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Merchandise Archive Page 544

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

The Macra Terror

When the Doctor, Polly and Ben visit a human colony that appears to be one big holiday camp…

6 1 Oct 1999

The Highlanders

Scotland, 1745. The Doctor, Ben and Polly arrive in Scotland after the Battle of Culloden…

0 1 Oct 1999

Destiny of The Doctors

The Master holds the seven incarnations of the Doctor as prisoners in a vast combat arena…

7 17 Aug 1999

Doctor Who The Music Vinyl LP

Doctor Who The Music. The BBC Radiophonic Workshop’s Long association with the Doctor Who series began with the Signature Tune for the very first programme…

3 14 May 1999

The Doctor Who Cookbook by Gary Downie

The Macra Terror lived off a steady diet of toxic gas, the Ogri fed on blood, and even the fifth Doctor was known for his fondness for celery…

5 28 Jan 1985

K9 and The Zeta Rescue

We have an emergency. K9 return to Control immediately!’ K9 was flight-testing his new spacecraft K-NEL when the space controller’s voice…

0 17 Jan 1985

K9 and The Time Trap

The entire Rigelian Seventh Fleet can’t just disappear. Apart from anything else it’s against orders. So you do what you are hired to do…

0 17 Jan 1985

K9 and The Missing Planet

When K9 arrived on Tellus, he was immediately shot through tubes, along conveyors, up escalators, down gravity shafts -and into the office…

0 17 Jan 1985

K9 and the Beasts of Vega

K9 watched the last of the crewmen being ferried across to the hospital. The crewman’s eyes were blue and staring, and he trembled uncontrollably…

0 16 Jan 1985

The Doctor Who Pattern Book

contains a terrific variety of clothes, toys, cushions, bags and other desirable objects to knit and sew based on the ever popular BBC Television programmes…

4 28 Jan 1984

K9 Annual 1983

K9 is no ordinary canine. To give him his precise due, he is a real-time data analyser robot, who just happens to be in the shape of a dog…

0 12 Feb 1983

Genesis Of The Daleks Vinyl LP

Doctor Who Genesis Of The Daleks, with his travelling companions, Sarah and Harry, has landed on a desolate planet called Skaro…

0 5 Sep 1979

