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October 11th, 2013 80 comments

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The Web of Fear DVD / itunes Download

The Web of Fear DVD / itunes Download

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Episodes 2 – 6 were feared lost forever but now episodes 2, 4, 5, and 6 have been recovered. Unfortunately, episode three is still missing but a restoration team has reconstructed this part of the story using a selection of the 37 images that were available from the episode along with the original audio which has been restored.

The Web of Fear is available to download from itunes now.

The TARDIS narrowly avoids becoming engulfed in a web-like substance in space. It then arrives in the London Underground railway system, the tunnels of which are being overrun by the web and by the Great Intelligence’s robot Yeti.

The time travellers learn that this crisis was precipitated when Professor Travers, whom they first met in the Himalayas some forty years earlier, accidentally caused one of the Yeti to be reactivated, opening the way for the Intelligence to make another invasion attempt.


The travellers work alongside army forces – led initially by Captain Knight and then by Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart – as they battle against the alien menace, hampered by the fact that one of their number has fallen under the Intelligence’s influence and is a traitor in their midst.

The Intelligence’s ultimate aim is to drain the Doctor’s mind. The Doctor manages to sabotage the device with which it intends to achieve this, so that he can drain the Intelligence’s mind instead, but he is ‘rescued’ by his friends before he can bring his plan to fruition.

The Intelligence is repelled into space, and the Doctor and his friends leave the army to clear up the mess.




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Categorised under: Doctor Who DVDs, DVD



  • Josh the creator

    April 6th, 2014 - 8:01pm

    The web of fear is the probably second to best patrick troughton. The best one is probably fury from the deep. infact i might get the cd of fury from the deep for my birthday.

  • prof horner

    February 26th, 2014 - 12:04pm

    Watched Web of fear last night . So good , even episode 3 was better than I expected. Next week Fury from the deep , turn up soon please.

    • Dalekdude97

      March 1st, 2014 - 8:53pm

      I hope they find it. I heard it is one of the best troughton stories next to the tomb of the cybermen.

  • Joe Roberts

    February 25th, 2014 - 9:46pm

    I recommend for Dr Who fans or anyone to buy this, this story is great! To me, the whole concept of the story is spooky, also if it was scary. To my opinion, I think black and white is much better because it has more shadows and more eerie, scary and spooky. But today, colour is just really a bit bored but they have other ways to make it scary.

  • prof horner

    February 18th, 2014 - 7:26pm

    Its far from over!

  • matparks08

    February 18th, 2014 - 10:39am

    Just got my copy this morning through the post – thought I’d be more excited but it does feel like the end of an era somehow – as someone who collected the videos when they were released in the 80s and 90s, through the dvds in the 00’s to now and suddenly…..there’s nothing to follow (except a limbo Underwater Menace)…….

  • Robert Adams

    January 3rd, 2014 - 5:47pm

    I’m hoping that as well as the Web of Fear they have found episodes like The Savages, The Daleks Master Plan or The Celestial Toymayker maybe.

    • Joe Roberts

      February 23rd, 2014 - 4:53pm

      Yeah, I hope the Celestial Toymaker should be found. I think this is the best Hartnell story! The Dalek Masterplan, well remember it has 12 episodes which could be a little difficult to find it but leave our hopes and luck to Phil Morris and his team to do their best to find whatsoever they can.

    • Robert Adams

      March 14th, 2014 - 7:07pm

      I want The Highlanders to be rediscovered.

  • Handbot10

    January 3rd, 2014 - 1:55pm

    Does this have slipcase???

    • Some bloke

      January 3rd, 2014 - 5:40pm

      Only on the BBC site, yes. Order or buy from anywhere else, then no πŸ™‚

  • Connor

    November 27th, 2013 - 8:55am

    Will this have special features and animation for the missing episode 3? And will there be a proper cover like the old classic DVD releases? Will the DVD range for Classic DVDs now leave these covers. This story is the best story to be recovered for missing episodes! The Audios were fantastic and I have the old target novel, this story was my favorite story of all time!

    • Lachie

      December 2nd, 2013 - 9:01am

      It is indeed one of the best stories to be recovered for missing episodes! πŸ˜€ l’ve always been watching the Loose Cannon Reconstructions and it was brilliant. I do hope my favourite story that is missing ‘Evil of the Daleks’ has been found along with the rumoured finds of Phil Morris but for now i can’t wait till ‘Moonbase’ and ‘Underwater Menace’ at last πŸ™‚

      where i live in Australia the covers aren’t reversible, not sure about the covers in the UK but i quite like the new covers because they fit more artwork i do hope it is animated also πŸ™‚

    • Connor

      December 3rd, 2013 - 1:41am

      I live in Australia too πŸ˜€ theres rumors of the Lost episodes still havent been fully anounced yet! BBC is going to anounce them in December and theres a lot of episodes they found early this year! I hope they find Power of the Daleks and Marco Polo! the art work on the classic DVD’s are the best and hopefully they will do more animations for missing DVD’s like Underwater Menace and the Crusade.


    November 7th, 2013 - 4:47pm


  • prof horner

    October 31st, 2013 - 11:13am

    Thank you I will take look.

  • prof horner

    October 30th, 2013 - 10:52am

    Can anybody tell me if the moonbase is realy coming out in january? Has it realy been animated? Has anybody see any of this animation?

    • Some bloke

      October 30th, 2013 - 10:43pm

      Yes it will be released in January, yes episode 1 and 3 have been animated and I posted some images from DWM on my deviant art page ages ago. Search ‘the moonbase animation’ on deviantart and it should be the third image down. My name’s dwboy16 and I have, I think, 4 images on there. Have a look!

    • Connor

      December 3rd, 2013 - 1:47am

      Have they released the DVD cover for the Moonbase yet? its coming out next mounth and theres no dvd cover for it yet. only a trailer, Animation pictures and news on surprisingly the episodes may have been found from the rumoured missing episode discovery! I love the Moonbase story and the Cybermen are my favorite villains in Doctor Who.

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