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Novelty Category

Below are all the posts categorised under Novelty

Doctor Who – Adipose Silicone Purse

This may look like a cute, yet deadly Adipose from Doctor Who, but it’s actually a cute, yet handy silicone purse – an “Adi-purse,” if you will. Made of silicone….

2 9 Sep 2014

Doctor Who -Tardis Large Purse

Looking for a purse that’s bigger on the inside? Then look no further! With compartments for cards, cash and psychic paper, the TARDIS purse is a must have for…

3 9 Sep 2014

Doctor Who Tardis Embossed Wallet

Travel through time and space with Doctor Who! With compartments for cards, cash and psychic paper, the embossed TARDIS wallet is a must have for any stylish Whovian…

7 9 Sep 2014

Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Washing Brush

In Doctor Who, the Time Lord’s remarkable Sonic Screwdriver can do just about anything, but did you know it can wash your dishes? Check it out. The Doctor Who…

7 28 Aug 2014

Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Peeler

If you’re a fan of Doctor Who, you already know that his amazing Sonic Screwdriver can do almost anything, but here’s the proof. This Doctor Who Sonic…

7 28 Aug 2014

Doctor Who 3-Piece Bath Towel Set (USA)

3-piece TARDIS towel set. In TARDIS blue, this bath, hand, and washcloth each feature an embroidered black satin stripe that reads “Police Public Call Box,” just like the top…

4 29 Jul 2014

DWE Exclusive River Song Diary Notebook

Now available exclusively to the Doctor Who store, are the highly anticipated iPhone 5 &5s TARDIS silicone case (£11.99) and River Song Diary notebook (£9.99). Designed..

15 21 Jul 2014

Doctor Who Tardis Shower Curtain

Doctor Who Tardis Shower Curtain. The Doctor Who TARDIS Shower Curtain DOES NOT make your shower bigger on the inside, but it is damn cool!…

10 18 Jul 2014

Doctor Who Dalek Shaped PVC Coaster

Doctor Who Dalek Shaped PVC Coaster. You want your friends and family to know just how much of a Doctor Who fan you are? I’m sure this coaster will give them an inkling.

4 18 Jul 2014

Doctor Who Tardis PVC Shaped Coaster

Doctor Who Tardis PVC Shaped Coaster. You want your friends and family to know just how much of a Doctor Who fan you are? I’m sure this coaster will give them an inkling…

1 18 Jul 2014

Bigger on the Inside Tardis Welcome Mat

Travel through time and space with Doctor Who and this TARDIS welcome mat! Is your home bigger on the inside? Then this TARDIS welcome mat is the one for you…

1 17 Jul 2014

Police Box Bird Feeder

This bird feeder can hold up to two pounds of wild bird seed, enough to make you wonder if it’s bigger on the inside than the outside…

13 16 Jun 2014

Doctor Who Dalek Night Light

This 6″ white Dalek plugs into your wall outlet and keeps the nightmares at bay. Unless you think Daleks are…

11 14 Jun 2014

Doctor Who Resin Tardis Bookends

Looking for a place to keep your 500 Year Diary, Riversong’s Journal and copy of Summer Falls? Then look no further! These TARDIS bookends are just the thing!…

24 6 Jun 2014

