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Merchandise Archive Page 273

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Doctor Who Titan Comics 11th Doctor Volume 4

Accused of terrible war crimes that he can’t remember committing, the Eleventh Doctor goes on the run with his companion Alice Obiefune, along with a mysterious…

1 29 Feb 2016

Doctor Who Magazine Issue 497

Doctor Who Magazine Issue 497. You can keep up to date with Doctor Who magazine, see larger images of this and other covers on their Facebook Page…

20 29 Feb 2016

Doctor Who Titan Comics 12th Doctor Volume 3

The Doctor and Clara face impossible odds as the Hyperions – a race of sentient suns who scorched the universe until the Time Lords brought their reign of terror…

0 29 Feb 2016

Big Finish Torchwood 2.4 Moving Targets

One morning, Cardiff just stops. The rain hangs in the sky, the traffic doesn’t move on its streets, the people are frozen like photographs. Alien eyes have set…

5 28 Feb 2016

The Second Doctor Companion Chronicles Vol 1

A new four-disc release featuring four tales from figures associated with the Second Doctor era, and a second actor. The TARDIS arrives in 1920s England, the Doctor…

2 28 Feb 2016

Peter Capaldi HMV Bond Street Signing

Doctor Who star Peter Capaldi, will be appearing at hmv Bond Street to meet fans and sign copies of the new critically acclaimed Doctor Who Series 9…

16 28 Feb 2016

SFX Guard Dalek The Chase

The Daleks were born without any ability to feel compassion or pity and were motivated only by hate, fear, and an implaccable belief that they were the superior

20 27 Feb 2016

Dr Who Figurine Collection #67 Scaroth

Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…

7 27 Feb 2016

