapped around if need be

    • Prof Horner

      June 15th, 2024 - 9:50pm

      Well we didn’t get season 9 straight after The Legend of the Sea Devils was show. So I don’t see season 13 will be coming out any time soon. As always Gordon’s reasoning is sound. I would be quite happy with that order of release. Although I think season 6 before 7. Maybe 6 in December this year, with 7 the spring of next year and 21at the end of next year. So season 25 is next. Probably in late August or early September, with 6 the middle of December. That would be great.
      With 25 coming out soon, I know how excited Bobby must be to see Silver Nemesis on blu ray !

    • Styggron’s Snout

      June 15th, 2024 - 10:21pm

      Guy Crayford wasn’t an obvious character to bring back, especially with two eye patches. I bet he turns out to be an android though. Sorry to spoil the episode for anyone who hasn’t seen it.

    • Babelbro

      June 15th, 2024 - 10:50pm

      @Prof Oh I agree! Silver Nemesis on Blu Ray? Remembrance on Blu Ray? Bring it on!

      There’s certainly been an agreed consensus as to the most heavily rumoured Season sets to be released soon (Seasons 25 & 6)

      I also recall the speculation re. the Sea Devils, however both the Toymaker and ??? reveal of recent have felt like far, far greater spectacles in New Who, particularly for RTD’s targeted fresh audience demographic getting into the history of the show for the very first time (neatly linking into the discussion of target audience when it comes to the Animations also).

      With the Celestial Toymaker being one (then) non-recurring character, in one single serial in all 60 years worth of episodes, to suddenly be the subject of two seperately marketed modern Doctor Who medias, with zero communication, to be merely of complete and total coincidence – is personally a bit steep for me to believe, though I’m in no way disputing Gordon’s knowledge on these projects.

      The online reception to ???’s reveal has gone down mightily well on social media; many long time fans, artists and editors that I follow are already naming the reveal as the best since the twist reveal in “World Enough and Time” from almost this same time 7 years ago.

    • Rex F

      June 16th, 2024 - 12:57am

      What was the twist reveal in World Enough and Time? The new character who sounds like John Simm turning out to be his old character? Although I guess that could have been a surprise for people who hadn’t read about the Master’s return, thinking it’s just reuse of an actor.

    • Anon

      June 16th, 2024 - 9:35am

      Rex I believe the twist reveal refers to the appearance of the first doctor at the end

    • Anomie

      June 16th, 2024 - 9:37am

      Actually it refers to the reveal of bill as a cyberman

    • Prof Horner

      June 16th, 2024 - 11:21am

      Now I came to mentioning Season 19 came out before 18 ,which came out next. So 7 may out before 6. Either way I will be happy with both of coming out within the next year .
      I enjoyed The Toymaker Blu ray animation . A big step up from Web of Fear 3. Two criticism none of the regulars and The Toymaker faces looked like them and I wish they made the clowns and others more human instead of rag doll and playing cards.

    • Anon

      June 16th, 2024 - 11:30am

      I like the design choices of the other characters. It fits well into the world of the toymaker. And yes, the regulars and the toymaker are off but you soon get used to it.

    • Babelbro

      June 16th, 2024 - 5:15pm

      Just to clarify my last point; the general reception I’ve seen on social media are the positive comparisons with The Master’s reveal to Missy in “World Enough and Time” the penultimate to Finale episode of New Who Series 10 in 2017.

      Of course as a fan if you are deliberately looking for spoilers and leaks, then these character reveal twists won’t give the intended effect; It has to be said there’s also plenty of Tv shows that do go out of their own way to sign off official trailers and tv spots that actively partially spoil these great moments, it’s definitely a tricky tightrope to cross as a loyal viewer of almost any existing tv series today (Stranger Things Season 4 classically gave away a character-is-the-target twist in a big main Netflix trailer all over the net).

      Completely agree with all the examples given of the Series 10 finale – of Steven Moffat’s work within his own time as Showrunner, I would put that finale up there as his best writing work. The story felt direct, to the point, engaging, filled with plenty of plot twists, the ‘World Enough and Time’ cliffhanger being his very best of his own era, without a shadow of a doubt.

      For the RTD penultimate finale episode to receive that comparison and positive reception from many long time fans, some of which contribute great work themselves to and for the Doctor Who fandom, gives a lot of promise towards the direction of both RTD and Ncuti Gatwa.

      I mean, flipping heck Mr Ian Levine gave it full stars!

