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March 7th, 2014 34 comments

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Web of Fear Breaks Doctor Who Classic DVD Sales Record

Web of Fear Breaks Classic DVD Sales Record

Doctor Who: The Web of Fear is the biggest selling classic Doctor Who title in its first week of sales in the UK, BBC Worldwide confirmed today. Approximately 15,000 copies were sold in that period, as The Web of Fear replaced Doctor Who: The Enemy of the World at the top of the week one classic Doctor Who charts.

Both of the top two titles were believed lost forever but were returned to the BBC in 2013 sparking celebration among fans of the world’s longest-running sci-fi drama and global media interest. Unseen in the UK for over 45 years, they were discovered in a relay station in Jos, Nigeria by TV archive specialist Phillip Morris, before being lovingly restored by the Doctor Who restoration team in the UK. They were subsequently released on iTunes, and The Web of Fear was released on DVD on Monday 24th February 2014. 300 fans gathered to enjoy a marathon screening of the two stories at the Prince Charles Cinema in London to celebrate the release of The Web Of Fear on 22nd February.

Fiona Eastwood, Director of Consumer Products at BBC Worldwide said, “We knew that The Web of Fear would be a popular release; Yetis on the London Underground – need I say more? There’s a real appetite for exploring the extensive back-catalogue of classic stories, particularly following the 50th anniversary last year, and we’re committed to continuing that exploration for Doctor Who fans in the future.”

These figures continue a successful year for Doctor Who DVDs, with strong sales across the classic range and contemporary releases alike. The 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor achieved the biggest ever week one sales for a Doctor Who title when it was released in December 2013.

dw_web_of_fear_300Doctor Who: Web of Fear – BBC Shop Limited Collector’s Edition Slipcase

Now updated with a BBC Shop exclusive slipcase cover to match the style of Doctor Who: Enemy of the World Exclusive DVD.

The second serial in the infamous “missing episodes”, recovered from far flung TV out-posts and lovingly remastered and pressed to disc for you to collect and keep, Web of Fear sees the second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) meet Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart, who goes on to be known as the Brigadier, for the first time.

Featuring robot Yeti, London Underground, The Great Intelligence and of course companions Jamie (Frazer Hines) and Victoria (Deborah Watling), this recovered story arc was deemed so scary that it was preceded by the following message, delivered by the Doctor sitting in one of the London Underground sets and saying:

‘Thank goodness… Oh, it’s you… I thought for one moment it was… I’ll just sit down for a minute.
I’m glad I met you as a matter of fact; there’s something I want to tell you.
‘When we start out on our next adventure – Jamie, Victoria and I – we meet some old friends.
Yes, and we also meet some old enemies. Very old enemies.
The Yeti as a matter of fact. Only this time they’re just a little bit more frightening than last time.
So I’ll warn you that if your Mummy or Daddy are scared, you just get them to hold your hand.
[sound of gunfire]
‘Here we go again. I’ve got to go. See you soon – I hope!’

So you have been warned – sofas may be required for hiding behind and hands may get a little squeezed. Secure your copy of this lost classic today.

Available to order exclusively from

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  • Meddler65

    March 11th, 2014 - 5:11pm

    Wonder if Marco Polo can top that…?

    • VespiformsSting

      March 11th, 2014 - 5:25pm

      Well if they can find web… and enemy… the possibility of finding the supreme FURY FROM THE DEEP seems entirely feasible…..

    • gordon

      March 12th, 2014 - 7:53am

      Historical stories apparently don’t sell so well as sci fi stories so it would be interesting to see how well it does if it happens that Marco has been found.

    • Johnny

      March 13th, 2014 - 9:39am

      Intersting point, Gordon.

      Let’s hope we get to find out!

  • BlakeyBoy

    March 7th, 2014 - 11:07pm

    i wonder how well it did in other countries, i got my copy last weekend from a jbhifi in NZ and there were still about half a dozen left

  • Haydenp

    March 7th, 2014 - 9:15pm

    getting it tomorow if its there!

    • Haydenp

      March 8th, 2014 - 9:29am

      it was sold out 🙁 that proves its a best seller! (i went to sainsburys)

  • Radburn

    March 7th, 2014 - 6:31pm

    I now look forward to the BBC’s Special Editions of both versions: An animated Episode 3 of ‘Web Of Fear’ with Special Features & the added Special Features to ‘Enemy Of The World’ – We are all aware of the BBC’s Double-Dip scenario…

    • McGann is the Doctor

      March 7th, 2014 - 6:54pm

      I clink my wine glass to that!

