Diamond Classic Captain Jack with Revolver
Continue your 5-inch scale Doctor Who action figure collection! This Doctor Who Captain Jack Harkness 5-Inch Action Figure is incredibly-detailed and fully-articulated….
0 1 Jan 2015Below are all the posts categorised under Toys
Continue your 5-inch scale Doctor Who action figure collection! This Doctor Who Captain Jack Harkness 5-Inch Action Figure is incredibly-detailed and fully-articulated….
0 1 Jan 2015Continuing the line of our 6.5″ scaled up TITANS, the 12th Doctor is represented here in his “no frills, no scarf, no messing, just 100 per cent Rebel Time Lord” style!…
15 19 Dec 2014When the Doctor travelled to Trenzalore to visit his tomb he found his grave was marked by, what else, his beloved TARDIS. Only, after years of decay it had grown…
16 19 Dec 2014Exclusive Asylum of The Daleks set includes Paradigm Drone and Supreme Daleks PLUS Sound FX Bronze Dalek. When the Doctor, Amy and Rory are captured and…
432 14 Dec 20143.75″ Mutant Scoop Dalek, Amy Pond Brown Jacket and 10th Doctor in Blue Suit. The next batch of wave 3 figures with running changes to the assortment…
245 10 Dec 2014Six new Doctor Who “Mini Viewers” will be released by Tarco International in December. Costing just £1, these viewers will be available from vending machines
23 4 Dec 2014Six new sticker boxes have now been released by Tarco International. Costing just £1, these boxes will be available from vending machines up and down the country…
4 1 Dec 2014Six new Doctor Who figures have now been released by Tarco International. Costing just £1, these figures will be available from vending machines up and down
20 1 Dec 2014Children of The Revolution Dalek Set #1. The design of these Daleks is inspired by a comic story where the Eighth Doctor meets Daleks led by Alpha…
102 26 Nov 2014Toys R Us Evil of The Daleks 3.75″ Dalek Set #3. The design of these Daleks is influenced by the livery of the Black domed emperors guard and drone Daleks…
61 26 Nov 2014Toys R Us Dalek Invasion of Earth 3.75″ Dalek Set #2. The design of these bronze Daleks is influenced by the livery of the Black Dalek Supreme and drone Daleks…
68 26 Nov 2014Each highly detailed, metallic resin model is an individually numbered, limited edition figurine that won’t be available to non-subscribers…
0 25 Nov 2014Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
21 19 Nov 2014Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
12 19 Nov 2014Titans Doctor Who vinyl Gallifrey Collection Hawaiian 10th Doctor from The End of Time. First Released as a Hot Topic Exclusive ..
22 11 Nov 2014Presented here is the Eleventh Doctor in his iconic final season long frock coat. The set comes with a Twelfth Doctor regenerated head plus young and ‘aged’ Eleventh…
2,071 11 Nov 2014An extra special silver variant – formerly rare exclusive in the US! This new Doctor Who 3″ TITAN sees the TARDIS beautifully recreated in a stunning metallic finish!…
11 11 Nov 2014Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
66 7 Nov 2014