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Merchandise Archive Page 246

Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive

Dr Who Figurine Collection #85 Vigil

Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…

9 3 Nov 2016

Dr Who Figurine Collection #84 Monoid

Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…

12 3 Nov 2016

David J Howe Merchandise Museum Project

Since the seventies, historian David J Howe has been collecting merchandise, magazines, original costumes, artwork and props. He arguably holds the biggest

0 3 Nov 2016

Doctor Who Adipose Christmas Tree Ornament

We just can’t resist! So we take our thinspiration from the Adipose, those adorable alien rapscallions of Doctor Who, who taught us that it’s okay to literally

3 29 Oct 2016

Doctor Who Power of the Daleks Animation DVD

50 years after its only UK broadcast on BBC One, one of Doctor Who’s most celebrated, lost adventures is regenerated, with a brand new hand-drawn black and white animation…

269 28 Oct 2016

Warlord Games Zygons

Able to metamorphose into replicas of other living organisms and fire electrical charges from their hands that can stun or disintegrate those it touches…

7 28 Oct 2016

Warlord Games Judoon

Single-minded in their pursuit of the law, these black armoured Rhinoceroid bipeds serve as a mercenary intergalactic police force affiliated to the Shadow Proclamation…

3 28 Oct 2016

Gallifrey Edition Statue 2nd Doctor

This piece itself is made from polystone and once set on it’s base, stands 9” tall. It is presented in a high-quality, fully illustrated closed gift box…

57 27 Oct 2016

