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April 19th, 2024 4 comments

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Doctor Who Figurine Collecting Fanzine #1 Toymaker Robot

Customs featured in this magazine are generally available from

Other Customs of interest can be found on ebay Here.

This issue has sold out.

The fanzine “Doctor Who Figurine Collecting” issue 1 is out now, celebrating the Eaglemoss figurine collection, as well as brand-new customs made by fans for fans.

Categorised under: Doctor Who Figurine Collecting Fanzine, Magazine



  • Neil Corry

    July 3rd, 2024 - 10:34am

    This issue has sold out! Thanks to those who ordered a copy through this brilliant site, and apologies to those who’ve just missed out. I might do a third run of this issue but not in the immediate future.

  • Snowman

    June 23rd, 2024 - 1:07pm

    I wonder if that pattern is meant to be on that figurine (Mainly the Face) or wether it’s just the limitation of the 3D prints. (I know the plastic is built up layer by layer on these prints and sometimes can be seen in the Final product). Just Curious.

  • Cully’s Pal

    June 22nd, 2024 - 8:33pm

    Intriguing. Always thought Harrop’s might produce that robot as a christmas release.

    • Snowman

      July 11th, 2024 - 5:04pm

      I hope Harrops still release it one day. Would look Superb in the larger Scale.

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