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Merchandise Archive Page 413

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time (3 of 12)

“Now listen to me!” It’s time to fire up Bessie, as the Third Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11…

25 18 Dec 2012

Let the Daleks hold you captive!

This December, AudioGO have six exciting Doctor Who adventures available for the first time as audio downloads read by a host of famous stars including…

3 17 Dec 2012

Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 44

Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 44. In This issue… Top 10 Rory moments, The Valiant, Zygons V The Empress of Racnoss, V is for Victor Kennedy and more…

130 15 Dec 2012

Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 43

Monster Invasion Magazine Issue 43. In This issue… Christmas gift, Siren V Carrionites, Lets kill Hitler, Where’s The Doctor – Life on Mars, Quiz zone and more…

18 15 Dec 2012

The Talons of Weng-Chiang Audio CD

Diabolical horrors await the Doctor and Leela as the TARDIS lands in Victorian London. Giant rats scamper through the swirling fog as Chinese Tong…

10 13 Dec 2012

Doctor Who The Reign of Terror DVD

Whilst trying to return to London in the 1960’s, the TARDIS instead takes The Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan to France in the eighteenth century…

215 13 Dec 2012

The Ark in Space Special Edition (DVD)

The TARDIS arrives on an apparently deserted and deactivated space station Nerva, otherwise known as the Ark, orbiting Earth in the far future….

117 13 Dec 2012

Doctor Who Adventures issue 299

Doctor Who Adventures issue 299. I’m writing to you from a particularity snowy Victorian London, years and years before you mere born. But with a bit …

119 11 Dec 2012

Character Building Super Rare’s Series 3

The figures include only 500 of the Eleventh Doctor in tuxedo, 250 each of Rory in his nurse’s uniform and River Song in a catsuit, and just 100 each…

155 10 Dec 2012

Doctor Who Magazine Special Volume 6

Doctor Who Magazine takes you behind the scenes of these astonishing episodes with an in-depth episode guide – including original storylines…

15 7 Dec 2012

