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Merchandise Archive Page 393

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Doctor Who Adventures issue 322

In our latest issue of Doctor Who Adventures, Jenna Coleman spills her on-set secrets and reveals what her fave aliens are! And if you’re a fan of all…

60 4 Jun 2013

Doctor Who Time Zone Playset Cold War 1983

Cold War; 1983 – In the cold waters of the Southern Arctic Ocean a Russian nuclear submarine is returning from patrol. As the ‘Cold War’ between the…

235 31 May 2013

Doctor Who Time Zone Dalek Invasion 2075AD

Dalek Invasion; 2075AD and the Daleks have invaded Earth once more. Using their mighty Saucer ships they bombard London driving the surviving population…

293 31 May 2013

20% Off At Toys r Us This weekend

Toys r us are offering 20% off any order on-line or in-store this weekend giving you an ideal opportunity to get the new Doctor/Dalek sets which have now arrived…

64 31 May 2013

Doctor Who Site Comment Rules

The Doctor Who site welcomes constructive comments related to the news article in question. Please try to refrain from posting irrelevant or unnecessary comments…

0 29 May 2013

Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time (5 of 12)

A yearlong celebration of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary continues as the Fifth Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure…

7 29 May 2013