    • Rex F

      June 16th, 2024 - 11:10pm

      Is Ian liking it a good or bad thing? That alone almost makes me curious enough to watch it myself though. Almost.

    • Gordon

      June 17th, 2024 - 8:24am

      @ Babelbro

      The animation team behind the toymaker release are based in Australia. It’s very possible and likely that bad wolf studios wanted to keep the toymaker return a secret as long as possible so didn’t tell outside of those who needed to know. Considering where they are in the world it would be very easy to be kept out of the loop.

      The animation range is also completely separate to the current show. Another reason why there would be no Interaction. The decision to do the toymaker animation was made in early 2021 (after web of fear 3 was finished which was also before Russell was announced as returning) but work didn’t actually start till August 2022 as work needed to finish on the abominable snowmen release and pre production on toymaker was also required before starting. Let’s not forget there is a big finish 4th doctor toymaker release due out this month and that was recorded back in October 2019 nearly 2 years before Russell was announced.

    • Lewis James

      June 18th, 2024 - 1:51pm

      I thought exactly the same after Saturday’s episode, although the Zygons re appeared back with Matt’s doctor & they are in that season. what I would love to see if 13 is still some way off is a repackaging & stand alone release for the original Tom story as it would be a great showcase of Tom at the height of his powers to introduce a new generation to him while he is still with us,& also I think it was one of the first original DVD releases as it still has a plain disc front.

  • TheCollection

    June 14th, 2024 - 7:29am

    So just why have the started to put new The Collection shows on the Animated sets ?

    Escape Room as it looks like they was record for The Collection.

    • DPHill

      June 14th, 2024 - 10:07am

      I think the special features team, Chris Chapman I’m talking about with Moon Balloon, has long since worked in both collection features and animation, and it may be the quickest way we would get escape room, we are likelier to have a set from all other doctors within two three years, 6 and 25 are heavily rumoured, and we will no doubt get another Tom and Pertwee thereafter , and when 21 comes, we could get two on one set, live to see a wilderness one with mcgann, we shall see, but then that’s every doctor covered in a short space as rights issues and missing stories make another Hartnell a seemingly long way off

    • Gordon

      June 14th, 2024 - 10:22am

      Because that’s its final location. The toymaker discs on the season 3 collection set. They decided to put it here because it’s the first escape room of the series and thus needed to be released first, fits in with the games of the toymaker and the season 3 collection set is years off for obvious reasons,

  • Bellal

    June 13th, 2024 - 8:06pm

    In the first Collection boxset (season 12 ), there was a lengthy documentary about that years television landscape. I really liked the overview it gave of what Doctor Who was being shown with and against.
    Why did this not become a feature on every boxset I wonder. Sad to see it as a one off. Any ideas?

    • Gordon

      June 13th, 2024 - 8:46pm

      Too expensive with all the various clips that needed clearing.

    • Bellal

      June 13th, 2024 - 9:43pm

      Ah. That explains it. Thanks Gordon

    • daz

      June 14th, 2024 - 11:51am

      It’s a shame there was only one as it was a great feature but definitely too expensive to carry on unfortunately.

  • norman

    June 6th, 2024 - 1:40pm

    rip William Russell.

    • Auton

      June 6th, 2024 - 2:54pm

      Truly Heartbroken, he will certainly be missed. I am so glad they recorded that In Conversation with him on Season 2. I was rooting for him to get to 100 in November

    • Babelbro

      June 7th, 2024 - 6:25am


      I agree in that the Season 2 Collection ‘In Conversation’ feature with William Russell felt magical to watch. Perfectly recorded, the interview helmed so well by Matthew Sweet. I cannot recommend it enough, such a beautifully compelling watch.

  • Prof Horner

    June 1st, 2024 - 11:53am

    So now June is here,do we think there will be announcement regarding the next boxset and the next animation? So what do we think the next animation will be. It’s a toss up between The Smugglers and The Wheel in Space for me. If we get The Smugglers it will mean that all the sixties seasons apart from 3 will be just be missing one story. If it’s Wheel it will mean season 5 is complete. I torn really as I have always loved The Smugglers, but it would be good to have a sixties season complete. What do other people think.

    • daz

      June 1st, 2024 - 1:37pm

      I don’t think we’ll hear anything til at least 27th June once the new Season One has finished it’s run on TV

      They might reveal the covers for the new Season One after the finale though and we’ll get the next Classic Season set announced in July.

