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1:12 Scale Robert Harrop Figurines Category

Below are all the posts categorised under 1:12 Scale Robert Harrop Figurines

Robert Harrop Doctor Who SV7 Voc Robot

In partnership with the BBC, Harrpos have meticulously hand sculpted a range of 1:12 scale, hand cast and hand painted Doctor Who figurines, each made…

3 24 Jun 2016

Robert Harrop Doctor Who The 10th Doctor

In partnership with the BBC, Harrpos have meticulously hand sculpted a range of 1:12 scale, hand cast and hand painted Doctor Who figurines, each made…

21 24 Jun 2016

Robert Harrop Doctor Who 1968 Yeti

The Great Intelligence and the Yeti make their first appearance in ‘The Abominable Snowmen’during the time of the Second Doctor, portrayed by Patrick Troughton…

16 19 Feb 2016

Robert Harrop Doctor Who 2012 Snowman

The Doctor, still despondent after losing his former companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams, has parked his TARDIS above Victorian London among the clouds…

17 19 Feb 2016

Robert Harrop Doctor Who 1975 Osiran Sutekh

Sutekh, also known as Sutekh the Destroyer, destroyed his home planet Phaester Osiris and left a trail of destruction across half the galaxy. Variations of Sutekh’s..

6 19 Feb 2016

Robert Harrop Doctor Who 1975 Zygon

The Zygons first appeared in ‘Terror of the Zygons’ and have the unique ability to replicate the appearance of another being at will, although they must…

2 19 Feb 2016

Robert Harrop Doctor Who Event Ice Warrior

Finished in a unique monochrome paint pattern to signify the fact that the original episodes of 1967 were filmed in black and white, it is a Limited Edition…

9 23 Oct 2015

Robert Harrop TARDIS from 1974

The last of its kind the TARDIS’ outside is supposed to blend into its surroundings, but due to a broken chameleon circuit it has been stuck as a blue…

7 9 Oct 2015

Robert Harrop Doctor Who 1972 Sea Devil

The ‘Sea Devils’ made their first appearance in ‘The Sea Devils’ in the phase of the Third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee. Although they are never formally…

8 18 Sep 2015

Robert Harrop The Third Doctor Figurine

The Third incarnation of the Doctor was played by Jon Pertwee for five consecutive seasons from 3rd January 1970 to 8th June 1974. The time of the Third Doctor…

37 31 Jul 2015

Robert Harrop Doctor Who Collection Plaque

We at Robert Harrop Designs are pleased to offer for general sale the Doctor Who Collection Plaque. Only available for 12 months this Time Limited Edition…

5 17 Jul 2015

Robert Harrop The Fourth Doctor Figurine

Crafted by artists at the Robert Harrop studios in the UK this superbly detailed sculpture is hand painted to accurately recreate the original Doctor Who character…

22 5 Jun 2015

Robert Harrop 1970 Silurian Figurine

Crafted by artists at the Robert Harrop studios in the UK this superbly detailed sculpture is hand painted to accurately recreate the original Doctor Who character…

27 25 Apr 2015

