Figurine Collection Stock Updates Image of Fendahl Figure Set Added
The much anticipated Eaglemoss Image of Fendahl figure set contains the Fourth Doctor’s companion, Leela alongside the transformed…
64 28 May 2023Below are all the posts categorised under News
The much anticipated Eaglemoss Image of Fendahl figure set contains the Fourth Doctor’s companion, Leela alongside the transformed…
64 28 May 2023Over the past few years Terraqueous Distributors have been releasing annuals based on the classic series of Doctor Who…
21 21 May 2023These were part of a series of Bobble-heads from the Australian company Ikon Collectibles and not readily available in the UK…
3 17 May 2023Launching April 22nd at their St. Albans Store is the much anticipated Sontaran on Horse-back! …
38 19 Apr 2023This group of figures features incredible detail and are part of a collectable limited edition series of fine quality figurines from Eaglemoss…
0 19 Apr 2023This special multi-platform story will celebrate Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary by introducing a brand-new character on a 24-hour pursuit of the Doctor…
71 20 Mar 2023The next batch of figures to be released are The Black Guardian #220, Vinder #221, Ood Elder #222 and Azure #223…
0 1 Mar 2023Revealed today at the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles: a stellar line-up of actors will feature in Big Finish’s forthcoming Doctor Who audio…
18 18 Feb 2023After much demand ‘The Unofficial Dr Who Annual 1972’ is being re-released again on the 15th February by Terraqueous Distributors…
25 13 Feb 2023BBC Books is delighted to announce that it will be expanding the Doctor Who Target range with five new titles in Summer 2023…
24 20 Jan 2023We will list what sets have been seen in any particular store and on what date. This map has layers, if you click on the icon…
975 26 Nov 2022First image of the next piece after the Quark Robot. Pictured here is Mike Rogers with his sculpt of a Vervoid from 1986’s ‘Terror of the Vervoids’…
200 25 Nov 2022Doctor Who – Once and Future stars Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant…
10 23 Nov 2022The Specials Soundtrack Audio Downloads / CD news
9 17 Nov 2022Forbidden Planet announces Doctor Who Day sale with 15 exclusive items from the 60th Anniversary Collection available for fans to own early…
12 15 Nov 2022As the countdown begins to the 60th Anniversary we have created a list that will be constantly updated as and when new merchandise is announced…
23 31 Oct 2022Having called in administrators several weeks ago and on the verge of being wound up, some of the stock sold on by Eaglemoss is now for sale in B&M…
74 27 Oct 2022Just weeks after the first 2022 launch of new Doctor Who lines at B&M stores, Character Options has unveiled five more collectors’ sets…
60 25 Oct 2022