    • scotel

      June 1st, 2024 - 4:21pm

      Given the time we’ve heard it took to produce The Underwater Menace, I’m not expecting another animation announcement until early 2025.

      As much as I’d love to see The Myth Makers (might seem a weird choice, but 75% of it is “funny joke then someone pulls a face in disbelief” which doesn’t work when you can’t see that disbelieving face), I’d personally opt for The Wheel in Space as my next choice although I could see The Smugglers as well.

    • Anon

      June 1st, 2024 - 9:16pm

      The myth makers is my choice. It’s one that is firstly, a good story and secondly, one that would benefit greatly from being animation over audio.

    • Prof Horner

      June 1st, 2024 - 9:40pm

      I agree with you Anon on The Myth Makers being a great story to animate.
      It is the only story know nothing about. I was only two when it was transmitted and never heard the soundtrack. So it would be interesting story to see.

    • Prowl1701

      June 1st, 2024 - 9:47pm

      I think we will get an announcement for the next collection set in July and the next animation in August or September. I’m hoping for the space pirates, wheel, or smugglers.

    • Anon

      June 2nd, 2024 - 12:41am

      Smugglers is my other choice along with myth makers. Again it’s a good story that is often dismissed by fans. And again it would benefit greatly from being animation. Especially the fourth episode which is essentially a 25 min fight sequence! Poor anneka on the audio has so much narration to do in episode 4.

    • Bellal

      June 2nd, 2024 - 1:05am

      Agree Anon. The myth makers would probably benefit the most. Would be good to see it reappraised and can see it being as effective as Macra Terror in terms of visuals really enhancing the viewing experience. Certainly more Hartnell I think is best, even it out a bit more

    • Babelbro

      June 2nd, 2024 - 5:23am

      Completely agree on the idea of The Myth Makers.

      Though since the final part ends with the teaser text of ‘Next – The Daleks’ Master Plan’ – I imagine the overall customer / fan expectation would automatically be on the BBC to animate that next serial.

      I personally don’t mind the telesnap / photo recons with freshly mastered audio tracks for The Collection sets, with all existing Animation features slotted in, meaning you get all the surviving material, one authentic as is possible photo recon, and the reimagined animations as an alternative watch.

      From what I’ve read on Master Plan, the sound quality would need more work than almost anything else from all of classic who, which would of course take more time – but I fully back The Collection range in not waiting up for future animations for every single missing story. Totally separate projects and visions for Doctor Who, more of a bonus if and when both can be released within one boxset.

    • Babelbro

      June 2nd, 2024 - 8:01am

      Edit: The final part of The Myth Makers, according to Loose Cannon’s recon, ends with the text “Next episode – The Nightmare Begins” – so there’s actually no explicit reference to The Daleks themselves, so no immediate commercial pressure in that sense – but to hardcore fans it might feel slightly unusual to have a fully animated non-Dalek story sitting right in-between two missing Dalek features, ‘Mission to the Unknown’ and ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’.

      As I say, I feel the recent animations especially have become further and further separate projects / visions by their respective directors – sound work alone, I’d love to see a Collection season 3 Daleks’ Master Plan photo recon.

    • Anon

      June 2nd, 2024 - 1:13pm

      I don’t think it would raise expectations as who has always been released out of order. The target books, the vhs, the DVDs and the bluray collections have all been randomly released over the years.

  • GuyTheZygon

    May 31st, 2024 - 2:33pm

    Does anyone happen to know please if Panasonic’s top of the range Blu Ray Recorder DMR-BWT850EB has issues playing these Dr Who Collection Blu Rays?

    I’m about to buy one as a couple of dealers have a strong suspicion they may be being phased out soon (streaming more or less having taken over as a trend), but obviously after a fairly major outlay, it would be pretty galling to then find the machine has an issue playing them. Shop dealers are quite understandably unwilling to allow testing prior to purchase, as once the machine has been used, it’s no longer ‘brand new…’

    This concern arose after having tried one of the Season 8 discs (Terror of the Autons) in a family member’s much older Panasonic Blu Ray Recorder – it played the preliminary material fine, but soon as it reached the main feature – perfect picture but zero audio…

    Alternatively, would appreciate knowing any other Blu Ray brands/recorders (not players!) with which the discs definitely do play ok, thanks

    • Babelbro

      June 1st, 2024 - 1:49am

      The general consensus since 2019 as far as I understand, is that Panasonic is supposed to be the *top* brand for 4k disc playback.

