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CD Category

Below are all the posts categorised under CD

Big Finish 210 The Peterloo Massacre

Lost in the smog of the Industrial Revolution, the TARDIS crashes four miles south of Manchester, in the grounds of Hurley Hall – a grand mansion belonging…

0 30 Dec 2015

Big Finish 209 Aquitaine

Today should be much like every other day for Hargreaves, the computer consciousness that co-ordinates daily life aboard the spaceship Aquitaine…

0 30 Dec 2015

Big Finish 208 The Waters of Amsterdam

Reunited with the Doctor and Nyssa, Tegan joins them on a trip to Amsterdam’s Rijkmuseum to see a new exhibition of the work of Rembrandt van Rijn…

0 30 Dec 2015

Big Finish 4th Doctor 5.05 Gallery of Ghouls

The Randomiser brings the travellers to the future site of Brighton Pavilion, where a travelling waxworks has set up a show. But what horrors does Madame Tissot’s…

0 3 Nov 2015

Doctor Who Shadow in the Glass Audio CD

When an RAF squadron shoots down an unidentified aircraft over Turelhampton, the village is immediately evacuated. But why is the village still guarded…

2 1 Nov 2015

Doctor Who Death to the Daleks Audio CD

An unabridged reading of this classic novelisation, based on a BBC TV adventure featuring the Third Doctor. A mysterious power loss strands the TARDIS…

1 1 Nov 2015

