Big Finish 148 Doctor Who: Rat Trap
1983: as the country goes to the polls, two ‘Urban Explorers’, together with a freelance journalist, break into the long-defunct Cadogan Tunnels, once a secret…
7 31 May 20111983: as the country goes to the polls, two ‘Urban Explorers’, together with a freelance journalist, break into the long-defunct Cadogan Tunnels, once a secret…
7 31 May 2011Monster Invasion Magazine – This third issue comes with the lid of the Tardis case to store your cards in, more cards plus Weeping Angels V Heavenly Host…
107 31 May 2011This 66th edition of The DVD Files contains the Third Doctor adventure The Sea Devils
0 30 May 2011The Flight of the Budgerigar traces his life, from childhood in a ghost-ridden vicarage, into his multi-faceted career, including his famous role as the voice of K9…
3 29 May 2011A gallery of our own pictures, Amelia Pond – the figure we thought we would never get. The pictures speak for themselves, the fine printing on this figure is superb…
315 29 May 2011Half Moon Bay, manufactures of the popular classic range of mugs, bags and collectables have further expanded their range with new series 6 merchandise…
8 28 May 2011Doctor Who Magazine issue 435. You can keep up to date with Doctor Who magazine, see larger images of this and other covers on their Facebook Page…
58 28 May 2011Doctor Who T-Shirts: 10th / 3rd Doctor Costumes. Step out in style, just like the extrovert and cheeky 10th Doctor, with this great tee featuring his very stylish overcoat…
30 27 May 2011Through a Space-Time Visualiser the Doctor and his companions are horrified to see an execution squad of Daleks about to leave Skaro on a mission to find the Tardis…
4 26 May 2011It’s Perivale, 1983. A column of smoke rises from the blazing ruins of a forgotten, decaying mansion. Perivale, 1883. In the sleepy village of Greenford Parva…
2 26 May 2011Where is the Doctor? The time travelling Time Lord could be anywhere in time and space in these incredibly detailed intergalactic images. Search through the Cybermen…
51 26 May 2011In this issue there’s an exclusive interview with Arthur Darvill, actors Mark Sheppard and Stuart Milligan talk exclusively to Doctor Who Insider, we track the evolution…
11 25 May 2011Doctor Who chess! This classic game comes complete with a brilliant Doctor Who themed twist so you can play The Doctor and friends against the evil of the Daleks…
42 25 May 2011We have 9 Character building figures to give away (including the 3 Mirror figures). Just leave an appropriate and sensible comment of some sort to enter…
202 25 May 2011It’s a big universe and there are some truly terrifying monsters out there! Here are the 100 scariest monsters the Doctor has ever encountered so far…
67 25 May 2011One hundred postcards of all Doctor Who’s iconic characters, terrifying monsters and incredible places the Doctor has visited in a stylish keepsake box…
21 25 May 2011Hello everyone! The Doctor here -the real 100% genuine Doctor. And what a corker of an issue we’ve got For you! We put your questions to a Silent…
21 24 May 2011Monster Invasion magazine comes with parts to complete your Tardis case to store your Cards in. Part two comes with the main body and part three comes with the lid…
150 23 May 2011