Doctor Who: Time of the Doctor Poster
Doctor Who Time of the Doctor Poster. Special poster made for the Doctor Who Christmas special Time of the Doctor…
19 13 Dec 2013Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Doctor Who Time of the Doctor Poster. Special poster made for the Doctor Who Christmas special Time of the Doctor…
19 13 Dec 2013Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
1 12 Dec 2013Doctor Who Adventures’ Christmas issue is packed with festive fun! There’s an exciting preview of the Christmas special episode, loads of Doctor Who facts…
30 12 Dec 2013The Statue of Liberty: an icon of freedom and a welcoming signal for all arriving immigrants to the United States. However as every Whovian knows she is…
2 10 Dec 2013This 8″ scaled up, glow-in-the-dark version of the hugely popular Doctor Who 3″ TITANS recreates the Statue of Liberty Weeping Angel, from the 2012 episode…
9 10 Dec 2013Each variety pack includes 5 constructable micro-figures sealed within a large building brick so you never know which character you are going to get…
88 9 Dec 2013Build amazing towers and huge displays of micro-figures by stacking the Display Brix on top of each other. You can even combine Display Brix…
157 9 Dec 2013The 8th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver with Sound FX, Part of wave 2 due shortly but appearing on ebay already…
72 8 Dec 2013Unveiled at the Doctor Who 50th Celebration BBC Shop are happy to offer this 5″ Holographic Tenth Doctor action figure. David Tennant’s translucent…
220 8 Dec 2013Marks & Spencer’s Gift Bazaar Doctor Who Trivia Quiz. 100 Doctor Who Trivia Cards in Marks & Spencer exclusive 50th anniversary packaging…
9 6 Dec 201342 page brochure that includes exclusive interviews with Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman along with a selection of interviews from both companions of the Doctor from…
13 6 Dec 2013The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years…
103 6 Dec 2013The official figurine collector’s magazine that explains how the character evolved. Plus get the inside story behind classic moments, explore 50 years…
57 6 Dec 2013BBC approved and supplied giftboxed. BBC approved and supplied giftboxed. Featuring Daleks, Cybermen, The Tardis and Sonic Screwdriver …
4 6 Dec 2013Are you nervous about traveling through time and space with the Doctor? Daleks got you down? Well squeeze your stress out with this awesome Doctor Who TARDIS…
8 5 Dec 2013Create your own Adipose using the three Adipose figures supplied and it will seem as solid as a statue. When you look away the Adipose will slowly melt into a puddle!…
9 5 Dec 2013All that stress making your cry uncontrollably into your hands? Fret no more, as this Weeping Angel Stress Toy will fix all (or none) of your problems! Squeeze…
9 5 Dec 2013Something odd is going on at the Fetch Brothers Golf Spa Hotel. Receptionist Bryony Mailer has noticed a definite tendency towards disappearance amongst the guests…
7 5 Dec 2013