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November 26th, 2023 8 comments

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Doctor Who Titans Kawaii 3″ SDCC 2023 The 14th Doctor

Available to order from

David Tennant’s upcoming Fourteenth Doctor arrives in San Diego as a pair of separately-packaged, separately-available exclusive 3″ Titan Vinyl Figures. Both releases (3″ Kawaii Fourteenth Doctor and 3″ Classic Fourteenth Doctor) are available from Titan Booth #5537.

Categorised under: Titan vinyl figures, Toys



  • Andrew

    December 9th, 2023 - 12:47pm

    This is available now in store – Birmingham anyway

  • Doctor Who Fan

    August 21st, 2023 - 2:16pm

    Where can you get this figure in the UK? Can’t seem to find it anywhere! Or hasn’t it been released yet?

    • booboo

      August 21st, 2023 - 2:30pm

      only FP but no sign of them, maybe SDCC exclusive meant just that

  • Jake

    July 14th, 2023 - 7:04pm

    All we need now is the 15th Doctor

  • Anonymous

    July 10th, 2023 - 9:03am

    For a 60th anniversary year I do hope we start soon getting some good merch released nothing so far to rave about or get excited feel it’s all been a underwhelming unless they are leaving all the good stuff for November time just a bit disappointed for a show that’s been going 60 years to not really be getting much attention apart from the odd small trailer for the new series, any news in any B&M sets that’s gone quiet too!

    • The Outcast

      July 10th, 2023 - 11:43am

      We’re getting six B&M sets, mostly Daleks. The first lot will be announced later in the month/early next month, based on prior years.

    • Jay (Titan Merchandise/Forbidden Planet)

      July 12th, 2023 - 5:34pm

      Hi Anonymous,
      Titan Merch & Forbidden Planet have been releasing merchandise for the show’s lead up to 60 years every month since November 2022?

      Every month has been dedicated to each Doctor including the War Doctor, The Curator (released today). Loads for the Eighth Doctor who gets criminally overlooked.

      Plus some real deep cut monster stuff like The Rani, The Yeti, Sil.

      There is an enamel pin badge TARDIS box set, logo TS, beanies, back patches, with still more to come and everything is exclusive designs to FP (so not an image on a TS that you can pick up anywhere).

      Everything so far has been covered on this site with links to the Forbidden Planet store.

      We will be bringing out exclusive merch for the Fourteenth Doctor specials and Xmas episodes before the year is out.

      And don’t forget the SDCC 2023 exclusives at the con next week!

    • Pam

      August 16th, 2023 - 11:26am

      same here & not people selling at triple the price

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