      I haven’t got a Panasonic, but can confirm that Seasons 23, 24 and 26 Collection Blu Rays have played perfectly fine on my LG UBK90 (which I believe was one of, if not LG’s very last 4k disc player, now discontinued). The UBK90 requires you to set the correct Hertz (motion rate) for tv shows with that more lifelike motion video like Classic Doctor Who, Only Fools and Horses, Dad’s Army – then once you want to go back to watching anything else that doesn’t have that soap tv show movement effect, you *have* to remember to set the hertz rate back to default; while (I think) Panasonics automatically identify the correct Hertz rate, *and* can identify the highest quality sound tracks on the discs (while say, Sony’s 4k and Blu Ray players today again, require you to manually tell it if you want that top notch audio track).

      Bottom line for me is, my Sony Ps3 games console from the late 2000’s has and still to this day will play *any* correct region Blu Ray that I give it – without question, it knows the correct motion rate, no fuss, no messing around or worries in the back of my mind – pop the disc in, it works fine, including Seasons 23, 24 and 26. You can argue that anything non Panasonic 4k player will have downsides – as long as you can memorize what those cons are then you’re okay, but for ease of mind, either get a Ps3, or get the latest / last Panasonic 4k player over anything else.

      One last thing to add; I understand that Season 20 apparently had many unpredictable playback glitches on many home systems – from what I’ve seen of people ripping the Blu Ray discs and watching the actual video files on a computer, the episodes play absolutely fine – so if you’re trying both machines I mentioned above, checked your settings, everything, then I’d put that down to the physical discs themselves having some kind of writing issue, because the video data on the discs themselves runs fine on an external hard drive – I’ve once or twice had some big blockbuster movie Blu Rays totally glitch out half way through, or hiccup nearer the end in the past, so I completely believe the reviews that have been left online for Season 20.

    • GuyTheZygon

      June 1st, 2024 - 9:52am

      Babelbro thanks for the info cheers

    • DPHill

      June 1st, 2024 - 12:26pm

      Yes I must say myself that anything and everything MKV-ed and Handbrake-d has played beautifully on the hard drive, although does anyone know how to get the subtitles to rip alongside it on MKV and then Handbrake?

    • Babelbro

      June 1st, 2024 - 2:43pm

      @GuyTheZygon – you’re most welcome

      @DPHill – do you mean that you want to extract the subtitle files from the mkv? If you do, then there’s a free software called Mkvtoolnix to do that.

      If you meant to retain all subtitles in your end product, then so long as you keep all MakeMkv settings on default, and specifically adjust your subtitle settings within Handbrake, reading up on Handbrakes’ latest software manual online, then there should be no reason for any subtitles to be missing – except if you’re just going default with Handbrake or using premade Handbrake presets – which often do cut / delete subtitle and/or commentary tracks to save space and keep the file sizes down (I’m with you though, in 2024 there’s no reason to exclude subtitle files and multiple audio tracks for a compressed video file).

  • Darren collier

    May 30th, 2024 - 6:11pm

    Really about time for 2 doctor set maybe season 6 roll on when all Blu-ray season are done when who knows lifelong fan

    • D84

      May 31st, 2024 - 10:18am

      I know Darren, with 11 to go still (12 if a WY set is produced) at this rate with generally 2 releases per year it will be circa 2029 when the final set lands on the doorstep

      I will wait, and collect all of them of course but i just wish they would hurry up a bit.

      I get the COVID delays and then production disruption due to the troubles in Europe but that should have settled by now

      Plus the remaining cast and production crew to contribute to extras are not getting any younger – although we suspect/know that material is being banked for releases that are a little way down the line – likely there is stuff banked for most of them by now

      Roll on the next announcement / release – highly suspected to be S25 and then whatever comes next. Lots of people suspect S6 – ill take that seems plausible

    • Nb7

      May 31st, 2024 - 2:24pm

      They were always delayed pre covid. They would get announced and pretty much most of the time they’d be delayed twice, and I think 26 was delayed 3 times after announcement. I think 2018 may have had 3 releases that year or was it 2019? Either way it’s always been 2 releases a year after delays. The way they have it now I think is more organised. Finished product before the release date is announced. Slow maybe but it’s got to be perfect for the release date so I’m always happy to wait rather than faff about with having to organise replacing discs and the such cos they haven’t sorted the audio or something.

