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What 50th Anniversary Items Would You Like?
What 50th Anniversary Merchandise Would You Like Released ?
With the days and months ticking away to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who what 50th Anniversary merchandise would you like to see released to celebrate this momentous occasion.
Just a fraction of anniversary merchandise released in the past…
cameron who
May 4th, 2013 - 4:49pmALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Master
April 26th, 2013 - 5:59pmSpecial Edition of:
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
The Two Doctors
The Curse of Fenric
Doctor WHO
October 10th, 2012 - 7:38pmI think the special edition individual Revisitations should be:
Ark in Space
The Aztecs
PS. Inferno has been confirmed to be one of these releases.
October 18th, 2012 - 5:26amOnly Earthshock then haha l’m glad they are doing Special Editions of the Ark in Space and the Aztecs their special features were small and the quality of the Ark in Space should be alot better, lucky l haven’t bought the original release
dr who 1999
October 8th, 2012 - 4:59pmi think they should do:
complete 1st doctor set
complete 2nd doctor set
complete 3rd doctor set
com… and so on, so that all complete and some animated episodes all get released on dvd
Mr Evil Fez
October 8th, 2012 - 4:22pmI think we could have encyclopaedias in volumes, like this:
Volume 1 – 1st, 2nd and 3rd Doctor.
Volume 2 – 4th, 5th and 6th Doctor.
Volume 3 – 7th, 8th and Peter Cushing Doctor. π
Mr Evil Fez
October 2nd, 2012 - 4:34pmI know this might be a bad idea π³ but a Computer mat and Laptop bag with 3 to choose from:
The 11 Doctors
New and Classic villains π
And a 8th Doctor’s Tardis playset!
August 24th, 2012 - 10:44amDVD Fan π so, Revisitations 4 Boxset including
The Green Death Special Edition,
The Ark in Space Special Edition,
The Two Doctors Special Edition.
All with better covers and where applicable more special features, l also would like the Pyramids of Mars Special Edition that would be amazing other releases on dvd should be Terror of the Zygons, The Mind of Evil, The Legacy Boxset (with the story of doctor who documentary) and yeah!
September 3rd, 2012 - 2:16amAs we have been repeatedly been told by the members of the restoration team there is no plans to do a rev 4 boxset but there are plans to release seperate revisits. Very intregued by a pyramid of mars se. Nothing really wrong with that dvd imop. The restoration is good and Extras are plenty and enjoyable. Very little they could do to improve that release
September 24th, 2012 - 2:02pmAhh thanks for letting me know l haven’t picked up Pyramids of Mars myself but l think i should now!! Also lately l’ve been wondering how many people would a re-release of Remote Control K-9 except completely to scale and so forth l would go crazy for that haha
August 22nd, 2012 - 10:30pmWe need classic TARDIS set, most likely 5th to 7th doctors one, which I hope they put money into, electronic with working doors, rotor and scanner reveal. After that, i’d like a dalek and cybermen set, such as a set just “The Daleks” and “The “Cybermen” Containing either every dalek / Cyberman ever, or a selection of the best. Such as:
Tenth Planet, Tomb, Revenge, Earthshock, New Series
The Daleks, Evil of the Daleks (maybe an emperor), Death, Genesis, Special weapons, New Series
Some like this would be awesome right?? Another idea below…
August 22nd, 2012 - 10:31pmThe other idea is an “under the Sea” set, including both versions or Silurian, both Versions of Sea devil, and maybe a rotocast Murkuh is it?? That creature in Warriors of the deep?
Strategist Dalek
August 6th, 2012 - 4:42amWhat would I like? Here’s a list! π
*Power Of The Daleks and Evil Of The Daleks animated reconstructions on DVD
*A talking Dalek set with a Dalek Drone, a Resurrection Dalek, a Dead Planet Dalek, and a SW Dalek (for Assylum Of The Daleks)
*UNIT set with Bessie, the Brigadier, and Yates
*electronic classic TARDIS console room with Ace
September 3rd, 2012 - 2:33amDont get your hopes up for power/evil animated dvds. I would not expect any completly or mostly missing story animated for the aniversary. Simple fact is the people with checkbooks dont know how well animated missing dr who stories do in the current financial climate. They probably wont make their decision till they see sales figures for reign of terror and by that time it would probably be too late to have a mostly missing story out in time for november 2013.
September 3rd, 2012 - 2:38amExpect reign, probably ice warriors, tenth planet, underwater menace, possibly crusade and moonbase animated (ie something that has 1-2 eps missing) but dont expect something that needs 5-6 eps missing(power/evil)
August 3rd, 2012 - 3:56pmI would like to see a dalek emperor in the figures area from the christopher eccleston episoede Bad Wolf and Parting of the Ways i know it will p[robs have to be big but id buy it