Re-Release Doctor Who Age of Steel Cyberman Set
Re-Release Age of Steel Cyberman Set – Figure set includes Cybermen from the classic stories The Tenth Planet, Tomb of The Cybermen and The Invasion….
147 29 Sep 2012Below are all the posts categorised under Doctor Who 5″ scale figures
Re-Release Age of Steel Cyberman Set – Figure set includes Cybermen from the classic stories The Tenth Planet, Tomb of The Cybermen and The Invasion….
147 29 Sep 2012Rory Williams, Mr. Pond or “The Last Centurion” is Amy’s husband, a straightforward sort of bloke who was initially wary of the Doctor and his constant…
704 22 Sep 2012Amy Pond’s fiancée who, on his stag night found himself whisked away in the TARDIS. After defeating the Saturnynes and the Dream Lord, Rory was killed saving…
410 21 Sep 2012Action Figure Collectors Set: 5th Doctor Castrovalva – Post-regeneration Fifth Doctor action figure, Shrunken figure accessory, Master’s TARDIS as a Stone Column…
203 14 Sep 2012Featuring the following six Daleks, Bronze Dalek (2005), Dalek Invasion of Earth, Power of the Daleks, Planet of the Daleks, Revelation of the Daleks and Death to the Daleks…
908 1 Aug 2012Our own images of The Victory of The Daleks set . Contains: 1 Winston Churchill action figure with alternate head & right hand 1 Ironside Dalek action figure with Tea Tray arm…
800 16 Jul 2012Now you get to be his master and take him home to look after him in the shape of this highly detailed and hand-painted resin figurine…
103 28 Apr 2012Two alien seed pods are found buried in the Antarctic permafrost. The Fourth Doctor, accompanied by Sarah-Jane Smith, realises that they are from a Krynoid…
206 26 Mar 2012Remembrance of the Daleks 1988 Set Contains Dalek Emperor Davros and Destroyed Imperial Dalek action figure. The Daleks are focusing their search around Coal Hill School…
416 3 Feb 2012Doctor Who Attack of the Cybermen 1985 Set Contains Peri action figure and Rogue Cyberman action figure (with detachable faceplate) and Cybergun accessory…
207 2 Feb 2012Action Figure Collectors Set: Image Of The Fendahl. An anachronistic twelve-million-year-old human skull has been discovered by archaeologists…
162 10 Jan 2012K9 OFFICIAL COLLECTOR’S FIGURINE The Who Shop is pleased to announce that they have arranged with the manufacturer an exclusive limited 500 units…
68 3 Jan 2012The Keeper Traken Action Figure Set The Fourth Doctor in Waistcoat, The Master Decayed, Melkur Master’s TARDIS as a Grandfather Clock and Source…
195 29 Dec 2011True classics from the First Doctor’s era: A ‘Daleks’ Master Plan’ Dalek figure with the rarely seen flame arm, the chilling Roboman figure and the historic Cyberman…
167 29 Dec 2011Enemies of the Third Doctor Collectors’ Set: Includes Drashig hand puppet figure, Omega action figure with Detachable head and Auton action figure…
346 24 Dec 2011After a secret meeting in space with a group of mysterious aliens, the Fourth Doctor takes Leela to Gallifrey so he can claim the Presidency of the Time Lords…
163 29 Nov 2011Doctor Who Action Figures Wave 1d. This wave is similar to wave 2d with 3 minor variants. This wave is in the new series 6 packaging…
517 29 Nov 2011Recreate scenes from Closing Time with this replica electronic patrolling Cybermat with motorised tail action. Watch as it hunts, patrols and changes direction…
279 21 Nov 2011