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March 26th, 2018 2 comments

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Figurine Collection Magazine Rare Dalek 11 (12)

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Features classic characters from 50 years of Doctor Who, including the series’ greatest monsters, all 11 Doctors and the most important Daleks and Cybermen from every era!

Every issue comes with a richly illustrated collector’s guide that provides all the essential information about your figurine and is filled with official photography supplied by the studio.

Each highly detailed, metallic resin model is an individually numbered, limited edition figurine that won’t be available to non-subscribers. The specially crafted display stand has been designed exclusively for the seven Dalek Figurines and is only available through this premium subscription offer.

Categorised under: Doctor Who Figurine Collection, Magazine



  • David J

    September 21st, 2020 - 6:20pm

    This is properly a long shock but if anyone is wanting or knows of anyone wanting to sell a new condition one of this item that would be much appreciated as its one of my most wanted Daleks and hard to find anywhere.

  • Alan Silvester

    April 19th, 2018 - 11:14pm

    As is becoming the norm with Dalek figures, mine arrived damaged – the gun broken off. They really need to find a better way to send the figures. Rattling around in a large box just causes damage. I’m still awaiting replacements for several figures.


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