The Eleventh Doctor Archives Omnibus Volume 2
Join the Doctor, Amy, and Rorys ventures to the farthest corners of the galaxy, as they take part in a real-life crime noir case; face time-stealing…
2 17 May 2015Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Join the Doctor, Amy, and Rorys ventures to the farthest corners of the galaxy, as they take part in a real-life crime noir case; face time-stealing…
2 17 May 2015Join the Time Lord and his companions as they become entangled in the hunt for Britains most infamous serial killer; encounter fearsome Vikings…
7 17 May 2015We have 2 Series 8 Soundtracks to give away. One Limited edition which includes an extra 16 page booklet and one standard edition for the runner up…
223 16 May 2015Win one of only 500 limited edition Silurian figures. rafted by artists at the Robert Harrop studios in the UK this superbly detailed sculpture is hand painted to…
279 16 May 2015You are bidding on one Doctor Who 12th Doctor Caretaker 3 3/4inch Paintmaster. Used to show the manufacturing factory exactly how the paint decoration…
5 15 May 2015You are bidding on one Doctor Who 12th Doctor Caretaker 3 3/4inch Paintmaster. Used to show the manufacturing factory exactly how the paint decoration…
2 15 May 2015You are bidding on one 11th Doctors Sonic Screwdriver First Shot in Packaging. The packaging is for River Songs Future Sonic Screwdriver….
7 15 May 2015Your opportunity to join a select and limited number of Doctor Who fans and enjoy the company of Sylvester McCoy; BBC TV (7th) Doctor Who and The Hobbit…
2 15 May 2015The House of Winter Exclusive to audio, the story is the second of four that are linked by a story arc featuring members of the Winter dynasty….
1 15 May 2015Imagine everyone’s surprise when a time portal opens up in Sydney Cove. Imagine their shock as a massive pyramid now sits beside the Harbour Bridge…
1 15 May 2015The Doctor finds himself at Bletchley Park, during World War Two. Colin Baker (The Doctor), Miranda Raison (Constance Clarke), Written By Matt Fitton…
10 14 May 2015Charity Auction Reaper One of Only Two Cast Resin Paintmasters. You are bidding on One of only Two cast Resin Paintmasters used in the development of the…
11 14 May 2015Once it was a mining facility. Then later its corridors rang with screams generated by grotesque military experiments. However when the Doctor and Mel…
9 13 May 2015Whilst Mel is helping with repairs, the Doctor begins to realise that not everything in the warehouse is as it seems. Why do no goods ever seem to leave the…
9 13 May 2015The second issue of Panini’s regenerated Doctor Who Adventures hits the newsstands on 21st May, and promises more thrills, more adventures…
13 13 May 2015The year is 1987, and Britain is divided. In Bradford, strikers are picketing and clashing with the police. In the City of London, stockbrokers are…
8 13 May 2015St Pancras James Goss City of Death Signing Event Thursday 21st May 6.30pm -7.30pm with wine, Doctor Who props and Live Music from the show…
0 13 May 2015Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
26 12 May 2015