The Complete History Book Collection Issue 62
Doctor Who Complete History goes behind the TV cameras to document the making of the world’s longest running science fiction series from 1963 to the present day…
8 29 Nov 2017Below are all the posts in the merchandise archive
Doctor Who Complete History goes behind the TV cameras to document the making of the world’s longest running science fiction series from 1963 to the present day…
8 29 Nov 2017Doctor Who Complete History goes behind the TV cameras to document the making of the world’s longest running science fiction series from 1963 to the present day…
4 29 Nov 2017Even Time Lord’s run out of socks every once in a while, so make sure you have plenty with this Doctor Who pack…
7 29 Nov 2017The first officially licensed annual collectible coin for BBC’s Doctor Who celebrates series ten of this British…
1 29 Nov 2017One of the doctors most loyal companions, K9, is available now for FREE when you buy all 6 doctors in this fantastic multi-buy set!..
7 29 Nov 2017The First Doctor has been characterised as a crotchety old man but he was so much more, displaying childish deligh…
0 29 Nov 2017The Fifth Doctor was the Time Lord’s most youthful incarnation up to that point in his life but there was more…
8 29 Nov 2017Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
8 29 Nov 2017Celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who this fantastic new figurine collection. The series draws from every era show and includes all eleven versions of the Doctor…
10 29 Nov 2017The weeping angels descend on the Doctor, but his companions, old and new, have a few tricks up their sleeves to help him out!..
8 28 Nov 2017The Doctor risks saying goodbye to Gabby and Cindy forever – But have their adventures together caused irreparable damage?…
5 28 Nov 2017In his many adventures, the Doctor has to manage time, space and relative dimensions: luckily though, those of us on Earth just need to manage our time…
31 27 Nov 2017This issue, the Tenth Doctor conclusion to the War of Gods! Then, the Eleventh Doctor and Alice face a rogue Silent..
10 27 Nov 2017“Welcome to the Traveller’s Halt. You’re in luck – we have one room left. My name is Bilis Manger. Let me show you to your room”…
0 26 Nov 2017Imagine. All those people. The ones who make each day that little bit harder. That little bit more unbearable…
9 26 Nov 2017Sgt Andy Davidson wakes up in the 1950s. He’s chained to a bed, his clothes are missing and the building’s on fire…
2 26 Nov 2017Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams are on the run from a cataclysm. They’re the only survivors – But there’s something…
0 26 Nov 2017A signal in a Welsh mountain is calling an ancient battlefleet to Earth. Owen Harper and Ianto Jones…
3 26 Nov 2017