Big Finish 151 Doctor Who: The Doomsday Quatrain
Florence, the sixteenth century. No one thought to pay much attention to the prophecies of the so-called seer Michel de Nostradame, otherwise known as Nostradamus…
0 18 Sep 2011Florence, the sixteenth century. No one thought to pay much attention to the prophecies of the so-called seer Michel de Nostradame, otherwise known as Nostradamus…
0 18 Sep 2011Underground Toys celebrated its continuing success on Tuesday at the Licensing Awards 2011, where it was awarded the coveted ‘Best Licensed Toys…
19 16 Sep 2011Doctor Who Magazine 439 is published on Thursday 22 September and features previews of Closing Time and The Wedding of River Song!…
52 16 Sep 2011Oh, goodness, it’s you! I thought it might be… But no, you’re fine, you’re good. Sorry, I’m bit jumpy. It’s been a bit scary these last Few weeks…
31 15 Sep 2011Arriving on a familiar looking space station, the Doctor, Amy, Rory, and new travelling companion Kevin—a cybernetic dinosaur—find a scientific crew…
0 14 Sep 2011Greer’s Collection
13 14 Sep 2011The stunning conclusion of “When Worlds Collide”! Can the Doctor find his TARDIS in time to keep the amusement park planet from being destroyed?…
0 13 Sep 2011Leela Face of Evil Signed Edition – Includes Signed Card Insert by British actress Louise Jameson who played the 4th Doctor’s companion!…
48 12 Sep 2011Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 10. In This issue – Top 10 Sontaran Moments , The Veil V Silurians, Where’s The Doctor – The Underhenge and more…
399 10 Sep 2011Insider talks exclusively to Neve McIntosh who has hidden beneath the scaly reptilian skin of three Silurians – sisters Alaya and Restac…
0 10 Sep 2011Out of millions of figures available, there are just 500 of the Hologram Silent, and River Song, whilst 250 each have been made of Rory Williams and Amy Pond in a Pirate Costume…
636 10 Sep 2011Fully approved by BBC Worldwide, the coat has all the features of the screen piece, even down to the non-wool material which is more durable and ‘John Barrowman’ friendly…
18 9 Sep 2011Doctor Who Puzzles from Ravensburger – Both new puzzles depict the latest baddies to face the Doctor including the scary Weeping Angles and haunting Vampires of Venice…
17 8 Sep 2011Doctor Who Magazine Special Edition – The Doctor Who Companion: The Eleventh Doctor – Volume 3. 84 pages of new and exclusive information and pictures…
38 7 Sep 2011I hate nightmares, don’t you? I’ve had lots recently, thanks to the Peg-Dolls. aren’t they creepy? That’s why I’ve pot loads of the mega moments…
56 7 Sep 2011The Doctor, Amy and Rory round off a sight-seeing tour round London with a trip to the theatre. That’s when things start to go wrong.The Doctor wonders why so…
47 6 Sep 2011Character Options, manufacturers of the Character Building Doctor Who construction toy range has confirmed that new Super Rare micro-figures ARE amongst series 2…
216 5 Sep 2011This Saturday 10th September, The Who shop London have Richard Franklin (Mike Yates) signing copies of the new edition of Day Of The Daleks…
37 5 Sep 2011