Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 22
Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 22 – Top 10 best companion moments, The Doctor V The Alliance, Where’s The Doctor – Cat Nun Hospital…
205 15 Feb 2012Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 22 – Top 10 best companion moments, The Doctor V The Alliance, Where’s The Doctor – Cat Nun Hospital…
205 15 Feb 2012Thanks to Character / Evolution PR we have a Deadly 60 Ocean playset with shark and 2 Micro deadly 5 packs to give away to one lukcy winner. These sets and animals…
147 14 Feb 2012The Doctor and Sir Callum have ridden out to storm the Dread Tower, but what they discovered there casts a new and terrible light on the history…
7 14 Feb 2012With Rory in the custody of the local police, the Doctor searches the deserted and fog-filled city of Casablanca. What he stumbles upon may spell the end…
10 14 Feb 2012Two useful things I’ve learned this week. One: it’s quite tricky to play a xylophone when you’re underwater. Especially if you’re underwater on the Moon of Poosh…
51 14 Feb 2012In conjunction with BBC Worldwide Consumer Products and CBS Consumer Products, IDW Publishing will make history when two of the greatest science-fiction properties…
92 13 Feb 2012Bif Bang Pow! have shown several glasses and tumblers at this years toy fair in New York. Included are glasses with the 4th Doctors scarf, The 11th Doctors jacket…
17 13 Feb 2012Bif Bang Pow! have shown more retro figures at the New York toy fair including a Dalek, The 1st Doctor, a Kraal, Mr sin , Li H’sen Chang and a label for Magnus Greel…
54 13 Feb 2012During the 1970’s Denys Fisher in collaboration with US toymaker Mego released various 9″ figures. Included in the range were the Fourth Doctor Leela, K-9 , The Giant Robot K1…
28 10 Feb 2012Can the Doctor, Jo and UNIT stop their old enemy before he succeeds? This is a Doctor Who Convention slipcased edition of the DVD and limited to only 1000 copies!…
63 10 Feb 2012Gareth Roberts will be signing DOCTOR WHO: SHADA (Ebury Books) at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore on Wednesday 14th March from 6 – 7pm…
17 9 Feb 2012The Doctor receives a distress signal while in Tardis, he soon arrives on a large planet and finds a massive temple. The Planet is surrounded with illusions…
38 8 Feb 2012Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 21 – Top 10 Explosions, The Dalek saucer, Where’s The Doctor – Siren galleon, Sontaran stratagem, Hotel horrors and much more …
163 8 Feb 2012These Rory standees are the perfect focus point of any theme party or a gift sure to delight the most avid fan. All cut-outs are designed to be self supporting …
53 8 Feb 2012I’ve never been sure about Valentine’s Day. I mean, all that kissing. Do you Know how many germs there are when people kiss? It’s something I wish I didn’t know!…
63 7 Feb 2012Calcutta, 1926. The Doctor and his companions join an expedition to locate the fabled emerald tiger – a legendary marvel shrouded…
0 7 Feb 2012Get ready to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who with our new range of ‘Classic’ character standees! Star Cutouts are about to launch a new range…
26 6 Feb 2012Usually the Brigadier would call in the Doctor – but on this occasion the Time Lord is being kept out of the loop. Instead, it’s up to Elizabeth Shaw…
0 4 Feb 2012