Doctor Who Planet of the Spiders DVD
Planet of the Spiders – Sarah is invited by Mike Yates to visit him at a Buddhist meditation centre. A group of people there, led by a man named Lupton…
41 11 Mar 2011Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Planet of the Spiders – Sarah is invited by Mike Yates to visit him at a Buddhist meditation centre. A group of people there, led by a man named Lupton…
41 11 Mar 2011Doctor Who Adventures 208 – Ever wonder what music the Ood listen to? Or if they like spaghetti and meatballs? Find out in our exclusive interview with Ood 7 Gamma 5!…
29 10 Mar 2011This 58th edition of The DVD Files contains the Fourth Doctor adventure Destiny of the Daleks
0 6 Mar 2011Do Something Funny For Money – Red Nose Day returns with a fun-packed night of comedy and entertainment to raise money for disadvantaged people…
26 5 Mar 2011Some time after leaving UNIT, Liz Shaw calls the Doctor to Cambridge University, where scientists are experimenting with time dilation. A device hurls…
0 4 Mar 2011Official Doctor Who Book Signing at The Doctor Who Experience – Justin Richards, Oli Smith and other Doctor Who experts will be ready to be grilled on all WHO matters…
36 3 Mar 2011This is the first in a series of Collector Statues from Underground Toys that will bring you beautiful detailing and incredibly accurate likenesses of characters…
36 3 Mar 2011Stay out of the shadows and beware the Vashta* Nerada! We’ve got all you need to know about these vile villains. Plus, you can learn how to delete a Cyberman…
26 3 Mar 2011Doctor Who Magazine Issue 432 – You can keep up to date with Doctor Who Magazine, see larger images of this and other covers on their Facebook Page…
37 1 Mar 2011Many years ago, the vast space parasite Axos attempted to suck the planet Earth of its energy. Now it’s all but forgotten – a dried-up husk, marooned in orbit…
0 1 Mar 2011In this great gift set we present the Classic Sontaran: Field-Major Styre and his iconic Sontaran space ship along with the Fourth Doctor in duffle coat and hat…
254 28 Feb 2011‘Hello! Doctor, it’s me. Lucie. Lucie Miller…’ Lucie Miller needs the Doctor’s help. The whole planet Earth needs his help. But he is nowhere to be seen….
2 28 Feb 2011This 57th addition of The DVD Files contains the Fifth Doctor adventure Enlightenment
0 27 Feb 2011Doctor Who 2011 Easter Eggs & Mug: One large and 3 small eggs plus Doctor Who mug with images of A Dalek, Silurian, weeping angel and Doctor Who logo.
35 25 Feb 2011Manufactured by Bluebird toys during 1997 this Doctor Who play-set hidden away inside a Dalek shell includes a mini 4th doctor, Davros, Dalek and Tardis…
41 24 Feb 2011Extra Time: The Doctor, Rory and Amy take a trip to the 1966 World Cup in Extra Time. Rory ends up playing a crucial part in this historic football match…
10 24 Feb 2011Inferno is the name of a top-secret drilling project to penetrate the Earth’s crust and release a major new energy source. A crisis develops when a noxious…
8 24 Feb 2011A special slipcase containing each of the Doctor’s full-cast BBC radio adventures: “The Paradise of Death”; “The Ghosts of N-Space”; “Exploration Earth…
11 23 Feb 2011