    • GA

      June 1st, 2024 - 11:05am

      I wish they’d had a third team for animations now, so you could have two to three per year. Not saying this would push the collection sets along, but reduce the gaps when they do. It’s all down to the teams who give a lot of time and effort for the collection sets and probably get a set amount of money. But they, like us are fans of the show and wouldn’t we all give our time for the show for little financial reward. Russell Milton ultimately has to sign off the sets.

  • Babelbro

    May 30th, 2024 - 8:44am

    Whispers of a filmed studio extra for Season 25 recreating the Cafe scene from Remembrance with Richard Bignell and Ian Levine.

    • D84

      May 30th, 2024 - 10:21am

      Ooooh interesting

      I can see why

      Must be an announcement soon I hope

    • GA

      May 30th, 2024 - 11:52am


    • Gordon

      May 30th, 2024 - 1:03pm

      God that would be something memorable.

      Being honest I’m almost at the point of breaking point hearing about daily Levine drama. There doesn’t seem to be a day that something that either happens or involve or ends up being about him. Seems to be a car crash that you can’t help but look at despite you knowing it’s bad

    • Bellal

      May 30th, 2024 - 5:38pm

      Has Richard Bignell appeared himself on any documentaries before? If not it would be good to see. I hope there’s an Andrew Cartmell in conversation, even though his myth makers is good.

    • Gordon

      May 31st, 2024 - 12:02am

      He appeared in looking for Peter (sensorites) lords of the red planet (seeds of death se) and treasures lost and found (enemy of the world se) and also did voiceover for a couple of the now and then features (claws of axis, shada and mind of evil). There maybe others I’ve forgotten. I know babelbro was joking but I will be honest and say the chances he gets interviewed again for the range are extremely slim. His recent behaviour and actions have pretty much blacklisted himself from pretty much everyone involved in the range

    • Rex Farrel

      May 31st, 2024 - 2:52pm

      Richard Bignell has also become controversial? What happened there?

    • GA

      June 1st, 2024 - 11:09am

      It’s just Levine mouthing off again at anyone who challenges him. It always ends in tears with Levine. Everyone I know who has been involved with him has no contact with him anymore as he is toxic, bad for your mental health. James Goss told me Levine use to ring him up and shout at him on the phone during the animation of the Invasion.

      And people wonder why fans are sometimes kept at arms length by the BBC (I was told this by a head of the Who range years ago), because a selection of fans like Ian Levine make us all like deranged.

    • Rex F

      June 1st, 2024 - 2:48pm

      We should take bets on the exact date that Ian will be committed to the asylum. I can already imagine it: It starts off like Silence of the Lambs, with Ian silently waiting for his visitor, his eyes tracking them along the corridor. In long shot we see the visitor quietly begin to ask a question. Suddenly Ian bursts out with “THERE WILL ALWAYS BE 110 MISSING EPISODES OF DOCTOR WHO! ALWAYS 110! ALWAYS 110! 110!” Cue several nurses rushing in, bundling him into a straight jacket, and injecting him with copious amounts of sedative – several syringes worth, with every additional syringe increasing the look of stress on the nurses’ faces. “I SAVED THE DALEKS! I SAVED THE DALEKS! I SAVED THE Dalekkkkkssssss…” Crisis averted, one of the nurses turns to the visitor, “Did you mention one of the names? He always does this when someone mentions one of the names…” The camera pans to a large volume on the hospital tea trolley, ‘Ian Levine’s Enemies List: Volume 16’. The shocked visitor says he doesn’t know what happened, as he’d only been asking what Ian had thought of the Jim Carrey DVD set he’d lent him: “I just said that I was very impressed with his straight performance in 2009’s ‘I Love You, Phillip Morris’…”

  • Max Kennedy

    May 26th, 2024 - 1:04pm

    Any news or whispers about the newest collection Boxset?

    • GA

      May 26th, 2024 - 1:29pm

      None, it’s twenty five for sure. I can’t disclose how I know as it would get the person working on the extra in trouble

    • The Unlicensed Physician

      May 26th, 2024 - 6:20pm

      They also started colour recovery on S7 in Jan this year, for what it’s worth.

    • D84

      May 26th, 2024 - 9:06pm

      We’ve had multiple leaks and confirmations on S25 being next for a few months now, also a mention a few weeks back that the trailer for it would be out in the next few weeks – that appears to have come and gone

      I would guess that may come out once the new series is done

    • Gordon

      May 26th, 2024 - 11:24pm

      It has been a bit quiet on the classic who front (the ongoing ian Levine recons drama aside). I’m sure we will at some point.

