Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Electric Toothbrush
Even Time Lords develop tartar, and Gallifreyan gingivitis can be nasty, which is why our good Doctor developed this handy toothbrush attachment for the Sonic ….
35 4 Sep 2012Below are all the posts categorised under Novelty
Even Time Lords develop tartar, and Gallifreyan gingivitis can be nasty, which is why our good Doctor developed this handy toothbrush attachment for the Sonic ….
35 4 Sep 2012Doctor Who Tardis Night Light – Illuminate the night with this TARDIS night light! Based on Doctor Who, this night light uses a 7-watt bulb….
19 24 Aug 2012This detailed TARDIS table lamp features both light and sounds taken from the hit BBC series Doctor Who. The double-sided shade features the Doctor and Amy…
13 24 Aug 2012Doctor Who retro style Tardis and Series 5 Dalek Lunch boxes featuring the Tardis with explosive background and the supreme, eternal and drone Daleks…
10 16 Aug 2012Doctor Who Torchwood – Captain Jack Towelling Robe. Design subject to final approval. Expected on Thursday 15 November, 2012…
33 19 Jul 2012Bif Bang Pow! Davros / Dalek Bobble Head – Davros and Dalek bobble heads seem to be in the works along with already seen products from Bif Bang Pow!…
8 15 Jul 2012Doctor Who Dalek Eye Sound Torch Plays Dalek sounds when torch is turned on. “You are the Doctor, you must be Exterminated.” “You must be Exterminated.” “Scan reveals nothing.”
27 11 Jul 2012Show the world your love for the longest-running science-fiction TV show of all time. Now you can have your Doctor Who favourite characters with you wherever you…
12 18 Jun 2012This awesome Dr Who Tardis Fizz Pod contains a cool figure from the Dr Who series and an additional mystery hidden figure inside the Tardis Fizz Pod…
38 17 May 2012It’s pretty tough to top having a TARDIS sitting there on your monitor each time you sit down at the computer. This dark-blue pseudo-phone box based on…
6 5 May 2012With this extraordinary TARDIS Bobble Head based on the Classic Series, the entire TARDIS bobbles… and it includes the signature materialize…
10 5 May 2012Doctor Who – Tardis Ceramic Cookie Jar. This Ceramic Cookie Jar joins the line up of the already announced Tardis Mug and Tardis shaped tea pot…
14 1 May 2012Just step on the pedal to open the roof and activate the police box light detail and Tardis Materialise sound effect, and when your rubbish is safely deposited…
120 23 Mar 2012Doctor Who Sticky Notes 6 different note pads with over 300 sticky notes- add another dimension to your memos! Please note we can only find these for sale in the USA….
27 14 Mar 2012Get ready to hide behind the couch or be exterminated! The new Inflatable Dalek from HGL has landed! This awesome Dalek is the ultimate gift for Dr Who fans…
38 8 Mar 2012Doctor Who Step in Inflatable Tardis For indoor or outdoor use.170cm tall. We saw this first hand at this years toy fair and it looked pretty smart…
32 8 Mar 2012Forbidden Planet Doctor Who T Shirts featuring the 9th and 11tth Doctors, Time of angels, wibbly wobbly timey wimey, dont blink, Vworp Vworp and more…
43 27 Feb 2012Doctor Who T-Shirts: 9th Doctor Costume (Forbidden Planet Exclusive. “Nice to meet you, Rose. Run for your life!” Expected end of March…
10 24 Feb 2012