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Merchandise Archive Page 318

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Doctor Who Tardis Rucksack

Officially licensed Doctor Who Tardis Rucksack, perfect for school, work or the gym. It has one large main zipped compartment and a smaller front pocket…

0 11 Feb 2015

TARDIS Tea Infuser (Now Available in The UK)

There are few things as British as a spot of tea. Although for some of them it seems like it was mostly a vehicle for patty cakes and Jammie Dodgers, most (if not all) of the…

6 11 Feb 2015

Doctor Who – TARDIS Apron

If you have a knack for fruitcakes and want to look good you want to look good while baking soufflès this TARDIS Apron is just the ticket!…

0 11 Feb 2015

Doctor Who – Set of 2 Glasses Daleks & Cybermen

Available to order from Cybermen were a “race” of cybernetically augmented humanoids. They varied greatly in design, with different factions throughout time and space. The two major groups, from which all other known versions derived, were the Mondasian Cybermen, which originated on the planet Mondas – Earth’s twin planet in the Doctor’s universe – […]

1 10 Feb 2015

Doctor Who – Retro Bag Cybermen

Cybermen were a “race” of cybernetically augmented humanoids. They varied greatly in design, with different factions throughout time and space…

4 10 Feb 2015

Doctor Who – Dalek Bowl Exterminate

The Daleks fought the Time Lords in the Last Great Time War, ending in the near-total destruction of the Dalek race. Intensely xenophobic and bent on…

1 10 Feb 2015

Doctor Who – Duffle Bag Exterminate

Intensely xenophobic and bent on universal domination after the destruction of their own planet, the Daleks were hated and feared throughout time and space…

6 10 Feb 2015

