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Merchandise Archive Page 274

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

My Geek Box Doctor Who Sherlock Offers

My Geek Box Currently Have Doctor Who Sherlock Titans at £2.99, 2 Selected Pocket Pop keychains for £8 and 2 Selected Doctor Who Funko pop for £17…

5 26 Feb 2016

Tardis Collectors ZBOX Ltd to 3000

Zavvi is proud to present the TARDIS collector’s box, stuffed with brand new and exclusive merchandise from the most popular British sci-fi franchise in history…

72 26 Feb 2016

Rubbertoe Shark Eaten Sonic Screwdriver

Rubbertoe Replicas is pleased to offer this replica of the 11th Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver, after it has been bitten in two by a ‘sky-shark’, in the 2010…

0 26 Feb 2016

Doctor Who Titan Comic UK Vol 2 Issue 6

Things are heating up in this grand finale issue of Doctor Who Comic! This time: the Twelfth Doctor and Clara face Fusion Angels and the terrifying might of the Hyperions…

12 25 Feb 2016

Big Finish Torchwood 2.3 Ghost Mission

Under the strict observation of his Torchwood Assessor, Andy sets out to prove he’s got what it takes. When a chemical spill turns out to have serious…

1 21 Feb 2016

Big Finish Torchwood 2.2 Zone 10

She’s uncovered a message which leads her to Russia, and into an uneasy alliance with the KVI – the Russian equivalent of Torchwood. Toshiko needs to get…

6 20 Feb 2016

Robert Harrop Doctor Who 1968 Yeti

The Great Intelligence and the Yeti make their first appearance in ‘The Abominable Snowmen’during the time of the Second Doctor, portrayed by Patrick Troughton…

16 19 Feb 2016

Robert Harrop Doctor Who 2012 Snowman

The Doctor, still despondent after losing his former companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams, has parked his TARDIS above Victorian London among the clouds…

17 19 Feb 2016

Robert Harrop Doctor Who 1975 Osiran Sutekh

Sutekh, also known as Sutekh the Destroyer, destroyed his home planet Phaester Osiris and left a trail of destruction across half the galaxy. Variations of Sutekh’s..

6 19 Feb 2016

Robert Harrop Doctor Who 1975 Zygon

The Zygons first appeared in ‘Terror of the Zygons’ and have the unique ability to replicate the appearance of another being at will, although they must…

2 19 Feb 2016

Doctor Who Funko Pop! K9

Limited edition of the trusty companion of both 4th and later Doctor’s assistant Sarah Jane Smith. K-9 was made by Professor Marius in the year 5000…

44 18 Feb 2016