      As for colour recovery on season 7 it’s probably still a bit away. Colour recovery on season 9 was done nearly 2 years before release.

    • Nb7

      May 28th, 2024 - 8:55am

      Can’t wait for 25. What do reckon McCoy is holding in his hand on the front cover? The bow and arrow? Question mark card?
      I’m assuming a July/August announcement for an October release. That seems to be how they’re getting announced and released now. March and October.

    • Bellal

      May 28th, 2024 - 10:56am

      A 2 year wait for me for the limited 25 when it’s eventually released. The sooner it comes out the better. I’d say the illuminated bow would probably be the most likely, or maybe the wire thing the doctor holds talking to Davros in Remembrance.

    • Nb7

      May 28th, 2024 - 3:09pm

      Good shout. Or even the doctor holding Aces broken baseball bat when he destroys the translates. Or maybe even Aces deck player over his shoulder. Wet hat, no jacket.!

    • Rory

      May 31st, 2024 - 5:15pm

      Maybe the earring/badge from Greatest Show.

  • Nb7

    May 21st, 2024 - 7:21pm

    Does anyone know why you can’t comment on the Boom thread or Devils Chord thread?

    • booboo

      May 21st, 2024 - 7:27pm

      Sadly I switch them off after a few days now.

  • Keith millward

    May 14th, 2024 - 3:31pm

    The War Games being colourised

    • Gordon

      May 15th, 2024 - 12:28am

      That’s only rumoured and denied by some of the people involved

    • The Time Lord 1944

      May 23rd, 2024 - 12:52am

      I believe it will be Daleks Invasion of Earth, as a sequel to The Daleks and to tie in with Susan’s return in the Ncuti Gatwa series.

    • D84

      May 23rd, 2024 - 9:31am

      Sounds plausible

    • The Unlicensed Physician

      May 23rd, 2024 - 10:51am

      SPOILER ALE… Oh, too late.

    • GA

      May 23rd, 2024 - 2:23pm

      i was told it is a longer story by someone involved, so presume it’s not a four parter

    • Rory

      May 28th, 2024 - 10:37am

      @The Unlicensed Physician, I now want to try Spoiler Ale. Brewed using the tears of fanboys.

  • D84

    May 13th, 2024 - 10:06am

    Must be due an announcement soon?

    With the previous leak mid April saying “should be announced in the next few weeks” – you’d suspect that could be before the end of May ?

    Thoughts people

    • David McCallum

      May 13th, 2024 - 11:30am

      I’d be surprised if we get an announcement before the current series ends, although I’ll be happy to be proved wrong!

    • Tom Williams

      May 13th, 2024 - 1:35pm

      My opinion I think it will be June after the series finished as don’t forget season 22 standard edition hasn’t been released yet and has been rumoured as that month

    • D84

      May 13th, 2024 - 2:06pm

      Judging by recent history there seems to be a 2-3 month gap between announcement to release on “The Collection” sets

      Which would mean even if it is announced soon, we are looking at July/August

      With Toymaker Animation in for June, and S14 / S1 showing as August on my Pre Order – that really only leaves July and September with an available “slot”

      My guess is S22 Standard will come in July, and the next Collection will drop September at the very earliest

      We used to talk about “that months slot” across 11 months of the year for a media release on other forums – wouldn’t surprise me if the Beeb still work to this kind of release schedule

    • ex15

      May 14th, 2024 - 7:36am

      I said elsewhere:

      “I think were looking at mid July with a September release for S25 (possible S6), based on last year, any earlier announcement is a bonus if were getting 3 in a 12 month period.”

    • Gordon

      May 14th, 2024 - 7:47am

      Can’t see them still having the monthly slot thing as they don’t have enough releases to cover the slots.

      2 new series releases (corr and season 1)
      About 2-3 collection set releases (15,25 and maybe another if we are lucky)
      2 -3 non limited collection sets (17, 22 and potentially 2)
      Potentially 1-2 animated releases (toymaker and potentially another)

      That’s 10 releases in a good year.

      The bfi is currently renovating nft screen 1 (the screen they use for the doctor who screenings). Having checked the listings there doesn’t seem to be any screenings till at least the end of July. That suggests to me it will be at least August for the next screening

    • GA

      May 14th, 2024 - 10:42am

      I wonder which story is being colourised and the release date? I know it’s not a four episode, but beyond that no idea.

      Wish the animations were quicker as well and there was a third team! Still 9 stories, if you strip out the Crusades, MTTU and Celestial

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