    • gordon

      March 7th, 2014 - 11:50pm

      I doubt it will be this year though. Maybe 2016 or 2017

    • nichloas r

      March 12th, 2014 - 11:41pm

      to be honest I don’t think that happen I hope im wrong loved this story by the way 10 out of 10

    • Radburn

      March 13th, 2014 - 12:11am


  • matparks08

    March 7th, 2014 - 6:25pm

    Let’s hope they realise there is demand for missing episodes and move up a gear with the Underwater menace release now rather than leaving it in limbo

    • gordon

      March 7th, 2014 - 11:47pm

      i don’t know why you keep saying underwater menace is in limbo.Bbcww have the release ready to go with the exclusion of animation which is down to planet 55 studios putting the animation on hold while they deal with more immininent projects. The deal they are on the animation is worked on for a cheaper rate in exchange they can put the project on hold if higher priced jobs come up. If they paid full price for animation it would be way over budget.

    • matparks08

      March 8th, 2014 - 12:32am

      I mean limbo as in what you have put in your reply – ‘the animation is on hold’. How many imminent projects are there? I know I keep putting it so yes, my apologies, but it’s more to do with the fact that this was discovered 2 years ago, Galaxy 4 was out in March last year on dvd, so the delay just annoys me – especially as it is the last release to come (as far as we know)

    • gordon

      March 8th, 2014 - 8:54am

      But you keep implying its bbcww fault which it isn’t. It’s all ready bar animation. I don’t think people seem to realise it takes about a year of work to get 2 animated episodes from planet 55 and they finished moonbase in November.I’d rather see it out when its ready regardless of how long it takes as it will be animated. No ammount of moaning wishing or demanding will make it come out faster. It’s on dailymotion if you are that desperate to see menace part 2.

    • gordon

      March 8th, 2014 - 10:12am

      Planet 55 is busy with prisoner zero project and once that is done work will recomence.

  • drjakeyoung

    March 7th, 2014 - 4:28pm

    “and we’re committed to continuing that exploration for Doctor Who fans in the future.”

    More missing episodes to come?

  • Anonymous

    March 7th, 2014 - 3:56pm


  • Trenzalore

    March 7th, 2014 - 3:37pm

    lol I don’t even have it yet 😆

  • drjakeyoung

    March 7th, 2014 - 3:24pm

    Lol, you can add me into those sales!


    March 7th, 2014 - 12:48pm

    Hardly surprising. I hope they animate episode 3 and supply a barrage of extras if they release in future. With this news, I hope bbc worldwide consider an animated ‘The crusade’ release.

    • Doyouhearthem

      March 7th, 2014 - 1:04pm

      I agree. A crusade release would be a antastic release.

    • gordon

      March 8th, 2014 - 8:59am

      Bear in mind if they did decide to do an animated crusade it wouldn’t be released till 2016 by the time the animate menace and then spend about a year animating crusade. DVDs may no longer be profitable by then.

  • Mrewanwatson

    March 7th, 2014 - 12:09pm


  • VespiformsSting

    March 7th, 2014 - 11:59am

    One or two backsides need kicking amongst those decision makers who decided archive material had to be scrapped in the 70s…talk about short sighted – those people where unimaginative and backward looking….Like Grade when he tried to axe Doctor Who on a personal whim….

    • MasterKasterborous

      March 7th, 2014 - 6:12pm

      And also saving money and storage space (on something impossible to continue selling) which allowed future programs to be made; the purpose of the BBC. You speak with the power of hindsight, something they did not have!

    • VespiformsSting

      March 7th, 2014 - 7:35pm

      lol the bbc couldnt afford a few warehouses to keep stuff in… I dont know why people continually make excuses for those responsible….

    • VespiformsSting

      March 7th, 2014 - 7:36pm

      Besides public money was made to use that stuff……. they had no right to destroy it….

    • MasterKasterborous

      March 7th, 2014 - 9:07pm

      Give me one reason they should have kept it? Why store up a large bulk of programs that they could never use! Of course it was foolish and cultural vandalism but the point remains that it was what made sense at the time.

    • Anonymous

      March 7th, 2014 - 9:40pm

      Yes public money was used for that stuff. Public money being spent on new video tapes when old tapes could be recycled and reused and not waste the license fee.

      The BBC were actually in fear that someone in the press would find out then reveal they were storing tapes rather than wiping them straight after broadcast and would create a public outcry that they were “wasting the license fee payers money”. Because that’s what people are like, both now and then, any excuse to attack the BBC.

    • VespiformsSting

      March 7th, 2014 - 9:42pm

      Home video was beginning to appear on the market when the material was destroyed – no one thought ..hey there’s a potential market here ?? Ian Levene for all his faults knew what destruction was being wrought…Doctor Who was a popular show and showed no signs of ending… of course if everyone had lacked the foresight of the BBC we’d be without most of Gerry Anderson’s stuff, The Avenger, The Prisoner… etc etc

    • MasterKasterborous

      March 8th, 2014 - 10:11am

      The trouble is it was moving from an age of live broadcast where stuff wasn’t even recorded let alone retained. TV was considered very much like the theatre and any recording was just for convenience as it was pretty much all done live. The video market was not apparent in the 50s or 60s and it took until the 70s before it become significant and then attitudes began to change.

      I’m not saying what they did was right but their actions are very much understandable.

  • The Funky Chicken

    March 7th, 2014 - 11:52am



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